I'm trying to change my add-in so that it, when you would open a new Workbook, will open a new Sheet and then create a new Event Procedure in that new Sheet.
I've gotten to the point where I can "Sheets.Add" and ".CreateEventProc" using a macro button combination, but the issue comes when trying to use the add-in's Workbook to automate the process. The add-in loads in first, thus "Set VBProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject" can't find the new active workbook.
Is it possible to do this? If so, is there a work around needed or am I just missing something obvious?
Here's what I have at the moment:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents App As Excel.Application
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set App = Excel.Application
End Sub
Private Sub App_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
Range("T2").Value = 100
Call CreateEventProcedure
End Sub
Public Sub CreateEventProcedure()
Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim NumLines As Long
Dim LineNum As Long
Dim ProcName As String
Dim ProcKind As VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind
Const DQUOTE = """" ' one " character
Set VBProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents("Sheet2")
Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do Until LineNum >= .CountOfLines Or ProcName = "Worksheet_Change"
ProcName = .ProcOfLine(LineNum, ProcKind)
LineNum = .ProcStartLine(ProcName, ProcKind) + _
.ProcCountLines(ProcName, ProcKind) + 1
If ProcName = "Worksheet_Change"
GoTo Exi
End If
'Now, create a Change Event on Sheet2
LineNum = .CreateEventProc("Change", "Worksheet")
For those who care, I got the process working with a minor complication. Here's what I did:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents ExApp As Excel.Application
Public Sub ExApp_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
Dim StrPrompt As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim iRet As Integer
StrPrompt = "Want to create event?"
strTitle = "Event?"
On Error GoTo 0
iRet = MsgBox(StrPrompt, vbYesNo, strTitle)
If iRet = vbYes Then
Call CreateEventProcedure
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Call CreateEventProcedure
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set ExApp = Excel.Application
End Sub
I created the Yes/No prompt to Bypass the first 'run-time _Global' error and then the excel workbook actually loads, the prompt asks me again then I click yes and everything works fine. Also, this works with only one prompt needed when opening workbooks when already in excel.
I have a button in my GUI which calls this procedure:
Private Sub CommandButtonPersonalFilter_Click()
Unload GUI
Dim myPath As String
Dim Wb As Workbook
myPath = Left(ThisWorkbook.Path, InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Path, "\") - 1)
If Dir(myPath & "\filterPartsList.xlsx") = "" Then
FileCopy "Z:\Dokumentstyring\Templates\filterPartsList.xlsx", myPath & "\filterPartsList.xlsx"
End If
Set Wb = HelpFunctions.GetWorkbook(myPath & "\filterPartsList.xlsx")
Set Wb = Nothing
End Sub
When I click the button(from a.xlsx) it opens up a new workbook(b.xlsx, all as it should), but if I then decide that the b.xlsx is just fine and I would like to close b.xlsx (or edit), then I am only allowed to do so if I first jump back to a.xlsx, click on any cell there and then jump back to the b.xlsx
Below is the helper function:
Public Function GetWorkbook(ByVal sFullName As String) As Workbook
Dim sFile As String
Dim wbReturn As Workbook
sFile = Dir(sFullName)
On Error Resume Next
Set wbReturn = Workbooks(sFile)
If wbReturn Is Nothing Then
Set wbReturn = Workbooks.Open(sFullName)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set GetWorkbook = wbReturn
End Function
Not a big issue but would be nice to figure out where the problem might be. All macros are stored in personal.xlsb
I have a large number of Excel Templates that contain VBA code that need to be updated. The Find method of the code-module object only returns true/false, not the location of the found string.
Is there any way to automate the find-and-replace procedure?
Add this code to a new macro-enabled workbook. Set the FIND_WHAT and REPLACE_WITH constants, open the other workbooks and run the code.
The original code comes from Charles Pearson's site
WARNING: Only basic testing has been done!
Option Explicit
Sub ReplaceTextInCodeModules()
' Must add a reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 5.3"
' Also must set "Trust access to the VBA project object model"
' See the url below for more info on these.
