Protractor stuck at "Using the selenium server at http://..." - selenium

I start protractor with:
$ protractor protractor.eb.conf.js
This specifies a remote selenium server.
Sometimes my protractor tests just stall at this point:
[17:56:33] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[17:56:33] I/hosted - Using the selenium server at
What other information is needed?
Capabilities? Only using chrome.
Protractor version 5.1.1
What is this point in the process?
Launcher? Hosted?
Waiting for a node to become available?
What should I do to troubleshoot?
Using remote selenium server.

You can add this in your conf.js file. This will not wait for the selenium server to start.
Coming to your other questions -
You also need to mention the framework you are using (for instance I use jasmine framework so I mention it like this) -
framework: 'jasmine',


why do we need to run selenium standalone server for webdriverjs tests?

from selenium docs we don't need to run selenium-server if we are using webdriver but almost all javascript automation frameworks need selenium-server to be started before running tests. why do we need to run selenium standalone server for webdriverjs tests ?
This is not true. Given your browser/ driver pair supports directConnect. It will run without the selenium server regardless of the language binding.
For instance, Here is the directConnect reference for protractor.

Unable to run WebDriverIo tutorial

I'm trying to follow the WebDriverIo tutorial at .
After setting up the Selenium server, when I try executing the test node script (step 7 in the tutorial), selenium warns me of some errors (see screenshot for full log), and I don't get any output returned.
Steps to reproduce:
I start the Selenium server
When I try running the node script, this happens (clock to zoom):
At this point a Firefox window opens automatically, and remains blank.
I'm running Firefox v52 and Selenium 3.0.1. I downloaded Geckodriver from
Any obvious thing that I'm missing? I'm very new to Selenium and browser automation, forgive the generic input :)
If you have been here to get your Windows release of gecko driver :, you may have miss this message :
"IMPORTANT: If you use geckodriver with Selenium, you must upgrade to
Selenium 3.3 since this release aligns HTTP responses with the
WebDriver standard."
(I can see you are in v3.0.1).

Difference between "selenium server" and "selenium server standalone" jars

Can anyone please explain the difference between "selenium server" and "selenium server standalone" jars and use of both.
Which one to prefer?
When to use which one?
As per Selenium Documents,
You may, or may not, need the Selenium Server, depending on how you intend to use Selenium-WebDriver. If you will be only using the WebDriver API you do not need the Selenium-Server. If your browser and tests will all run on the same machine, and your tests only use the WebDriver API, then you do not need to run the Selenium-Server; WebDriver will run the browser directly.
There are some reasons though to use the Selenium-Server with Selenium-WebDriver.
You are using Selenium-Grid to distribute your tests over multiple machines or virtual machines (VMs).
You want to connect to a remote machine that has a particular browser version that is not on your current machine.
You are not using the Java bindings (i.e. Python, C#, or Ruby) and would like to use HtmlUnit Driver.
Here is a photo from the old version of selenium website:
Selenium Server is formerly known as selenium RC server.
I can not say exact selenium server standalone definition, but i can say based on the version
In the selenium server standalone server is different
I believe that "selenium server" jar IS "selenium server standalone" jar. If you look at - there is not such thing as "selenium server".
Grid and RC servers are in the same jar file. RC ("Remote Control") is deprecated in Selenium 2 and emulated in Selenium 3.
Lazily, "selenium server standalone" can be called just "selenium server", because that's what it is: proxy to selenium grid or whatever remote browsers you want to automate. "standalone" is HTTP server. hints at difference in terminology: it is "standalone" when running locally, and "server" when running (standalone jar) on remote grid (which is a http server assigning jobs to multiple selenium servers, each running "standalone" jars).
If one enters via the Getting Started page at the Selenium Wiki, there is a download link to E.g. the 3.8 release directory features:
[DIR] 2017-12-01 19:21:38 20.58MB
[DIR] selenium-server-standalone-3.8.1.jar 2017-12-01 19:17:06 21.79MB
So there are indeed two versions. It seems a matter of packaging:
The contains a file selenium-3.8.1-nodeps.jar and the dependent classes as .jar files ("jars in zip"):
---x------ 63504 1-Feb-1985 00:00:00 libs/jcommander-1.48.jar
---x------ 857721 1-Feb-1985 00:00:00 selenium-3.8.1-nodeps-sources.jar
---x------ 2137810 1-Feb-1985 00:00:00 selenium-3.8.1-nodeps.jar
while the selenium-server-standalone-3.8.1.jar contains the dependent classes and its own classes as direct entries ("class files in jar"):
-rw-rw-rw- 1014 10-Apr-2015 19:45:56 com/beust/jcommander/DynamicParameter.class
-rw-rw-rw- 237 10-Apr-2015 19:45:56 com/beust/jcommanderFuzzyMap$IKey.class
-rw-rw-rw- 2910 10-Apr-2015 19:45:56 com/beust/jcommander/FuzzyMap.class
Selenium is an opensource, web application automation testing tool suite which provides cross platform and cross browser automation facility.
Selenium is composed of multiple software tools that includes:-
(1). Selenium IDE, (2). Selenium RC, (3). Selenium WebDriver, (4). Selenium Grid
Coming to the Selenium Server,
The Selenium Server is a Selenium RC(Remote Control) component that which launches and kills browsers, interprets and runs the Selenese commands passed from the test program, and acts as an HTTP proxy, intercepting and verifying HTTP messages passed between the browser and the AUT(Application Under Test).
So, Selenium Server is needed to run Selenium RC and Selenium WebDriver tests remotely over multiple machines or VMs using Selenium Grid.
And the Selenium Server Standalone is a bundled jar that contains WebDriver API, Selenium Server and the Selenium Grid for running the tests locally and remotely across many platforms and browsers.
The Selenium Server is needed in order to run Remote Selenium
WebDriver. Selenium 3.X is no longer capable of running Selenium RC
directly, rather it does it through emulation and the
WebDriverBackedSelenium interface.
So,if you use Selenium RC,the Seleniium Server is what you need.if you use Selenium 3.X and update,selenium-server-standalone is what you need.I have the same question and i find the answer.

