Whatsapp send text message url scheme equivalent - url-scheme

When I need to send text message via Whatsapp in a web page, I can use the following url scheme.
I want to achieve the same effect using Wechat and QQ. I know the their url scheme start with weixin:// and mqq://. I successfully open the respective app but fail to find a way to send text message. How can I do that?


Automating a Password Reset flow with Testcafe

My goal is to somehow send the email and click the link to reset the password, access that link and write a new password. Don't really know if this is possible or could only be mocked.
I would also like to catch the content of the email and check it. Is there a way within TestCafe to do this?
You can use TestCafe to fill out and submit the password recovery form that will initiate a request to your backend. After that, you can use either of the following solutions:
Intercept this request to the backend using TestCafe features for Intercepting HTTP Requests. Then, make sure that the "an email with a retrieval link was sent" message was shown, navigate to the known in advance retrieval link and log in with a new password.
Make this request to the backend actually initiate sending an email. Then, in your test, connect to an email service (using some of the Node.js email clients), receive the email, and navigate TestCafe to the link.
The first approach seems to be more robust because it doesn't rely on any third-party services.

How to setup a Web Hook API URL with Post Method

UIB Sandbox Access request.
The webhook URL will be receiving a webhook payload as an input.
Get the web hook URL from the application you want to send data
use that URL in webhook section of the application you want to receive data from
choose type of events you want to application to notify you about

Is it legal to send custom request using cookie?

Is it legal to send custom requests using my own cookie? For example if I login to a website that provides e-mails and I found that I can send a request like: somewebpage.com?email_id=1&cookie_token=123 then can I send a custom request using eg app written in c++ to get all my emails (by changing email_id)?

Invoke a browser for a URL based attachment

I need to invoke the native/default browser on the device when an attachment is URL based. Currently I get a blank app page with the word done.
I guess what you mean is that in the response for your adapter procedure's request, there is a string which is a URL.
You do not mention the structure of said response, though...
Either way, theoretically then in your client-side code where the response is handled you you can open it using Cordova InAppBrowser
To open it "inside the app": window.open(the-value-from-your-response-object, '_blank', 'location=yes');
To open it using the system browser: window.open(the-value-from-your-response-object, "_system");

Using Axis EmailWS-1.6 to send an HTML email

I am currently limited to the usage of Tomcat with Axis2 and its EmailWS-1.6 webservice to send an email. This has to be an HTML mail.
This is the configuration of EmailWS.properties
Email Service Configuration
(This configuration requires EmailWS-1.6 or later)
I can succesfully send an email, but it seems to arrive as plain text. The email client does not translate it to HTML. What is the proper configuration of Tomcat/Axis2 to do this?
Tomcat Axis2 Email webservices also contains an operation which enables you to send an xml-based email message. By using this operation, I was able to send the HTML email. It was also received as HTML.