' Based on code found at:
' Source: www.cpearson.com/excel/vbe.aspx Copyright 2013, Charles H. Pearson
Dim theWorkbook As Workbook
Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim numLines As Long ' end line
Dim lineNum As Long
Dim thisLine As String
Dim message As String
Dim numFound As Long
Const FIND_WHAT As String = "findthis"
Const REPLACE_WITH As String = "replaced"
numFound = 0
For Each theWorkbook In Application.Workbooks
If theWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
If theWorkbook.HasVBProject Then
Set VBProj = theWorkbook.VBProject
For Each VBComp In VBProj.VBComponents
'Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents("Module1")
Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
numLines = .CountOfLines
For lineNum = 1 To numLines
thisLine = .Lines(lineNum, 1)
If InStr(1, thisLine, FIND_WHAT, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
message = message & theWorkbook.Name & " | " & VBComp.Name & " | Line #" & lineNum & vbNewLine
.ReplaceLine lineNum, Replace(thisLine, FIND_WHAT, REPLACE_WITH, , , vbTextCompare)
numFound = numFound + 1
End If
Next lineNum
End With
Next VBComp
End If
End If
Next theWorkbook
Debug.Print "Found: " & numFound
If message <> "" Then
Debug.Print message
End If
End Sub
I am attempting to log (1. what slide and 2. the time) to a spreadsheet each time a slide is viewed in presentation mode. I don't want to have the spreadsheet open when I do this and I want it to save automatically. I've been screwing around with it for a few hours now, and I've had varying success. I can't seem to get it to work as intended.
Here's the code I've crammed together so far:
Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(ByVal SSW As SlideShowWindow)
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet
Dim strSheet As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim curentSlide As Integer
Dim timez As Date
Dim z As Integer
strSheet = "test.xlsx"
strPath = "C:\PPToutput\"
strSheet = strPath & strSheet
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 0
counter = counter + 1
currentslide = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
timez = Now()
If Not IsNull(appExcel) And counter < 2 Then
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
appExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
appExcel.Workbooks.Open (strSheet)
Set wkb = appExcel.ActiveWorkbook
Set wks = wkb.Sheets(1)
End If
appExcel.Application.Visible = True
Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = "Slide " & currentslide
Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = timez
Set appExcel = Nothing
Set appExcel = Nothing
End Sub
I haven't tried the code out, but something I noticed is that this line:
appExcel.Application.Visible = False
comes after the excel program does stuff. I would imagine the workbook opening would be visible because that happens before this line.
Also, I don't see where you're telling the OnSlideShowPageChange sub anything about the workbook you created in the SlideShowBegin sub. You're telling it to do something with a range, which is not the one you declared earlier. So, it thinks you're talking about some range in the powerpoint. Do powerpoints even have ranges?
The other mistake is that you set all of your public declarations to nothing. Once you try to call them again, you're calling nothing. It's still a good idea to do that in your error handler, but not as a normal part of the process.
Look at the [untested] changes I made and see if they make sense:
Public appExcel As Excel.Application
Public wkb As Excel.Workbook
Public wks As Excel.Worksheet
Public rng As Excel.Range
Public strSheet As String
Public strPath As String
Public intRowCounter As Integer
Public intColumnCounter As Integer
Public itm As Object
Sub SlideShowBegin()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
strSheet = "test.xlsx"
strPath = "C:\PPToutput\"
strSheet = strPath & strSheet
Debug.Print strSheet
'Select export folder
Dim curentSlide As Integer
Dim timez As Date
Dim z As Integer
Dim placeholder1 As String
Dim placeholder2 As String
currentslide = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
timez = Now()
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
appExcel.Application.Visible = False
appExcel.Workbooks.Open (strSheet)
Set wkb = appExcel.ActiveWorkbook
Set wks = wkb.Sheets(1)
wks.Range("A1").Value = "Current Slide"
wks.Range("B1").Value = "Time"
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 1004 Then
MsgBox strSheet & " doesn't exist", vbOKOnly, _
MsgBox Err.Number & "; Description: ", vbOKOnly, _
End If
Set appExcel = Nothing
Set wkb = Nothing
Set wks = Nothing
Set rng = Nothing
Set msg = Nothing
Set nms = Nothing
Set fld = Nothing
Set itm = Nothing
End Sub
Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(ByVal SSW As SlideShowWindow)
Dim curentSlide As Integer
Dim timez As Date
Dim z As Integer
Dim placeholder1 As String
Dim placeholder2 As String
currentslide = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
timez = Now()
wks.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = "Slide " & currentslide
wks.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = timez
If SSW.View.CurrentShowPosition = _
SSW.Presentation.SlideShowSettings.EndingSlide Then
End If
End Sub
Sub SlideShowEnd()
End Sub
I rearranged your code a bit so that the initialization only occurs once during the slide show. I added another procedure to close Excel once the slide show has ended.
