Installing the app Extension to the device? - objective-c

I am trying to install my application extension on my iPhone device, but I am getting the following error:
This application or a bundle it contains has the same bundle identifier as
this application or another bundle that it contains. Bundle identifiers must be unique.
The app container have the bundle id: com.companyName.AppName and the bundle identifier for the app extension is com.companyName.AppName.WidgetApp.
I have tried to sign the extension with the same provisioning, also I have installed a different AppID from the apple developer site and new provisioning profiles for the App Extension and Also tried to set the signing for the extension Widget to Automatic but still the same error and the app cannot be launched on the device.
What should i do in order to install my application extension to the device?
Here are screenshots of my General Tab for both my app and the Extension:
Thank you.

Executing a clean command worked for me.
This is done through the XCode menu item; Product > Clean or SHIFT + COMMAND + K

I had this exact problem and it was due to having a duplicated framework included in the build. I had included both a test and non-test version of the same dynamic framework. Once I removed one, the installation proceeded as expected.
I'm sharing this in the hopes that it will help someone else in case they encounter this particularly obscure situation.

In Swift :
If you installed pods then you have to change bundle identifier as org.cocoapods.podName in general identity. Make sure deployment target of all pods should be same to the project’s deployment target.


ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support

I am trying to upload my app to the app store. I can archive my app and successfully upload to App Store Connect, however, it keeps getting rejected with the following error message:
Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "Retainer Tracker" 1.0 >>(8). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Best regards,
The App Store Team
I've tried a bunch of diffrent fixes I've found online but still can't get it to work. Can anyone help?
The basic reason is your application using swift and your swiftsupport folder is empty. Let's move in detail
If your application using Xcode to make .ipa file and there is no third-party IDE involve to create Xcode project, you can fix this issue by upgrading your Xcode
If you are using some other IDE to make the Xcode project then please follow that link. I already give the answer to this question. Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty
The problem occurred right after I added a specific Swift Library
Doing the following fixed the issue in my case
Go to Targets > YourApp > Build Settings
Under Packaging:
Defines Module: Yes
Under Assets:
Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries: Yes
ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
For us, our CICD pipeline was using an Ad-Hoc Provisioning Profile to distribute the ipa build to Testflight/AppStore.
We fixed this by using an App-Store Provisioning Profile instead.

How to fix optimazition error publish in play store

my apk is 1.4MB but error is "This APK results in unused code and resources being sent to users. Your app could be smaller if you used the Android App Bundle. By not optimizing your app for device configurations, your app is larger to download and install on users' devices than it needs to be. Larger apps see lower install success rates and take up storage on users' devices."
how to fix this error
It's only a warning, not an error.
For an app that small I wouldn't worry.
It's not something that's made its way into the Ionic ecosystem yet but I heard that if you open up your project in Android Studio and then do the build through there you can create an app bundle.
I'm not totally sure that its fully tested for Ionic so you might have issues with this, but Android have published a full guide:
This is what they say:
Download Android Studio 3.2 or higher—it's the easiest way
to add dynamic feature modules and build app bundles.
Add support for Dynamic Delivery
by including a base module, organizing code and resources for configuration
APKs, and, optionally, adding dynamic feature modules.
Build an Android App Bundle using Android Studio.
If you're not using the IDE, you can instead build an app bundle from the
command line.
Test your Android App Bundle by using it to generate APKs that
you deploy to a device.
Enroll into app signing by Google Play.
Otherwise, you can't upload your app bundle to the Play Console.
Publish your app bundle to Google Play.

Works on Simulator, fails on device: error: WatchKit App doesn't contain any WatchKit Extensions

