About XAML.Forms Previewer in VS2015 - xaml

In VS2015 U3 if I try to use XAM.Forms Previewer the interface is empty and have only the "Android Phone" message without my XAML user interface.
I tried to rebuild the solution but the preview still doesn't works!
Whats happened?
Thanks in advance.

To be honest, XAML Previewer still has alot of issues with Visual Studio 2015. I'm encountering the same problem and I just followed the steps from an official Xamarin blogpost. There are workarounds shared by other developers, but it didn't work for me. See link.
But, I'd suggest you try out Gorilla Player. It's an instant Xamarin Forms XAML Previewer. You can also simultaneously view the design without compiling.
Hope it helps!


Windows Phone 8.1 XAML: Pull down to refresh

I have been a lot of time looking an way to do "pull down to refresh" in a ScrollViewer or a ListBox, ListViewer... whathever.
The problem is that there is no way to do that in Windows 8.1, I've find some solutions for W7 or even W8, but not for W8.1, and no, there's no way to adapt that jobs to W8.1.
Any knows any way to do this behaviour?
Thank you.
This page helped me http://iwindroid.me/tag/windows-phone-8-1-rt/
I could not compile the one suggested by Ateik. Would be fine if solving the problems, it looks promising but at the moment it has some errors: Syntax Error found in XBF generation
The only working solution I found is using Teleriks RadDataBoundListBox: http://www.telerik.com/windows-universal-ui/databoundlistbox
I've created a simple control that implements the "Pull to refresh" feature, and the "Load data on demand", you can find it in nuget, read about it from this blog post. Works on both Windows 8 & Windows Phone 8.1

Show progress in taskbar Icon using visual basic 2012

I know there must be some ways to show the progress of something in the task bar icon...
However i found there are some tutorials and librarys to accomplish this, I am not really satisfied with them...
Has anyone experience in doing this, can you reccomand a .dll, post some example code?
If you are on .NET 4, you can use the new namespace,
It comes from the WPF Shell Integration project,

ExtJs UI Designer tool

Is there a designer tool for ExtJs or Eclipse plugin for it?
I'm developing an interface which is completely similar to desktop environment.
Now I'm modifying the above demo. But it is very hard and time consuming process.
Can somebody tell me about this?
Thank you!
There is Designer from Sencha: http://www.sencha.com/products/designer
Sencha Designer (Architect) should be your first choice. You can find it here. http://www.sencha.com/products/architect
however, if you just want to play around quickly here is another unofficial one for ExtJS - http://www.projectspace.nl/

Adding an item to the system context menu

How do you add an item to the system context menu? I would like to let my users be able to right click anywhere and launch this program. I cannot seem to find it documented anywhere either.
Thanks for your help!
I am coding in vb.net
What you're looking for is creating a Shell Extension Handler for Windows Explorer.
Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776881(VS.85).aspx
Unfortunately doing this in a .Net application is a bit of a problem due to the way in which the CLR is loaded for COM plug-in style extensions. Raymond did a great job of exploring this problem here

Silverlight 2 User Control - Unknown attribute name on element

Screenshot http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3277/3048788466_661e8e5e78_b.jpg
To reproduce:
Get this sample project from Silveright.net - http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/2/5922d533-7ed5-4065-a138-ce3d9ca266e5/4-UserControls_Source_CS.zip
Open the UserControlDemo Solution. Then on Line 9 of Page.xaml, you'll see the error.
I'm creating a User Control in Silverlight 2 using this as my guide.
The problem is that when I use my User Control in Page.xaml, the XAML canvas shows this error: "Unknown attribute Name on element ... ."
Due to this error, I can no longer preview my XAML canvas. The strange thing is that the project still builds and renders my User Control beautifully.
Upon investigating the problem, I've found out the the cause of the problem was that my User Control was using a Style which is a StaticResource. When I remove this Style Property, the error in my Page.xaml XAML file disappears.
This error has been talk about in other online threads but unfortunately to no resolve.
I'm using the latest release and service packs of Visual Studio 2008 and Silverlight 2.
Is there something wrong with what I'm doing or is this a VS/Silverlight bug?
Thanks in advance!
In my experience the Visual Studio XAML designer, especially with Silverlight, will crap out for pretty much anything. I can't open a XAML file without all sorts of those mysterious errors and when it does render in the designer, it's not usually very useful.