Select distinct count after count? - sql

I'll cut right to the chase: I have a select I'm currently writing with a rather lengthy where clause, what I want to do is calculate percentages.
So what I need is the count of all results and then my each distinct counts.
SELECT distinct count(*)
FROM mytable
WHERE mywhereclause
ORDER BY columnIuseInWhereClause
works fine for getting each individual values, but I want to avoid doing something like
Select (Select count(*) from mytable WHERE mywhereclause),
distinct count(*)
FROM mytable
WHERE mywhereclause
because I'd be using the same where-clause twice which just seems unnecessary.
This is for OracleDB but I'm only using standard SQL syntax, nothing database specific if I can help it.
Thanks for any ideas.
Sample Data
1 | A
2 | A
3 | B
4 | C
I want the occurances of A, B, C as numbers as well as the overall count.
4 | 2 | 1 | 1
So I can get to
100% | 50% | 25% | 25%
That last part I can probably figure out on my own. Excuse my lack of experience or even logic thinking, it's early in the morning. ;)
I do have written a query that works but is clumsy and long as all holy heck, this one is for trying with group by.

select count(*) as CountAll,
count(distinct SomeColumn) as CoundDistinct -- The DISTINCT goes inside the brackets
from myTable
where SomeOtherColumn = 'Something'

Use case expressions to do conditional counting:
select count(*) as CountAll,
count(case when someValue = 'A' then 1 end) as ACounts,
count(case when someValue = 'B' then 1 end) as BCounts,
count(case when someValue = 'C' then 1 end) as CCounts
FROM mytable
WHERE mywhereclause
Wrap it up in a derived table to do the % part easy:
select 100,
ACounts * 100 / CountAll,
BCounts * 100 / CountAll,
CCounts * 100 / CountAll
select count(*) as CountAll,
count(case when someValue = 'A' then 1 end) as ACounts,
count(case when someValue = 'B' then 1 end) as BCounts,
count(case when someValue = 'C' then 1 end) as CCounts
FROM mytable
WHERE mywhereclause
) dt

Here's an alternative using window function:
with data_table(ID, some_value)
SELECT DISTINCT [some_value],
COUNT([some_value]) OVER () AS Count_All,
COUNT([some_value]) OVER (PARTITION BY [some_value]) AS 'Counts' FROM [data_table]
ORDER BY [some_value]
The advantage is that you don't have to hard-code your [some_value]


SQL getting values that apear once, not distinct

Having touble getting only values that appear once. I currently have some sql code that gets out the all the entries that have 0 percent. The problem is that two rows can contain the same person With different percentages. If one of these is above 0 then i dont want it to come out in the Query
abridged table:
Name - Percent
steve 0
dan 0
mike 100
harold 50
steve 80
carl 0
carl 0
dan - 0
Carl - 0
Here is how far ive gotten, but not managed to make any variation of Count() or having or Group by working.
select person, Value2, Value3, Value4, percent
INNER JOIN Table1 ON Table2.valueNum = Table1.valueNum
INNER JOINTable1 ON Table3.valueNum = Table1.valueNum
INNER JOIN Table1 ON Table4.valueNum = Table1.valueNum
(#date BETWEEN table1.FROMDATE AND table1.todate)
AND table1.percent = 0
AND table1.varchar IN ('T', 'X')
This is one method
select name,0 as percent from abridged
group by name
having min(percent)=0 and max(percent)=0
Your example SQL and abridged table don't match. However, this looks like the basic idea you are after:
dbo.table a
a.percent = 0 and
not exists (
dbo.table b
a.Name = b.Name and
b.percent > 0
I would just use window functions:
with t as (
<your query here>
select t.*
from (select t.*, count(*) over (partition by name) as cnt
from t
) t
where cnt = 1;
To resolve your problem you can use this query:
select [name], 0 as [percent] from [abridged]
group by [name]
having sum([percent])=0
This should solve your problem right?
select name,sum([percent]) from abridged
group by name
having SUM([percent]) = 0
SELECT distinct name, min(percentage) from a
group by name
having min(percentage) = 0
and count(*) > 1;

