Router view in Aurelia - aurelia

I want to create an application in which I want following functionality:
Some links needs to be opened in router-view which is working fine.
But some links i want to open in current window(means full page). But if I click on page having routerview, then it starts opening url in that routerview only.
How can we stop this?

I believe you're looking for a way to set the root component. Like this:
import { Aurelia } from 'aurelia-framework';
export class MyCustomElement {
static inject = [Aurelia];
constructor(aurelia) {
this.aurelia = aurelia;
//call this method by using click.delegate in a button
goToAnotherPlace() {
By doing this, you're changing the whole page (everything inside aurelia-app attribute). You might have to configure another router.


How to use Vue hooks inside a custom plugin?

I am writing custom plugin and need to create CSS custom properties from inside of it. In SPA mode everything is fine, but SSR mode is where the troubles coming. What I need is just to put my method inside of a mounted() hook. Is it possible?
export default {
install(app, options) {
function createCSSVariables(options) {
const root = document.documentElement // this can't be working on server side :('--font-family', options.font_family)'---accent', options.colors.accent)
I am using nuxt and could just use 'client' flag in plugin, but since it is for UI library, this will not help much - in this scenario all the elements would flicker right after mount

Vue Router: does this.$router.push navigate to a new URL?

I read the documentation of vue-router (
This is the method called internally when you click a ,
so clicking is the equivalent of calling
As far as I know clicking router-link element navigates to the URL placed in "to" attribute. However, according to History API
(, history.pushState(...) only changes the history and does not navigate to a new URL.
So... how can we explain this contradiction?
I think you need to define exactly what you mean by "navigate to a new URL"; to me it can mean either reloading the page at a new URL, or simply changing the URL in the address bar without reloading the page.
history.pushState() does change the URL, but it doesn't cause the browser to perform a full page reload as is typical when you click a link. This is how "single page apps" work – they intercept <a> clicks and use history.pushState() to prevent the page from reloading.
history.pushState(...) only changes the history and does not navigate to a new URL.
Here I think "and does not navigate to a new URL" is wrong – it does, except the page doesn't reload.
There is no contradiction here. There is no reason why the Vue Router could not do a change to the url with the history api and change the component as rendered in various router-view components.
When you include a router-link in your code, this is a component like any other. Vue will render this component. The interesting part is this:
const router = this.$router
// And later
const handler = e => {
if (guardEvent(e)) {
if (this.replace) {
} else {
const on = { click: guardEvent }
if (Array.isArray(this.event)) {
this.event.forEach(e => { on[e] = handler })
} else {
on[this.event] = handler
For the history api, you can see in the source that for a this.$router.push(..) we transition, and we push the state with this pushState function. The transition itself can be found in history/base.js.

Aurelia: change navigation in app.js from view

I have an Aurelia project with navigation in app.html and app.js. The project includes a home page that has a different style to it, including navigation that is different than the non-home page views.
I would like to turn off navigation for the home view so I tried setting a variable (showMenu) to toggle the visibility. In fact, I am able to use jQuery to do this, but I wonder if there is an Aurelia way of doing it. If I set this.showMenu to true it shows the menu container, and false hides it. Like this for example:
<div class="container" if.bind="showMenu">
this.router = router;
this.showMenu = true;
...other things
What I would like to do is set showMenu to false from home.js. I tried this (among 20 or so other attempts), but it does not work.
activate() {
this.showMenu = false;
Is there a way through $parent or some other means to hide the menu in app.html using a view model?
This works but it feels a little like a hack.
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
export class Home {
constructor(router) {
this.router = router;
You should be able to use router to achieve that. Since this is required for one page only, you can have something like this assuming your route name is home (or you could use other properties of RouteConfig that you have set in configureRouter):
<div class="container" if.bind=" !== 'home'">
I approach this problem by using separate shells. By default Aurelia will start your app with app.js (or ts). But you can change that default and also use the same command to redirect to a new shell after authentication.
In your main.ts (or .js) you will have a line to start your aurelia app:
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());
This line is telling aurelia to start and to set the root view model for your app, when aurelia.setRoot() has no value given it defaults to app.ts (or .js).
So I create a landing for my app where I can display with the page and styles I wish completely separately from the main app, including a limited router and navigation.
export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
if (environment.debug) {
if (environment.testing) {
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot('authPage'));
authPage.ts is my usual app.ts with a router configuration but it will only have the authPage configured in it and perhaps one or two other welcome pages.
The authPage takes care of authentication and obtaining appropriate tokens. I use a 3rd party for authentication services so all I have on this page is a link. Either way after successful authentication is confirmed you now just want to redirect to an alternative aurelia shell.
export class AuthPage {
private app : Aurelia;
private router : Router;
constructor(router : Router, app: Aurelia) { = app;
this.router = router;
authenticate {
//some kind of authentication procedure...
if(authenticationSuccess) {
this.router.navigate('/', { replace: true, trigger: false});
The lines this.router.navigate('/', { replace: true, trigger: false}); and this.router.reset(); are provided to deal with issues mentioned here and also on SO here. The shell switch line this.router.("authenticatedApp"); doesn't work for me without the other two.
My authenticatedApp configures a full router and navigation menu for the user in just the same way as you would normally do with app.ts but now separated into its own shell.
Of course there is nothing to prevent someone linking straight to authenticatedApp but at this point there is no data displayed without an api call which all require an access token to be presented.
This is a useful link on building an Aurelia app with multiple shells for authentication.
The end result is a separated landing pages and application pages which can have different styles and different navigation.On logout you can do the same thing in reverse to reload the auth page.

