How to find an element containing #nbsp; in text? - selenium

I've an element with html -
<h3>App-1 Playground Login</h3>
I want to identify it with entire text - App-1 Playground Login, but causing issues to identify it. Please help how this element can be identified.

Please use the below xpath. I have already tested that and it is working fine. In the second argument of the translate method you need to type "ALT+0160" and in the third argument you will have to put just a normal space.
//h3[contains(translate(text(),' ',' ' ), 'App-1 Playground Login')]

One of the way to select your title could be :
//h3[text()= concat('App-1 Playground',codepoints-to-string(160),'Login')]
Works fine on


I can't extract the links with scrapy

i need help for extract the links in the page:{%22page%22:1,%22sort%22:{%22fieldToSort%22:%22PublishDate%22,%22order%22:1}}
You could shorten it, you don't have to target from the top element to your target. It's easier to debug then.
response.css('div.developments-search-details-component a::attr(href)').get()
You can change this to Xpath if you prefer that. But usually when you try to target an element and it returns null or empty list it's because of a typo or because that element is dynamically rendered after page load.
To debug I'll usually start at a higher element in the tree and see if that exists.
In this case you could try:
first and see if that works.

Selenium C# - I'm unable to find an element on this page using any of the locators

This was just a random script I made to complete a quiz but I can't seem to access the final element. I want to select the element, click the element and then send some text to the element.
I have tried to access the input box by class name, CssSelector and by XPath.
The website is
Here are the XPaths I have tried:
//*[contains(#class, 'email-wrapper')]
//div[contains(#placeholder, '')]
//div[#class="row request-info-wrapper"]
//*[#id='request - email']"
Any help is greatly appreciated as I'm new to the framework and would very much like to know what I'm not understanding about locators! Thank you!
I can't seem to target this element or any of its children:
You have selected wrong tag DIV.Try this following Xpath. All should work.
Your field has a (presently) unique ID of "request-email".
Thus you can simply use, as a CSS selector,
Then, in you can simply tell Selenium to hit ENTER to save your data. Let me know if you need help doing that.

How to write a XPath for the text one4

I want to use XPath to locate a link behind a text.
I want to use XPath to locate a link behind a text. For example, locate "one4" by "what10". You can only use the text message "what10", but you can't use it in any other way, because the information on this page will change. I want to get is the "one4" link node.
<br>what1 one
<br>just return
For some special reasons, what I want to pass is that the text of what10 is positioned to one4.
Please help me.
You can use below line
WebElement loginLink = driver.findElement(By.linkText("one4"));
Selenium doesn't supports xpath-2.0 but uses xpath-1.0
The element which you are trying to refer i.e. which contains the text what10 is a Text Node and Selenium can't use it as a reference. So finding the node with text as one4 with reference to the text what10 won't be possible. As an alternative if the desired node is always the last but one node you can use the following solution:
As per #MosheSlavin counter question here is the snapshot to demonstrate that the XPath works perfecto: in CodeceptJS - how to find first button with specific innerHTML

I have various buttons and several buttons with the same name "Start". I need to click on the first found button with this name (innerHTML).
With jQuery this works with :
How does it work with in CodeceptJS? I can't find the right syntax and always getting:
"invalid selector: An invalid or illegal selector was specified"
Here is the API for this function:
The only working solution I found is:'//button[1]');
But this solution is confusing, because you need to know the exactly number in the order of this element - and I have a lot of buttons with different names. Also this not allows me to search by innerHTML such as "Start".
You could use the I.executeScript like this:
I.executeScript("var elements = document.getElementsByName('Start');elements[0].click();"); or
I.executeScript("var elements =
You need using XPath for that
//button[1][contains(text(), 'Start')]
locate("//button[contains(text(), 'Start')]").first()
locate("//button[contains(text(), 'Start')]").at(1)
Works fine.

Dynamic xpath handling

Below is my xpath
In above code value of div[6] is keep changing.
Sometimes it will
Please provide solution.
We faced this issue with dynamic page content making XPath identification basically useless. We took the decision to make sure everything that needed to be identified in a test would have an id set. So:
Use div 'id' or 'class' instead of div[6].