Looping in select query

I want to do something like this:
select id,
count(*) as total,
FOR temp IN SELECT DISTINCT somerow FROM mytable ORDER BY somerow LOOP
sum(case when somerow = temp then 1 else 0 end) temp,
from mytable
group by id
order by id
I created working select:
select id,
count(*) as total,
sum(case when somerow = 'a' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_a,
sum(case when somerow = 'b' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_b,
sum(case when somerow = 'c' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_c,
sum(case when somerow = 'd' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_d,
sum(case when somerow = 'e' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_e,
sum(case when somerow = 'f' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_f,
sum(case when somerow = 'g' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_g,
sum(case when somerow = 'h' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_h,
sum(case when somerow = 'i' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_i,
sum(case when somerow = 'j' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_j,
sum(case when somerow = 'k' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_k
from mytable
group by id
order by id
this works, but it is 'static' - if some new value will be added to 'somerow' I will have to change sql manually to get all the values from somerow column, and that is why I'm wondering if it is possible to do something with for loop.
So what I want to get is this:
id somerow_a somerow_b ....
0 3 2 ....
1 2 10 ....
2 19 3 ....
. ... ...
. ... ...
. ... ...
So what I'd like to do is to count all the rows which has some specific letter in it and group it by id (this id isn't primary key, but it is repeating - for id there are about 80 different values possible).!15/18feb/2
Are arrays good for you? (SQL Fiddle)
sum(totalcol) as total,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
id | total | somecol | totalcol
1 | 6 | {b,a,c} | {2,1,3}
2 | 5 | {d,f} | {2,3}
In 9.2 it is possible to have a set of JSON objects (Fiddle)
select row_to_json(s)
from (
sum(totalcol) as total,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
) s
In 9.3, with the addition of lateral, a single object (Fiddle)
select to_json(format('{%s}', (string_agg(j, ','))))
from (
select format('%s:%s', to_json(id), to_json(c)) as j
sum(totalcol) as total_sum,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol_array,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol_array
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
) s
cross join lateral
total_sum as total,
somecol_array as somecol,
totalcol_array as totalcol
) c
) s
In 9.2 it is also possible to have a single object in a more convoluted way using subqueries in instead of lateral
SQL is very rigid about the return type. It demands to know what to return beforehand.
For a completely dynamic number of resulting values, you can only use arrays like #Clodoaldo posted. Effectively a static return type, you do not get individual columns for each value.
If you know the number of columns at call time ("semi-dynamic"), you can create a function taking (and returning) polymorphic parameters. Closely related answer with lots of details:
Dynamic alternative to pivot with CASE and GROUP BY
(You also find a related answer with arrays from #Clodoaldo there.)
Your remaining option is to use two round-trips to the server. The first to determine the the actual query with the actual return type. The second to execute the query based on the first call.
Else, you have to go with a static query. While doing that, I see two nicer options for what you have right now:
1. Simpler expression
select id
, count(*) AS total
, count(somecol = 'a' OR NULL) AS somerow_a
, count(somecol = 'b' OR NULL) AS somerow_b
, ...
from mytable
group by id
order by id;
How does it work?
Compute percents from SUM() in the same SELECT sql query
SQL Fiddle.
2. crosstab()
crosstab() is more complex at first, but written in C, optimized for the task and shorter for long lists. You need the additional module tablefunc installed. Read the basics here if you are not familiar:
PostgreSQL Crosstab Query
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id)::int AS total
, somecol
, count(*)::int AS ct -- casting to int, don't think you need bigint?
FROM mytable
$$SELECT unnest('{a,b,c,d}'::text[])$$
) AS f (id int, total int, a int, b int, c int, d int);

Select Distinct Attribute and Print out Count of another even when the count is 0

