The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it - objective-c

I want to submit app on AppStore, My app is having swift speech SDK library, and project is in Obj C, Whenever I am trying to upload my build, I am getting this error,Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Doing Embedded Content Contains Swift Code -> YES in target setting, not working.

Incase your project is having swift classes /library:, Please ensure below settings are as follows:
Project/Target settings -> build Settings
1. Defines Module -> YES
2. Always embed Swift Standard libraries -> YES
It solved my problem.

In my case was because I was using an Adhoc provisioning profile instead of a production one when I was trying to deploy to the App Store Connect.


ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support

I am trying to upload my app to the app store. I can archive my app and successfully upload to App Store Connect, however, it keeps getting rejected with the following error message:
Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "Retainer Tracker" 1.0 >>(8). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Best regards,
The App Store Team
I've tried a bunch of diffrent fixes I've found online but still can't get it to work. Can anyone help?
The basic reason is your application using swift and your swiftsupport folder is empty. Let's move in detail
If your application using Xcode to make .ipa file and there is no third-party IDE involve to create Xcode project, you can fix this issue by upgrading your Xcode
If you are using some other IDE to make the Xcode project then please follow that link. I already give the answer to this question. Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty
The problem occurred right after I added a specific Swift Library
Doing the following fixed the issue in my case
Go to Targets > YourApp > Build Settings
Under Packaging:
Defines Module: Yes
Under Assets:
Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries: Yes
ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
For us, our CICD pipeline was using an Ad-Hoc Provisioning Profile to distribute the ipa build to Testflight/AppStore.
We fixed this by using an App-Store Provisioning Profile instead.

xcode uploading issue when build is prepare for itune store

i have an app having no issue when run on iphone simulator but when upload to the itune store it have validate and upload to the app store button disabled as shown in image
Probably it could be related to how you signed the IPA.
Check you provisioning profiles and certificate in your release configuration.
You can export your package as save for iOS app store deployment,
and upload with application loader.
application loadercan be open in XCode -> open developer tool.
The type of your archive Generic Xcode Archiveis incorrect.
To debug :
Try opening it (right Click > Show In finder > Right Click > Show package content...) to see what is in there appart from your app
Look in your project Build Phases what are the Target Dependencies
source: Cannot generate iOS App archive in xcode
source: Application Archiving in Xcode

No type or protocol named wkextensiondelegate

i am going to update my existing project from IOS 7.0 to 9.1 with watch app extension through
File -> New -> Target -> Watch kit app.
it will added watch app extension in to main bundle with some files and watch storyboard.
my problem is when i run watch app it gives me error "No type or protocol named wkextensiondelegate"
see in my screenshot
i have added watchkit.framework to project -> Target -> build phase -> Link Binary With Libraries.
Thank you in advance.
Your xcode should be upgraded to the latest version. and download it below

Installing the app Extension to the device?

I am trying to install my application extension on my iPhone device, but I am getting the following error:
This application or a bundle it contains has the same bundle identifier as
this application or another bundle that it contains. Bundle identifiers must be unique.
The app container have the bundle id: com.companyName.AppName and the bundle identifier for the app extension is com.companyName.AppName.WidgetApp.
I have tried to sign the extension with the same provisioning, also I have installed a different AppID from the apple developer site and new provisioning profiles for the App Extension and Also tried to set the signing for the extension Widget to Automatic but still the same error and the app cannot be launched on the device.
What should i do in order to install my application extension to the device?
Here are screenshots of my General Tab for both my app and the Extension:
Thank you.
Executing a clean command worked for me.
This is done through the XCode menu item; Product > Clean or SHIFT + COMMAND + K
I had this exact problem and it was due to having a duplicated framework included in the build. I had included both a test and non-test version of the same dynamic framework. Once I removed one, the installation proceeded as expected.
I'm sharing this in the hopes that it will help someone else in case they encounter this particularly obscure situation.
In Swift :
If you installed pods then you have to change bundle identifier as org.cocoapods.podName in general identity. Make sure deployment target of all pods should be same to the project’s deployment target.

Importing VLCKit (after c59cb1b) in a Swift based project

So I get the latest VLCKit to compile and I see in the xcode project it has it's Defines Module set to Yes in the project Build Settings, and it has the Product Module Name set to VLCKit.
I run make VLCKit to build the framework, everything builds and I get my VLCKit.framework file.
I embed that framework into my Swift based app.
If I use the bridging header, it complains that it can't find the VLCKit/VLCKit.h
from the swift side import VLCKit is also an error.
Anyone get this to work?
Well I managed to fix the issue by just creating a new project VLCKit won't play in my swift bridged project, which is another issue entirely. It will play in a purely obj-c project though.