Private appExcel As Excel.Application
Private wkb As Excel.Workbook
Private wks As Excel.Worksheet
Private counter As Integer
Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(ByVal SSW As SlideShowWindow)
' initialization
Dim strSheet As String
Dim strPath As String
strSheet = "test.xlsx"
strPath = "C:\PPToutput\"
strSheet = strPath & strSheet
Debug.Print strSheet, appExcel Is Nothing
If appExcel Is Nothing Then
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
appExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
appExcel.WindowState = xlMinimized
appExcel.Visible = True
Set wkb = appExcel.Workbooks.Open(strSheet)
Set wks = wkb.Sheets(1)
counter = wks.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
End If
' make log entry
Dim currentSlide As Integer
currentSlide = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
counter = counter + 1
wks.Range("A" & counter).Value = "Slide " & currentSlide
wks.Range("B" & counter).Value = Now()
End Sub
Sub OnSlideShowTerminate(ByVal Wn As SlideShowWindow)
If Not appExcel Is Nothing Then
appExcel.WindowState = xlNormal
wkb.Close True
End If
Set appExcel = Nothing
End Sub
If it were my code, I'd also factor out the initialization code and put it in its own procedure so that the OnSlideShowPageChange procedure focused on the logging of the slide changes.
I need to write a macro that will create a new workbook test.xlsm and assign a vb code to it's first sheet (Sheet1).
Sub AddCode()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Add
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
Dim code As String
code = "Sub test()" & vbCrLf & MsgBox "Test" & vbCrLf & "End Sub"
Dim lineCount As Integer
With wb.VBProject.VBComponents(ws.Name).CodeModule
lineCount = .CountOfLines
If lineCount > 0 Then
.DeleteLines 1, lineCount
End If
.AddFromString code
End With
wb.Save FileName:="C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\test.xlsm", FileFormat:=52
End Sub
I get subscript out of range error . I presume that I am referring to the wrong vb project
(PS: by "assigning a code to it's first sheet" I mean the following: Right Click on the Sheet1 -> View Code -> Paste my code to the Module )
You can save your workbook as an add-in and then load it into excel. Then you can add a reference to the add-in from the VBE editor and access the functions/subs.
You can google Chip Pearson's tutorials, and other such material for such stuff. Here is where he explains how you can manipulate the Visual Basic Editor to programmatically add code, etc. Possibly useful in your case.
Ref: http://www.cpearson.com/Excel/VBE.aspx
Just for ease of reference (all from the above website by Chip Pearson)
Adding A Module to a Project:
Sub AddModuleToProject()
Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Set VBProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
VBComp.Name = "NewModule"
End Sub
and most importantly, adding a Subroutine to a Module:
Sub AddProcedureToModule()
Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim LineNum As Long
Const DQUOTE = """" ' one " character
Set VBProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents("Module1")
Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
.InsertLines LineNum, "Public Sub SayHello()"
LineNum = LineNum + 1
.InsertLines LineNum, " MsgBox " & DQUOTE & "Hello World" & DQUOTE
LineNum = LineNum + 1
.InsertLines LineNum, "End Sub"
End With
End Sub
Another way is simply to do the following
Dim FileNameStr as String, Path as String
' Set these two to the correct strings
Dim wb as Workbook
set wb = workbooks.open(Path & "\" & FileNameString)
Application.Run (wb.Name & "!NameOfYourMacro")
This way you can run a macro without arguments
Of course that's just the core of the code. You still need to clean up afterwards, close workbooks, maybe set them as readonly when opening, etc. but you get the drift.
