How do I view an embedded RavenDB database? [duplicate] - ravendb

This question already has an answer here:
Is it possible to connect to an embedded DB with Raven Management Studio
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
RavenDB server comes with a web UI Studio letting to look what's inside. But what's the way to take a look in an embedded RavenDB?

If you are running a test you can use the WaitForUserToContinueTheTest method. Otherwise I guess you'll need to start the http server yourself.


can a user view settings in application [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Where are My.Settings saved in VB 2010 .NET?
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am creating a application and including my database credentials in the settings of the project, so to access i use:
Is there any way a user using the application can view these settings?
I am worried about someone being able to log into the database if they ever manage to see the settings?
Application users can not see these settings. The only way to see the settings is to look at the code as a developer.
In my humble experience, the best choice for hiding a connection string in your app, considering the environment I work in, is to hide it in the vb code. You can make a database utilities class, and put your methods and properties there - methods being connect, execute commands etc, and a private property which is your connection string that other methods in the class use.
Other people can see the connection string, like other developers, or people who are browsing around the same files you have access to, but upon deployment, it will be very difficult for someone to extract the connection string out of yourapp.exe.

Get Internet Time instead of pc time in [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get DateTime from the internet?
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have an application that runs on local machines (multiple users) most likely its like a DTR system. This application is based on client-server architecture, so in this I need the same time over all the PCs, so by any method when on any PC application starts it fetch the current time from internet or from any server which provide accurate and same time to all the users. I searched other solutions but its no luck.
Any ideas and alternatives is much appreciated!
You can query an NTP server. This is basically a server that offers information about the current time. There are servers like or google time servers under and so on.
In order to query these you can refer to previous answers with complete code like this on:
How to Query an NTP Server using C#?
It's in C# but you can easily convert it to with tools like

MS SQL Server with management studio - how to script a table with its data (as insert statements)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Get script of SQL Server data
I want to move some rows from 1 table (on one server) to another (on another server).
The table schema is the same, what I need to do is generate some insert statements. Is there a way to do this using some built in / best practice way?
Import / Export seems completely extreme and excessive.
Thanks in advance.
Right-click on the database name and choose Tasks -> Generate Scripts. On the Scripting Options screen set Script Data to true.
You can do it with the publish wizard
Maybe it’s well-known, but new to me, you can just run “C:\Program
Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL
Server\90\Tools\Publishing\1.4\SqlPubWiz.exe”. This nifty little tool
can generate INSERT script very easily.
Reference here

Transfer table between two SQL Server databases [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
SQL Server 2005 - Export table programatically (run a .sql file to rebuild it)
I always using xls files to transfer data between two tables. But this way is very horrible. Any alternatives? Note: There is no direct network connection between the servers.
You should look into SQL Data Compare from RedGate. It will make your life much easier. Per no direct network connection, you can save the comparison in a script, and execute it on the other server.

How to view/edit extended properties of SQL Table in SharePoint 2010 [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Edit SQL Extended Properties in SharePoint 2010
Hi everyone,
I know how to view/edit table data from an external SQL (non SharePoint) database from my SharePoint 2010 web front end.
However, I also want to view/edit the extended properties (metadata) as well.
How can I do this?
You don't make clear if you are wanting to access a SharePoint Database (not supported as NLV say) or a.n.other database via SharePoint.
I am assuming the latter.
There are lots of table viewer/editor web parts but I don't know of any that let you work with metadata so you're probably going to have to develop your own - this guide and this one are for a viewer but should give you a head start.