I don't quite know how I should describe the problem for title, but here's my question.
I have a table named hello with two columns named time and state.
Time | State
Here's an example of the data I have
1 DC
1 VA
1 VA
2 DC
2 MD
3 MD
3 MD
3 VA
3 DC
I would like to get all the possible time and the count of "VA" (0 if "VA" doesn't appear at the time)
The output would look like this
Time Number
1 2
2 0
3 1
I tried to do
COUNT(state) as Number
FROM hello
WHERE state = 'VA'
but it doesn't seem to work.
This is a conditional aggregation:
select time, sum(case when state = 'VA' then 1 else 0 end) as NumVA
from hello
group by time
I want to add that you should never use distinct when you have a group by. The two are redundant. Distinct as a keyword is not even needed in the SQL language; semantically, it is just shorthand for grouping by all the columns.
FROm tableName
SQLFiddle Demo
One rule of thumb is to get your counts first and put them into a temp for use later.
See below:
Create table temp(Num int, [state] varchar(2))
Insert into temp(Num,[state])
Select 1,'DC'
Select 1,'VA'
Select 1,'VA'
Select 2,'DC'
Select 2,'MD'
Select 3,'MD'
Select 3,'MD'
Select 3,'VA'
Select 3,'DC'
Select t.Num [Time],t.[State]
, CASE WHEN t.[state] = 'VA' THEN Count(t.[State]) ELSE 0 END [Number]
INTO #temp2
From temp t
Group by t.Num, t.[state]
--drop table #temp2
From #temp2 t2
group by t2.[time]

