How to make series of test with protractor? - testing

What is canonical way to perform series of tests using protractor? Something like "visit every page on the list and check an aelemnt on it"? with a long list (hundreds/thousands of items) with all test results in one report?
Only way i am currently aware of is to supply varying part as a parameter and make humber of calls from the system (loop over the list of pages with awk, for example), which does not seem like a canonical way.

You may look into using using() test "multiplier" from jasmine-data-provider:
var urls = ["url1", ... "url2"];
using(urls, function (url) {
it("should do something with url: '" + url + "'", function () {
// test logic here


How to properly create and use dynamic Xpath in JSON (Page Object Model) - Karate DSL

For example, I have this sample JSON object in pages folder which contains all the XPaths for specific page.
"pageTitle1": "//*[#class='page-title' and text()='text1']",
"pageTitle2": "//*[#class='page-title' and text()='text2']",
"pageTitle_x" : "//*[#class='page-title' and text()='%s']"
* def pageHome = read('classpath:/pages/pageHome.json')
* click(pageHome.pageTitle_x) <-- how to properly replace %s in the string?
Update: I tried the replace function, not sure if this is the proper way.
* click(pageHome.pageTitle_x.replace("%s","new value"))
First a bit of advice. Trying to be "too clever" like this causes maintainability problems in the long run. I have said a lot about this here, please read it:
That said, you can write re-usable JS functions that will do all these things:
* def pageTitle = function(x){ return "//*[#class='page-title' and text()='" + x "']" }
Now using that you can do this:
* click(pageTitle('foo'))
If you redesign the function even this may be possible:
* click(pageTitle(pageHome.pageTitle_x, 'foo'))
But see how things become more complicated and less readable. The choice is yours. Note that anything you can do in JS (e.g. String.replace()) will be possible, it is up to you and your creativity.

Karate Netty - CallSingle but not so single

What I had till today:
I have get_jwt.feature and I call it as a part of karate-config.js. Since I have used one account I needed only one jwt and I can reuse it across scenarios. callSingle worked as a charm in this case.
Suddenly I have need for jwt's from two accounts which I dont want to generate for each scenario, callSingle falls short of this task as it does exactly what its supposed to be doing. Now I have hacky idea, I can simply make two files, get_jwt.feature and get_jwt_user2.feature, and single call them each.
So my question: Is there a better way of doing this?
You can use "2 levels" of calls. So point the callSingle() to a JS function that calls get_jwt.feature 2 times, maybe with different arguments and then return a JSON. Pseudo-code below. First is get_jwts.js:
function fn(users) {
var jwt1 ='get_jwt.feature', users.user1);
var jwt2 ='get_jwt.feature', users.user2);
return { jwt1: jwt1, jwt2: jwt2 };
Then in karate-config.js
config.jwts = karate.callSingle('classpath:get_jwts.js', users);
And now you should be able to do this:
* print jwts.jwt1
* print jwts.jwt2
You can also do a feature-->feature call chain. Do let me know if this works !
EDIT: see Babu's answer in the comments, looks like you can pass an array to callSingle() ! so that may be quite convenient :)

How to Set Postman Test Equal to This or That

I am writing an API test in Postman, and I would like it to succeed if a Number is returned or the string "NA".
Based on my current understanding one condition can be tested at a time, like:
pm.test('Qty returned is number', () => {
pm.expect(typeof parseInt(pm.response.json().qty))'NaN');
Writing as two separate tests, one will pass and one will fail.
How can I code this exception into a single test?
Worked for my case, wanted the test to pass if one of two values is returned:["value1","value2"]);
answer from jaikl

