Windows Phone 8.1 XAML: Pull down to refresh - xaml

I have been a lot of time looking an way to do "pull down to refresh" in a ScrollViewer or a ListBox, ListViewer... whathever.
The problem is that there is no way to do that in Windows 8.1, I've find some solutions for W7 or even W8, but not for W8.1, and no, there's no way to adapt that jobs to W8.1.
Any knows any way to do this behaviour?
Thank you.

This page helped me
I could not compile the one suggested by Ateik. Would be fine if solving the problems, it looks promising but at the moment it has some errors: Syntax Error found in XBF generation

The only working solution I found is using Teleriks RadDataBoundListBox:

I've created a simple control that implements the "Pull to refresh" feature, and the "Load data on demand", you can find it in nuget, read about it from this blog post. Works on both Windows 8 & Windows Phone 8.1


About XAML.Forms Previewer in VS2015

In VS2015 U3 if I try to use XAM.Forms Previewer the interface is empty and have only the "Android Phone" message without my XAML user interface.
I tried to rebuild the solution but the preview still doesn't works!
Whats happened?
Thanks in advance.
To be honest, XAML Previewer still has alot of issues with Visual Studio 2015. I'm encountering the same problem and I just followed the steps from an official Xamarin blogpost. There are workarounds shared by other developers, but it didn't work for me. See link.
But, I'd suggest you try out Gorilla Player. It's an instant Xamarin Forms XAML Previewer. You can also simultaneously view the design without compiling.
Hope it helps!

Office 2016 VBA wrong Toolbox icons size in windows 10

Not sure it this is the right place or how to describe my problem. I have a brand new windows 10 and installed Office 2016. Now when I want to develop something in VBA in Excel or Word and I add a UserForm the icons in toolbox which represent the controls to use on the form are too small. The strange thing is, when I first added a form, the toolbox windows was hardly visible (first image). Does anyone know what the problem is? Or better how to solve it.
I had the same issue with SQL Management Studio. Same odd behaviour. Luckely today I stumbled upon a solution which works perfectly for SMSS. So I guess I can try it voor VBA as well.
SMSS solution
This is a nice workaround, but it is not needed anymore, because MS has an updated version available for SMSS which you can find here
Anyway, I know now what the issue is, so I can try this workaround for other applications too.

Custom Windows Taskbar Buttons [duplicate]

How do I go about creating my own taskbar toolbar, a la Windows Media Player:
Windows Media Player's Start bar toolbar
Examples or documentation or even open source software that implements this for just about any language would be appreciated, but Google isn't being very helpful. Ultimately, I would like to do this in C# (I expect to need P/Invoke) for XP onwards, but any language and Vista onwards would be acceptable/helpful too.
Check this out:
It's called as "Desk Band"
See MSDN desription about this
and sample over there
By the way, thanks for asking this question. Back in the days I also wanted to do this. However, yesterday I said bye bye to Windows and Hi to Mac. If you asked this yesterday I would upvote it trice if I could ;-)
You'll notice that Media Player on Win7 doesn't have a desk band. Instead it has tiny play/pause buttons in the thumbnail preview that appears when you mouse over the taskbar icon. You can do the same thing for your application. If you use Code Pack ( there is a sample under Samples\Shell\ThumbnailToolbarDemo. Windows 7 only, but way less annoying than taking up an inch or two of taskbar, and just as handy when you want to insta-pause.

What can i use as a ComboBox alternative for Windows Phone development? (vb)

I've been thoroughly looking for a combobox alternative to use for Windows Phone development for a full 24 hours now. The best i've found so far was this
,which is perfectly fine, but i'm really looking for something to work with in
PS: I'm using Visual studio 2010 as my code editor
Anticipated thanks :)
The List Picker is the best alternative to a ComboBox.
You can get the List Picker by installing the Toolkit update:
It doesn't matter whether you use VB or C#. The Listpicker is basically a control in XAML, in the design view.
The only difference would be the Databinding syntax in your code view.

Is there no DatePicker for xaml in Windows 8 Metro?

According to this tutorial, the DatePicker control is definitely present in the Javascript for Windows 8 Metro. So far I could not find it for the c#/xaml stack. Does anybody know if it is there and if not - if it will be available in the future?
No, there is no built-in DatePicker usable from XAML in the Windows 8 Developer Preview.
You can also inspect our pack of Windows 8 controls (I'm sorry for this ad, but it seems to be relevant to the question)
Telerik however have controls, including a datepicker in their Windows 8 offering:
There is no built in datepicker for XAML, but there I found one here:
that you can use if you cant afford Telerik ;)