I want to install openflow on ubuntu, but I find that there are many ways to install openflow. How to start the openflow by one controller and one switch. If possible, give me a demon could run.
The easiest way to get started with OpenFlow is to use the Mininet emulator. On Ubuntu, you can install it with: apt install mininet.
Use mininet installation:
Option 2: Native Installation from Source
Then on the terminal (for one controller, one switch, two hosts):
sudo mn
1-A Switch openflow capable, try Open V Switch
apt install openvswitch-switch
2-A SDN Controller , try OpenDaylight
Nitrogen stable SR3
wget https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/repositories/public/org/opendaylight/integration/karaf/0.7.3/karaf-0.7.3.tar.gz
tar xvf karaf karaf-0.7.3.tar.gz
Install features
feature:install odl-restconf odl-l2switch-switch #BASIC NEEDED
feature:install odl-dlux-core odl-dluxapps-yangui #GUI STUFF
Problem with Kiosk mode and USB access.
I have installed buster on raspberry Pi 4. And for open chromiam browser at startup, I enabled kiosk mode.
Now I have a problem that, it does not mount USB device (flash drives) at /media/pi
Any help and suggestions would be very helpful!
Raspbian Buster lite (without GUI) doesn't mount USB devices automatically out of the box.
There is a software called "usbmount" which adds this functionality.
You can install it using
sudo apt-get install usbmount
Then reboot the Pi
sudo reboot now
I'm using Buster Lite and ran into a problem with installing usbmount. The error I got was "unable to locate package usbmount". I found the solution, and I am append my solution to this thread since this thread shows up on some search-engines pretty high up.
The solution I used was to clone the github repo from https://github.com/rbrito/usbmount/ and build it (instructions below is partially from the readme)
git clone https://github.com/rbrito/usbmount.git
cd usbmount
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y debhelper build-essential exfat-fuse exfat-utils
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i usbmount_0.0.24_all.deb
Additionally, use
sudo nano /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf
to add exfat to the list of file-systems
save and reboot
It's my first time trying to install and using Arch linux, I was trying to install it in VirtualBox in Mac Os mojave, when i did arch-chroot /mnt(after all the configuration), then tried to nano /etc/locale.conf it just printed command not found.
I've already tried with vim or other commands like sudo or apt to install a plain text editor but it's always the same and I also tried twice but nothing changes.
PLEEAAASE, I need help.
In Archlinux you should use pacman -S to install packages
try this :
"pacman -S nano"
you can see more information here:
You can install it with the Linux kernel etc.
For installing the kernel you use
so just add nano, vim or whatever text-editor you like to use.
For more information: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide
sudo apt-get install libnuma-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libnuma-dev
This is problem what I have.
I tried sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade already.
Here is my source.list
cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ stretch main contrib non-free rpi
#Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source'
#deb-src http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ stretch main contrib non-free rpi
My device is 'raspberry pi 3 B+' and OS is raspbian9.
My device is raspberry pi CM3 lite and OS is raspbian 9 too. I encountered this problem when I want to compile the rt-tests tools from source code. But I successfully compiled the tools without install "libnuma-dev" library. Hope it helps for you and any other one who maybe want to compile the rt-tests tools acoording to the official wiki.
I just installed graphite on OSX, and managed to get the web app running this command:
python /opt/graphite/bin/run-graphite-devel-server.py /opt/graphite
I'll eventually move it to ubuntu, but in the mean time, some fonts are enormous:
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I chased this down to an issue with the newest version of cairo. I removed cairo and installed 1.12.6. I posted the instructions here gist.github.com/relaxdiego/7539911
Its the cairocffi that handles the fonts and other display parameters. Sometimes installing only cairo doesn't work. In the above case you should always troubleshoot by ensuring proper and complete installation of the cairocffi package. By complete I mean all the dependencies for cairocffi.
The frequently required are:
1. libffi-devel (for rpm based operating systems)
sudo yum install libffi-devel
2. libffi-dev (for debian based operating systems)
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
3. parse_lookup
sudo pip install parse_lookup
This is the Github page for cairocffi.
I am new to Canopy. I have some data mining projects that I would like to do using Python. I was wondering if anyone was able to install Scrapy under Canopy? Is it easy to install packages outside of the main repository?
Short answer is to try pip install scrapy from the command line (use the Canopy Command Prompt (Windows) or Canopy Terminal (OSX/Linux) found in the Tools menu; this ensures Canopy's User Python is on the PATH).
See this article in the Enthought Knowledge Base about installing external packages into Canopy. It provides information on the steps required, including the use of pip, as well as other considerations you will want to be aware of when installing external packages.
1)sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 627220E7
2)echo 'deb http://archive.scrapy.org/ubuntu scrapy main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/scrapy.list
3)sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install scrapy-0.24
these are the above three steps which will install scrappy
even i had the same problem , below link helps you on this