Karate: How to use a Javascript function from a DIFFERENT feature file

I have created a feature file that will contain lots of javascript functions.
From within a DIFFERENT feature file I want to use ONE of those functions (and pass in a value).
How do I do this please?
My feature file is called SystemSolentraCustomKarateMethods.feature
Here is the current content (it currently contains just one function):
Feature: System Solentra Status Test
* def checkreturneddatetimeiscorrect =
#The following code compares the passed in datetime with the current systemdatetime and
#makes sure they are within 2 seconds of each other
function(datetime) {
var datenow = new Date();
karate.log("***The Date Now = " + datenow.toISOString() + " ***");
var timenow = datenow.getTime();
karate.log("***The Time Now in Milliseconds = " + timenow+ " ***");
karate.log("***The Passedin Date = " + datetime + " ***");
var passedintime = new Date();
passedintime = Date.parse(datetime);
karate.log("***The Passed in Time = " + passedintime+ " ***");
var difference = timenow - passedintime;
karate.log("***The Time Difference = " + difference + " milliseconds ***");
return (difference < 2000)
Thanks Peter I have figured out how to do this now.
(1) The feature file that contains the functions MUST have the Feature, Background and Scenario tags - even if your file does NOT contain any scenarios. (*see my example file below)
(2) In the feature file that you are calling FROM add the following code to the Background section:
* call read('yourfilename.feature')
(3) You can now use the functions within the called feature file
Here is the structure of the feature file I am calling:
Feature: Custom Karate Methods
This feature file contains Custom Karate Methods that can be called and used from other Feature Files
* def *nameofyourfunction* =
#Comment describing the fuction
function() {
****Scenario: This line is required please do not delete - or the functions cannot be called****
I think you've already seen the answer here, and this question is an exact duplicate: (edit: ok, maybe not)
Anyway, I'll repeat what I posted there:
there is no problem when you define multiple functions in one feature and call it from multiple other features
you will anyway need a unique name for each function
when you use call for that feature, all the functions will be available, yes, but if you don't use them, that's okay. if you are worrying about performance and memory, IMHO that is premature optimization
if that does not sound good enough, one way to achieve what you want is to define a Java class Foo with a bunch of static methods. then you can do Foo.myMethodOne(), Foo.myMethodTwo() to your hearts content. I would strongly recommend this approach in your case, because you seem to be expecting an explosion of utility methods, and in my experience, that is better managed in Java, just because you can maintain that code better, IDE support, unit-tests, debugging and all
Hope that makes sense !

fnReloadAjax(url): two requests

I'd like to refresh my table when new item is added. I use such code:
$("#frm_create_user").submit(function() {
var formData = getFormData($("#frm_create_user"));
type: "POST",
url: getApiUrl("/user"),
dataType: "json",
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({user:{user_ref: formData.user_ref}}),
}).done(function(r) {
oTable.fnReloadAjax(getApiUrl("/users?sSearch=" + r.user.userid));
return false;
But for some reason, I can see two requests instead of one.
The first one is correct - http://symfony/app_dev.php/api/users?sSearch=kZoh1s23&_=1394204041433
And the second one is confusing - http://symfony/app_dev.php/api/users?sSearch=kZoh1s23&sEcho=3&iColumns=8&sColumns=&iDisplayStart=0&iDisplayLength=25&mDataProp_0=userid&mDataProp_1=user_ref&mDataProp_2=password&mDataProp_3=vpn_password&mDataProp_4=status_id&mDataProp_5=expire_account&mDataProp_6=created&mDataProp_7=&sSearch=&bRegex=false&sSearch_0=&bRegex_0=false&bSearchable_0=true&sSearch_1=&bRegex_1=false&bSearchable_1=true&sSearch_2=&bRegex_2=false&bSearchable_2=true&sSearch_3=&bRegex_3=false&bSearchable_3=true&sSearch_4=&bRegex_4=false&bSearchable_4=true&sSearch_5=&bRegex_5=false&bSearchable_5=true&sSearch_6=&bRegex_6=false&bSearchable_6=true&sSearch_7=&bRegex_7=false&bSearchable_7=true&iSortCol_0=0&sSortDir_0=asc&iSortingCols=1&bSortable_0=true&bSortable_1=false&bSortable_2=true&bSortable_3=true&bSortable_4=true&bSortable_5=true&bSortable_6=true&bSortable_7=true&_=1394204041505
If I remove fnReloadAjax() line, these two requests gone so that it looks like it is caused by fnReloadAjax()
How may I fix it to have only http://symfony/app_dev.php/api/users?sSearch=kZoh1s23&_=1394204041433 requests?
All these confusing parameters are Informations that your server sided script might need to clamp the data that has to be returned to dataTables.
Since I don't know your server sided code, I can only break up what they are good for:
&sEcho=3 //No need to react to this, it's just the result of the last ajax call
&iColumns=8 //Your table has 8 columns
&iDisplayStart=0 //You are on page 1
&iDisplayLength=25 //you want to display up to 25 entrys per page
&mDataProp_0=userid //Your first colum gets the value of [userid]
&mDataProp_1=user_ref //Your first colum gets the value of [user_ref]
&mDataProp_2=password //Your first colum gets the value of [password]
&sSearch=12345&bRegex=true//Your first column is filtered by userid 12345 and this value should be treated as a regex by your datasource
&sSearch_0=&bRegex_0=false//Your second column is not filtered and should not be treated as a regex by your datasource
&iSortCol_0=0&sSortDir_0=asc //your first column should be sorted ascending
&iSortingCols=1 //you have one column that is sortable
&bSortable_0=true //Column 0 is sortable
&bSortable_1=false //Column 1 is not sortable
Your server sided script should react to these values. In case of a mysql datasource it should set up its where clause to the filtering parameters, limit it by pagenumber and items per page, and sort according to the sortinfo.
All this is needed if you want to use the luxury features of datatables like pagination, sorting, individual column filtering, clamping ajax return values to minify serverload when working with thousands of entrys.
If you don't need that, just ignore the additional parameters in your server script and just react to the data you need. But leave them in, you might need them later:-)
Hope this helps