Apache httpd post request limit - apache

We have service posting gzip file to server running behind apache httpd proxy.
Apache is truncating the request body to 64kb.
We are not using multipart/form-data. Is there any way we can modify the apache config to increase the request body limit.


Is it possible to uncompress request/response body from Apache Httpd dumpio logs

I'm working on a utility that scrapes httpd logs for request and responses to perform analysis on the JSON. I've enabled mod_dumpio for this.
The servlet sitting behind httpd sends gzipped compressed responses. I was wondering, is there an option for decompressing the bodies just in the httpd logs? I've tried SetOutputFilter INFLATE in my conf file, but that also decompresses the response to the client as well. I'd like to avoid performing decompression in my utility, thanks!

Monit only using HTTP for HTTPS website

I'm trying to monitor a VHost on the local Apache instance via Monit. The same domain accepts both http and https traffic, so I wanted to monitor both.
Also, the IP that the domain resolves to goes to a server that load balances the traffic between the current Apache instance and another server running Apache. I need Monit to monitor the local instance, and I was hoping to avoid adding any records in the /etc/hosts file, so I was thinking that Monits config setting with http headers [] would suffice, and I think it is (Just monitoring localhost, but setting the headers Host to the vhost domain).
Anyways, the main problem I seem to be running into, is even though I configure Monit to monitor the host via both http and https protocols, it monitors both hosts via just http, however the port is set to 443 for the one I need using https protocol.
The Monit config file for Apache is:
check process httpd with pidfile /var/run/httpd/httpd.pid
start program = "/bin/systemctl restart httpd.service" with timeout 60 seconds
stop program = "/bin/systemctl stop httpd.service"
check host localhost with address localhost
if failed
port 80
protocol http
with http headers [Host: www.domain.com, Cache-Control: no-cache]
and request / with content = "www.domain.com"
then restart
if failed
port 443
protocol https
with http headers [Host: www.domain.com, Cache-Control: no-cache]
and request / with content = "www.domain.com"
then restart
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles
then timeout
And here's the Monit status for that check:
[root#server enabled-monitors]# monit status localhost
The Monit daemon 5.14 uptime: 14m
Remote Host 'localhost'
status Connection failed
monitoring status Monitored
port response time FAILED to [localhost]:443/ type TCPSSL/IP protocol HTTP
port response time 0.001s to [localhost]:80/ type TCP/IP protocol HTTP
data collected Tue, 26 Apr 2016 10:44:32
So it's fairly obvious to me that the https is failing because its still trying to use port HTTP, even though I have protocol https in the configuration.
Any input would be much appreciated. I have a feeling this may be a bug, and ill create an issue in the Monit Github repo, but I wan't to make sure it's not something silly that I overlooked.
Thank you!
Late reply here, but I thought I would still post for readers who stumbled upon the same issue.
The problem seems to be not with Monit using port HTTP despite check configured for HTTPS. It always reports HTTP protocol in status (a display bug).
The real issue is likely with Monit not supporting SNI for SSL, so it ignores the with http headers [Host: www.domain.com ... in your https check. Thus the check fails because Monit is actually testing https://localhost.
I've filed bug with Monit developers here.

Bad gateways with large POST uploads and my apache + varnish + plone setup

This is a rather complicated scenario, so I would highly appreciate any pointer to the correct direction.
So I have setup apache on server A to proxy https traffic το server B, that is a plone site behind varnish and apache.
I connect to A and can browse the site on https, everything is fine. However, problems start when I upload files, via plone's POST forms. I can upload small files (~1 MB), but when I try to upload a 50MB file, I wait all the time till the file is uploaded, and when the indication is 100%, I get a Bad gateway (The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.)
It seems to me that something timeouts between the communication of A and B and instead of being redirected to the correct url, I get a Bad gateway, not to mention that the file is not uploaded.
On the apache log I see
[error] proxy: pass request body failed
As suggested on other threads, I've experimented with the following values with no luck
Sooooo..any suggestions? Thanks a million in advance!
Did you check the varnish configuration? varnish has some timeouts of its own, I am familiar with send_timeout which usually breaks downloads if they fail to finish within a few seconds (Varnish really isn't any good for large downloads, because you end doing stupid things like configuring send_timeout=7200 to make it work).
Also, set first_byte_timeout to a larger number for that backend, because a large file upload might delay plone's response just enough to cause this.
Setting the Timeout and KeepAliveTimeout in the apache virtual host file worked for me.
Timeout 3600
KeepAliveTimeout 50

Nginx proxy http PUT chunked to apache

Nginx doesn't support chunked requests so i'm tryping to proxy my PUT request to apache, but it seems nginx blocks and sends 411 error even when proxying. Any way I can get nginx to send those requests to apache untouched, as is?
Seems like this could be an option, although not a nice one: http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpChunkinModule

How to log https contents with squid in pfsense?

I setup the squid with "HTTPS/SSL Interception" in pfsense and install the ca for all clients. Now it can log all the https request to access.log file. But it can only log the URLs of https requests, i wanna get to know if it can log the web content of request and response? Thanks.
You can refer squid log format directive. It controls the log format and if something which you want is not available there, you can apply patch