How To Run UI Test Classes Using Selenium Webdriver in Jenkins?

I have test classes written in java for UI testing using Maven using Selenium Web-Driver. I want to run them using mvn test command in Jenkins.
It is not able to launch the browser for the testing.
The error stack shown is something like this:
org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Error: no display specified
Error: no display specified
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.NewProfileExtensionConnection.start(
Any help on this will be appreciated.
Firefox needs a X display to run, e.g. Xvfb
You will need to
install xvfb on your server. Doing this depends on your server operating system (and package management)
start xvfb before the build. You can do this using the xfvb plugin, or by running Xvfb as a daemon. I personally like to use the plugin.

Selenium testing machine

--- TL;DR
At this point I suggest everyone to tied their Continuous Integration server/service to
after three days googling and testing I gave up, and I need help.
My objective is allow my co-workers to record one or more tests with Selenium IDE. Export them, upload them into a server, and get this server running these tests using the webdriver with htmlunit. As we build or fix the app, we will upload the tests to make out test library.
Record a test with Selenium IDE is okay. But getting it running is the problem. The machine we intend to let the tests is an linux amazon server. No front-end stuff, no kde, gtk, so no firefox, chrome, etc... This is why I've specified the htmlunit driver.
So far I wasn't able to get this task running even into my machine - Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64.
I downloaded the selenium-server tarball, and tried running:
java -jar selenium-server.jar -htmlSuite "*webdriver" "" "/path/to/testsuite1.html" "/path/to/report1.html"
No success. Even changing the "*webdriver" (using other pops-up a browser screen).
I've tried running the server and the standalone server and connecting via browser.
I've tried PHP bindings by facebook.
I've tried PHPUnit and Testing Selenium classes - along with their respectives exported scripts from Selenium Formatters.
I really do not know where I'm slipping. Can anyone give me a safe direction, tutorial, etc, to follow with?
--- EDIT
Okay, my question may be resumed to:
What si the command line that would allow me to run selenese scripts with selenium-server, using the HtmlUnit driver?
Are you using Continuous Integration?
If so, you should consider getting a plugin to have your CI software run the Selenium tests. Works like a charm for me with Jenkins.
Considering your particular setup, you could both have the amazon linux server run the tests with HTMLUnitDriver, and declare other machines (with a GUI and proper browser) as "nodes" to run your test on other browsers.
Link to a tutorial
Have you read this blog post by David Burns (Automated Tester):
He describes the way to run selenese tests using HTMLSuite.
We are going to use the HTMLSuite commands of the Selenium Remote
Control. This allows you run your Selenese Test Suites as is. The
command should look like java -jar selenium-servre.jar -htmlsuite
. Browser
could be : -*firefox
-*custom /path/to/browser
The path to the test suite and the results file should be a full path.
Here is an example command; java -jar selenium-server.jar -htmlsuite
*iexplore c:\testsuite\testsuite.html c:\testsuite\results.html
I would point out that htmlunit does not seem to be a supported option so I would expect to use -*custom and provide a path to htmlunit.
This is legacy functionality so there is a chance it doesn't work as expected any more. HTMLSuite expects the tests to be in Selenese (HTML table) format, you mention trying with the PHP binding, I would not expect this to work. If you do want to use some PHP bindings I would suggest using Adam Saunter's fork of the facebook bindings, they are the most up to date and best supported.
With Selenium WebDriver you can point to start a HtmlUnit in a already started node
In Java you'll do something like this:
IWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), DesiredCapabilities.HtmlUnit());
To start the node just make sure to set browserName to 'htmlunit'.