Union of two tables but show which table the data came from

I have two tables:
Fields: Trans Amend Trans Amend
data: 100 0 100 0
100 1
110 0
120 0
120 1
130 0 130 0
130 1
140 0 140 0
150 0 150 0
150 1 150 1
150 2
What I want is a table (view) that will combine (union) these to tables but will only show the highest Amend for each Trans
Looking for this as the answer:
Fields: Trans Amend
data: 100 1
110 0
120 1
130 1
140 0
150 2
Then to make it harder, I would like to know if there is a way I can tell from which table the data is coming from. Table A always wins when Record A and Record B are equal
Looking for this as the answer:
Fields: Trans Amend WhichTBL
data: 100 1 Table_A
110 0 Table_A
120 1 Table_B
130 1 Table_B
140 0 Table_A
150 2 Table_A
I know a UNION can't be done to get this result.
What if you added a string in your select and aliased it as a column?
SELECT Trans, Amend, 'Table_A' as WhichTBL
FROM (your 1st select query)
SELECT Trans, Amend, 'Table_B' as WhichTBL
FROM (your 2nd select query)
In Teradata SQL you would do the following, not sure about SQL Server:
select trans,amend,WhichTBL from
select trans,amend,'Table_A' WhichTBL from Table_A
select trans,amend,'Table_B' WhichTBL from Table_B
) X
qualify row_number() over(partition by trans order by amend desc, WhichTBL) = 1
order by trans;
A version using Lucero's suggestion if your SQL doesn't have a QUALIFY clause:
select trans,amend,WhichTBL from
select x.*,row_number() over(partition by trans order by amend desc, WhichTBL) as rn
select trans,amend,'Table_A' as WhichTBL from Table_A
select trans,amend,'Table_B' as WhichTBL from Table_B
) Derived1 as X
) Derived2
where rn = 1
order by trans;
would this work?
trans, MAX(max_amend) as max_max_amend
'a' AS src, trans, MAX(amend) AS max_amend
'b' AS src, trans, MAX(amend) AS max_amend
trans) m
Lucero's point below is correct, the min(src) would be on the global set, not the related max()
I think you'd have to combine the source and table values into one column you can max. In your example, adding 1 to the value is all you need to distinguish the sources, like:
SELECT trans, Max(amend) AS MaxOfamend, 1+[amend] AS isa, 0 AS isb
GROUP BY trans
but you could add 100, or multiply by a big value, or whatever works with your data. The idea is to combine the two pieces of information, the amend value and the source, into one column.
Then, after the information is combined, you get the max of that value, then strip off the source flag by uncombining them (subtracting 1, dividing by 100, whatever)
OK, here's what I got:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[viewA] AS
SELECT trans, MAX(amend + .20) AS srcIsA, 0 AS srcIsb
FROM dbo.tableA
GROUP BY trans
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[viewB] AS
SELECT trans, 0 AS srcIsA, MAX(amend + .10) AS srcIsB
FROM dbo.tableB
GROUP BY trans
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[viewU] AS
SELECT * from viewA
union all
select *
FROM viewb
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[viewv] AS
SELECT trans, srcIsA, srcIsb, srcIsA + srcIsb AS total
FROM dbo.viewU
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vieww] AS
SELECT trans, MAX(total) AS max_total
FROM dbo.viewv
GROUP BY trans
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[viewx] AS
SELECT trans,
CAST(max_total AS int) AS maxval,
CASE WHEN (max_total - CAST(max_total AS int)) = .1 THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END AS src
FROM dbo.vieww
I want to offer that you can do this with a join and aggregation, using standard SQL:
select coalesce(a.trans, b.trans) as trans,
(case when coalesce(max(b.amend), -1) > coalesce(max(a.amend), -1)
then max(b.amend)
else max(a.amend)
end) as amend,
(case when coalesce(max(b.amend), -1) > coalesce(max(a.amend) , -1)
then 'B' else 'A'
end) as whichTable
from Table_A a full outer join
Table_B b
on a.trans = b.trans
group by coalesce(a.trans, b.trans)
If Amend only has value 1 and 0
then the first question can be done
select Trans,sum(Amend) AmendMax from (select Trans,Amend from TABLE_A
union select Trans,Amend from TABLE_B) C group by Trans
the secound question would be
select Trans,max(Amend) Amend,case when sum(s)=1 or sum(s)=2 or sum(s)=21
then 'Table-A' when sum(s)=10 or sum(s)=12 or sum(s)=20 then 'Table-B'
when sum(s)=11 or sum(s)=22 then 'Table-A and B' end s from
(select case when max(Amend)=1 then 1 else 2 end s,Trans,max(Amend) Amend from TABLE_A
group by Trans union select case when max(Amend)=1
then 10 else 20 end s,Trans,max(Amend) Amend from TABLE_B group by Trans) C group by Trans

Get the distinct count of values from a table with multiple where clauses

My table structure is this
id last_mod_dt nr is_u is_rog is_ror is_unv
1 x uuid1 1 1 1 0
2 y uuid1 1 0 1 1
3 z uuid2 1 1 1 1
I want the count of rows with:
is_ror=1 or is_rog =1
All in a single query. Is it possible?
The problem I am facing is that there can be same values for nr as is the case in the table above.
Case statments provide mondo flexibility...
when is_ror = 1 or is_rog = 1 then 1
else 0
end) FirstCount
when is_u = 1 then 1
else 0
end) SecondCount
when is_unv = 1 then 1
else 0
end) ThirdCount
from MyTable
you can use union to get multiple results e.g.
select count(*) from table with is_ror=1 or is_rog =1
select count(*) from table with is_u=1
select count(*) from table with is_unv=1
Then the result set will contain three rows each with one of the counts.
Sounds pretty simple if "all in a single query" does not disqualify subselects;
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT nr) FROM table1 WHERE is_ror=1 OR is_rog=1) cnt_ror_reg,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT nr) FROM table1 WHERE is_u=1) cnt_u,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT nr) FROM table1 WHERE is_unv=1) cnt_unv;
how about something like
SUM(IF(is_u > 0 AND is_rog > 0, 1, 0)) AS count_something,
from table
group by nr
I think it will do the trick
I am of course not sure what you want exactly, but I believe you can use the logic to produce your desired result.