I am seeing the following error when trying to run a project on a real device, in the simulator it runs fine.
error: WatchKit App doesn't contain any WatchKit Extensions. Verify that the value of NSExtensionPointIdentifier in your WatchKit Extension's Info.plist is set to
Things which may or may not be relevant
I am using cocoa pods in both the watch and main app target
The project is mostly objective-c but has a few swift files
Xcode 8.1 (8B62)
Device Software Versions: iOS 10.1.1 & WatchOS 3.1
Deployment Info > Deployment Target: iOS 10.0 watchOS 3.0
Things I’ve tried
I have checked several times that all the correct files belong to the watch target. I may have missed something here, but I assume it wouldn’t run on the simulator if this was the case
Bundle identifiers
main app’s identifier: < app id >
watch app’s bundle identifier: < app id >.watchkit
watch app’s WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier: < app id >
watch extension’s bundle identifier: < app id >.watchkit.extension
watch extension’s NSExtension>NSExtensionAttributes>WKAppBundleIdentifier: < app id >.watchkit
WKWatchKitApp is set to YES in both the Watch Extension and the Watch App
I have removed and re-added the .appex from Build Phases>Embed App Extensions
Ensuring Mach-O Type is set to executable in all targets
Re-installing pods as described in this answer
Clearing derived data
Clearing build folder
Restarting Xcode
I tried an archive and this failed with the same error
In lieu of an answer, advice on debugging / troubleshooting this would be appreciated too.
I've seen this intermittently, but usually rebuilding a second time fixed it. I've never got to the bottom of why.
I've always assumed it's a bug in Xcode.
Sorry can't be more help, but you're not alone in seeing this.
I encountered this error, with 3 other errors.
Turned out the problem is that Valid Architectures is set incorrectly. Under Build Settings, make sure Valid Architectures includes i386 and armv7k.
Once that is fixed, the watch extension will be build, and all errors gone.

Invalid Bundle Structure for WatchKit

I'm trying to submit a WatchKit app to the App Store but get this error.
Another cause for this is including a WatchKit or any other inside your application bundle.
Do not include any in your project settings > target > Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources.
A bug in Xcode (6.2..) added it there when I tried to add it to Target > General > Embedded Binaries. Nothing changed in that section and no errors were shown so I ignored the bad feeling it gave me.
After hours dealing with other certificate issues (and hosing all of our TestFlight testers, due to revoking distribution certs, which was apparently/probably required), upgrading to Xcode 6.3.1 I finally remembered this bad feeling and found the app watchkit application lurking in the Copy Bundle Resources section and removed it.
In addition to the Invalid Bundle Structure error above the specific errors exhibited for me were:
ERROR ITMS-90378: "CFBundleIdentifier Collision. There is more than one bundle with the CFBundleIdentifier value '' under the iOS application ''
ERROR ITMS-90451: "CFBundleIdentifier Collision. The Info.plist CFBundleIdentifier value '' of ' Watchkit' is in conflict with the Info.plist CFBundleIdentifier value of ' Watchkit Extension.appex/App WatchKit'
All were gone and submission worked fine after removing.
Also, validation passed fine even with both instances of the watckit app.
You cannot submit WatchKit apps yet even though Xcode 6.2 and iOS 8.2 are officially out. See the following answer for more info.

Worklight 6.1 - App Center Mobile Client error

I'm currently trying to build the mobile client for IOS. There are 2 issue currently lingering:
The mobile client will be used for user to download the app from our test server. When i build, i run the Build Setting and Deploy Target script and tick the checkbox to deploy for another server. However i'm not sure the context path need to be put as what, the current default is /IBMAppCenter
When i try run the app center in the XCode simulator, the app center keep running with a loading icon. I check the log and found that it says:
ERROR: Plugin '' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin.
Check your plugin mapping in config.xml
I check my native folder (ipad\native\CordovaLib) and true enough, the CDVPlugin was not in the plugin folder, but when i look into the Classes folder, the header (.h) and implementation (.m) files are there. How should i configure to make it work?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
About question 1:
The deploy target is irrelevant. It is only relevant for "normal" Worklight applications that are managed by a Worklight Console (so you must specify on which server your Worklight Console runs). But the Application Center client is not managed by any Worklight Console. All what you do is to build the environment, create the IPA and upload it to the Application Center server. Therefore, please only use the "Build all environments" menu item and ignore anything with deploy target!
See here:
About question 2:
The Application Center mobile client for iOS should be in the iphone environment, not in the ipad environment. The code in the iphone environment folder should work for ipad as well but you cannot generate an ipad environment for the Application Center client, as well as you cannot delete the iphone environment and regenerated it via File > New > Environment, because when you do that, the libAppCenterInstallerLib.a gets deleted. You must take the project as it was in your original installation.
Please check IBMAppCenter/apps/AppCenter/iphone/native/appCenterLib. This should contain subdirectories (for Release, Debug ...) which contain libAppCenterInstallerLib.a. The error message that you see means that it cannot find this library; probably because you deleted the iphone environment or because you attempted to create an ipad environment.