I had this code working a few days ago, but forgot to save the working copy. It took me 4 weeks just to find this answer and would not like to take that much time again, so...
Everything here works, except the objWorkBook lines, which return the error:
"Variable 'objWorkBook' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime."
Any suggestions?
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application")
Dim objWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim totalWorkBooks As Integer = objExcel.Workbooks.Count
MsgBox(totalWorkBooks & " is Number of Open Workbooks")
Dim ActiveBookIndex As Integer = objExcel.ActiveWindow.Index
MsgBox(ActiveBookIndex & " is Active Window Index")
Dim FullName As String = objWorkBook.FullName
MsgBox(FullName & " is FullName")
Dim OnlyName As String = objWorkBook.Name
MsgBox(OnlyName & " is Name without the Path")
I forgot what Value I had assigned.
My objective is to compare an open Excel Workbook name with one in a known location so that if they match, my program can proceed. I need the code above so I can compare it to the following code in an If-Then so that my program can proceed.
Dim dir As String = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
Dim FullFileName As String = dir & "\My_File_Name.xlsx"
On a positive note, I pieced together A solution, even though it's not the answer I was looking for....
Dim p() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel")
Dim Title As String = p(0).MainWindowTitle
Dim dir As String = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
Dim FullFileName As String = dir & "\" & Replace(Title, "Microsoft Excel - ", "") & ".xlsx"
This will work for now, but I would like to solve it the other way.
Change the line
Dim objWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objWorkBook As Excel.Workbook = Nothing
Also your objWorkBook object is not assigned to anything before you are trying to use it in the line Dim FullName As String = objWorkBook.FullName
Is this what you are trying?
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application")
Dim objWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim totalWorkBooks As Integer = objExcel.Workbooks.Count
MsgBox (totalWorkBooks & " is Number of Open Workbooks")
Dim ActiveBookIndex As Integer = objExcel.ActiveWindow.Index
MsgBox (ActiveBookIndex & " is Active Window Index")
'~~> Set the workbook to say first workbook.
'~~> You can use a loop here as well to loop through
'~~> the workbooks count
objWorkBook = objExcel.Workbooks(1)
Dim FullName As String = objWorkBook.FullName
MsgBox (FullName & " is FullName")
Dim OnlyName As String = objWorkBook.Name
MsgBox (OnlyName & " is Name without the Path")
'~~> Rest of the code
End Sub
End Class
EDIT: Followup from comments
But let's say I have 9 Workbooks already open, how do I get me app to index, manipulate, switch between them... without knowing the Full Path and File Names ahead of time?
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application")
Dim objWorkBook As Excel.Workbook = Nothing
Dim FullName As String = ""
Dim OnlyName As String = ""
Dim totalWorkBooks As Integer = objExcel.Workbooks.Count
MsgBox (totalWorkBooks & " is Number of Open Workbooks")
For i As Integer = 1 To totalWorkBooks
objWorkBook = objExcel.Workbooks(i)
With objWorkBook
FullName = .FullName
OnlyName = .Name
MessageBox.Show (FullName & " is FullName and " & OnlyName & " is Name without the Path")
'~~> Rest of the code here to manipulate the workbook. For example
' objWorkBook.Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value = "Blah Blah"
End With
Next i
releaseObject (objExcel)
releaseObject (objWorkBook)
End Sub
'~~> Release the objects
Private Sub releaseObject(ByVal obj As Object)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (obj)
obj = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
obj = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
End Class