I.click()-selector in CodeceptJS - how to find first button with specific innerHTML - codeception

I have various buttons and several buttons with the same name "Start". I need to click on the first found button with this name (innerHTML).
With jQuery this works with :
How does it work with I.click()-Selector in CodeceptJS? I can't find the right syntax and always getting:
"invalid selector: An invalid or illegal selector was specified"
Here is the API for this function: https://github.com/Codeception/CodeceptJS/blob/master/docs/webapi/click.mustache
The only working solution I found is:
But this solution is confusing, because you need to know the exactly number in the order of this element - and I have a lot of buttons with different names. Also this not allows me to search by innerHTML such as "Start".

You could use the I.executeScript like this:
I.executeScript("var elements = document.getElementsByName('Start');elements[0].click();"); or
I.executeScript("var elements =

You need using XPath for that
//button[1][contains(text(), 'Start')]

locate("//button[contains(text(), 'Start')]").first()
locate("//button[contains(text(), 'Start')]").at(1)
Works fine.


Click on first element contained in a div

I have a div that contains a set of dynamic elements. I want to click on the first search result.
I want to click on the first element contains in
I tried using creating a custom xPath like so but it didn't work. Any ideas here?
//div[1][contains(text(), 'listing')]
First of all It would've helped if you had provided more information.
best will be using pseudo-child like div.firstChild or if the elements are generated dynamically you can add a class and use document.querySelectorAll(".class") which will give you an array of elements that had the class.
You can use array[0] to use click on the first element.
For anyone coming across this thread here is the solution
const listings = await page.$x('//*[contains(#id,"listing_")]')

selenium python how to find and click element that change everytime

im trying to find an element with dinamic values , for example <span class="ms-Button-label label-175" id="id__177">Save</span> in inspect element, the id and class values tend to change for every refresh, how can i in this case find the element in selenium? i tried troguht xpath but seems doesnt work because can not find the path, i was thinking to find "Save" world torught always find by xpath but actually i dont know if im doing well : driver.find_element_by_xpath(//span(#.... but then? how can insert element if it changes everytime? thanks!
Something like this may work:
But this will fail, if there is more than one button with text "Save" on the page.
In that case you may try to find some specific outer element (div, form, etc.) which does not change and contains the button. Then find the button inside of it.
With few requests with driver:
specific_div = driver.find_element_by_id("my_specific_div")
button = specific_div.find_element_by_tag_name("span") # e.g. there is only one span in that div
Or with more specific xpath:
button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class="some-specific-class"]/span[text()="Save"]')
If needed, search for more nested elements before the button, so you can get more narrow search field.
More examples in the docs.

How to find an element containing #nbsp; in text?

I've an element with html -
<h3>App-1 Playground Login</h3>
I want to identify it with entire text - App-1 Playground Login, but causing issues to identify it. Please help how this element can be identified.
Please use the below xpath. I have already tested that and it is working fine. In the second argument of the translate method you need to type "ALT+0160" and in the third argument you will have to put just a normal space.
//h3[contains(translate(text(),' ',' ' ), 'App-1 Playground Login')]
One of the way to select your title could be :
//h3[text()= concat('App-1 Playground',codepoints-to-string(160),'Login')]
Works fine on http://xpather.com/

SyntaxError: The expression is not a legal expression

I don't know how I can use any elements to get clicked on this submit button.
I've tried it using xpath.,
web.find_elements_by_xpath('\\input value="submit" type="submit"').click()
but I get the error metioned in the title.
I searched and I couldn't find any solution.
Here's the inspected element by the browser:
What you pass to find_elements_by_xpath() doesn't looks like XPath. Also find_elements_by_xpath() should return you a list which doesn't have an attribute click(). Try to use below instead:
web.find_element_by_xpath('//input[#value="submit" and #type="submit"]').click()

Capybara, selecting 1st option from dropdown?

I've done a search and most of the related google results have returned just in general selecting an element from a dropdown. However the ID's in this case for the elements in the dropdown are dynamically generated unfortunately.
This is for a base test case, so I basically just need to select for example the first one. The text is also the same for the elements in the dropdown (not sure if that helps).
Is there such an example of this?
Im using cucumber with caybara(using selenium driver) integration
You can find the first option element and then use the select_option method to select it.
For example, if the select list has an id "select_id", you can do:
first('#select_id option').select_option
As #TomWalpole mentions, this will not wait for the element to appear. It would be safer to do one of the following:
first('#select_id option', minimum: 1).select_option
find('#select_id option:first-of-type').select_option
Alternatively you can get the first element text then select it by select function:
first_element = find("#id_of_dropdown > option:nth-child(1)").text
select(first_element, :from => "id_of_dropdown")
After two days of searching and reading, this article was amongst one of a few that was helpful. Hopefully, this can help someone else!
I created a few methods like so, excuse the naming..I changed it.
def some_dropdown(id, text)
dropdown = find(id).click
dropdown.first('option', text: text).select_option
def select_form
within 'content#id' do
some_dropdown('#id', text)
click_link_or_button 'Submit'
I also referenced this.
I've tried to select an option from a modal dropdown. After trying all listed methods, and many other from other threads - I totally gave up and instead of using clicks or select_option just used keyboard keys
find(:select, "funding").send_keys :enter, :down, :enter
In case it still complains - try:
find(:select, "funding", visible: false).send_keys :enter, :down, :enter
Worked like a charm, selecting first option from a dropdown.