Aurelia - View render before custom element is ready/bound

I have a very simple app with one view and one custom element.
<require from="./content"></require>
import {HttpClient} from 'aurelia-http-client';
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class Content {
constructor(http) {
this.http = http;
bind() {
return this.http.get('')
.then(c => this.message = 'world');
Inside the bind life cycle event I have a REST service call (with a promise) which fetches me some data. The problem I have here is that if this asynchronous call take some time the view app.html will render before and then when the data is fetched it will be bound to the element. What I mean is that first the browser renders Hello and then after some time it renders world. I don't like this behavior on the specific site I'm working on. Instead I would prefer the browser to be blank and render all when everything is ready.
Much like if I'm working with server side rendering. Then the browser is waiting for the server to build up the complete response before it gets it and then renders it all.
The event activate() works in a view model but now I have a custom element. Is it possible to do something similar?
I need to fetch the data in the custom element not in the view model. Otherwise I know I could fetch it in the view model and later bind it to the element through a property. This is not possible for me.
Also I looked at this link but could not get it to work. Not sure if it is the same case as I have.
The link do in fact provide the correct answer. I can use the CompositionTransaction to have the view wait for the element. I believe I had some cached files and when changing the code it didn't work before I deleted the cache in my browser (chrome).
The answer is indeed to use CompositionTransaction in the case above.
This link shows an example of that.
The solution in my example is to change the view model content.js to something like this:
import {HttpClient} from 'aurelia-http-client';
import {inject, CompositionTransaction } from 'aurelia-framework';
#inject(HttpClient, CompositionTransaction)
export class Content {
constructor(http, compositionTransaction) {
this.http = http;
this.compositionTransactionNotifier = compositionTransaction.enlist();
bind() {
return this.http.get('')
.then(c => {
this.message = 'world';

How to inject child router to the dialog view-model

In our project we have bunch of custom elements like this:
<entity-link id=">
basically it just renders a link to edit entity screen
<a class="entity-link"
route-href="route: ENTITY_EDIT; params.bind: { id: }"
the problem is that this doesn't work at all within Aurelia Dialog context.
href attributed is not populated at all.
I tried to investigate the issue, I injected the router directly to dialog's view-model
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
#inject(DialogController, Router)
export default class RecordDetailsDialog {
constructor(dialogController:DialogController, router:Router) {
this.controller = dialogController;
this.router = router; /// WRONG INSTANCE!!!
and figured out the wrong instance of Router is being injected.
Main router (AppRouter) doesn't define ENTITY_EDIT route, it's added dynamically in child route configureRoute function.
I don't understand why the injected router is the main one instead of the one passed to the view which initiate dialog opening.
Any advice please
so after 2 hours of reading aurelia's source code I found out that DialogService instance is created within the root DI container which is associated with the root Router which is unaware about children routes.
I worked around our problem by registering DialogService instance manually within Child view-model container
import {Container} from 'aurelia-dependency-injection';
import {CompositionEngine} from 'aurelia-templating';
import {DialogService} from 'aurelia-dialog';
export class Main {
constructor(container:Container, compositionEngine:CompositionEngine){
container.registerInstance(DialogService, new DialogService(container, compositionEngine))`
but it feels hacky, still wondering if there is a more clean way to solve the problem.