Hue on Cloudera - NULL values (importing file) - hive

Yesterday I installed Cloudera QuickStart VM 5.8. After the import operation of files from the database by HUE, in some tables there were a NULL value (the entire column). In previous steps data display them properly as they should be imported.
First Pic.
Second Pic.

can you run the command describe formatted table_name in hive shell and see what is the field delimiter and then go to the warehouse directory and see if the delimiter in the data and in the table definition is same.i am sure it will not be same thats why you see null.
i am assuming you have imported the data in the default warehouse directory.
then you can do one of the following
1) delete your hive table and create it again with correct delimiter as it is in the actual data ( row format delimited fields terminated by "your delimitor" and give location as your data file
2) delete the data that is imported and run sqoop import again and give the fields-terminated-by " the delimitor in the hive table definition"

Once check datatype of second(col_1) and third(col_2) in original database from where your exporting.
This can not be case of missing delimiter, else fourth(col_3) would not have populated correctly, which is correct.


External Table in Hive - Location

The below table returns no data while running a select statement
LOCATION '/user/data/CSV/2016/1/27/*/part-*';
I need my hive to point to a dynamic folder so as a mapreduce job puts a part file in a folder and hive loads into the table.
Is there any way the location be made dynamic like
or just /user/data/CSV/* would do fine ?
(The same code works fine when created as internal table and loaded with the file path - hence there is no issues due to formatting)
First of, your table definition is missing columns. Second, external table location always points to folder, not particular files. Hive will consider all files in the folder to be data for the table.
If you have data that is generated e.g. on a daily basis by some external process you should consider partitioning your table by date. Then you need to add a new partition to the table when the data is available.
Hive does not iterate through multiple folders -
Hence for the above scenario
I ran a command line argument that iterates through these multiple folders and cat (print to the console) all the part files and then put it to a desired location.(that Hive points to)
hadoop fs -cat /user/data/CSV/*/*/*/*/part-* | hadoop fs -put - <destination folder>
This line
LOCATION '/user/data/CSV/2016/1/27/*/part-*';
Does not look correct, I don't think that the table can created from multiple locations. Have you tried just importing by a single location to confirm this?
Could also be the delimiter you're using is not correct. If you are using a CSV file to import your data try delimitating by ','.
You can use an alter table statement to change the locations. In the example below partitions are based on dates where data is stored in time dependent file locations. If I want to search many days I have to add an alter table statement for each location. This idea may extend to your situation quite well. You create a script to generate the create table statement as below using some other technology such as python.
alter table foo add partition (date='20160201') location /user/data/CSV/20160201/data;
alter table foo add partition (date='20160202') location /user/data/CSV/20160202/data;
alter table foo add partition (date='20160203') location /user/data/CSV/20160203/data;
alter table foo add partition (date='20160204') location /user/data/CSV/20160204/data;
You can use as many add and drop statements you need to define your locations. Then your table can find data held in many locations in HDFS rather than having all your files in one location.
You may also be able to leverage a
create table like
statement. To create a schema like you have in another table. Then alter the table to point at the files you want.
I know this isn't exactly what you want and is more of a work around. Good luck!

Incremental updates in HIVE using SQOOP appends data into middle of the table

I am trying to append the new data from SQLServer to Hive using the following command
sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:sqlserver://;database=testdb' --username uname --password passwd --table testable --where "ID > 11854" --hive-import -hive-table hivedb.hivetesttable --fields-terminated-by ',' -m 1
This command appends the data.
But when I run
select * from hivetesttable;
it doesnot show the new data at the end.
This is because the sqoop import statement for appending the new data result the mapper output as part-m-00000-copy
So my data in the hive table directory looks like
Is there any way to append the data at end by changing the name of mapper?
Hive, similarly to any other relational database, doesn't guarantee any order unless you explicitly use ORDER BY clause.
You're correct in your analysis - the reason why the data appears in the "middle" is that Hive will read one file after another based on lexicographical sort and Sqoop simply names the files that they will get appended somewhere in the middle of that list.
However this operation is fully valid - Sqoop appended data to Hive table and because your query doesn't have any explicit ORDER BY statement the result have no guarantees with regards to order. In fact Hive itself can change this behavior and read files based on time of creation without breaking any compatibility.
I'm also interested to see how this is affecting your use case? I'm assuming that the query to list all rows is just a test one. Do you have any issues with actual production queries?

Hive Extended table

When we create using
Create external table employee (name string,salary float) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' location /emp
In /emp directory there are 2 emp files.
so when we run select * from employee, it get the data from both the file ad display.
What will be happen when there will be others file also having different kind of record which column is not matching with the employee table , so it will try to load all the files when we run "select * from employee"?
1.Can we specify the specific file name which we want to load?
2.Can we create other table also with the same location?
It will load all the files in emp directory even it doesn’t match with table.
for your first question. you can use Regex serde.if your data matches to regex.then it loads to the table.
regex for access log in hive serde
other options:I am pointing some links.these links has some ways.
when creating an external table in hive can I point the location to specific files in a direcotry?
for your second question: yes we can create other tables also with the same location.
Here are your answers
1. If the data in the file dosent match with table format, hive doesnt throw an error. It tries to read the data as best as it could. If data for some columns are missing it will put NULL for them.
No we cannot specify the file name for any table to read data. Hive will consider all the files under the table directory.
Yes, we can create other tables with the same location.

Hive External table-CSV File- Header row

Below is the hive table i have created:
column1 type, </br>
column2 type
LOCATION '/exttable/';
In my HDFS location /exttable, i have lot of CSV files and each CSV file also contain the header row. When i am doing select queries, the result contains the header row as well.
Is there any way in HIVE where we can ignore the header row or first line ?
you can now skip the header count in hive 0.13.0.
tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1");
If you are using Hive version 0.13.0 or higher you can specify "skip.header.line.count"="1" in your table properties to remove the header.
For detailed information on the patch see:
Lets say you want to load csv file like below located at /home/test/que.csv
Now, we need to create a location in HDFS that holds this data.
hadoop fs -put /home/test/que.csv /user/mcc
Next step is to create a table. There are two types of them to choose from. Refer this for choosing one.
Example for External Table.
create external table industry_
MCC string ,
MCC_Name string,
MCC_Group string
LOCATION '/user/mcc/'
tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1");
Note: When accessed via Spark SQL, the header row of the CSV will be shown as a data row.
Tested on: spark version 2.4.
There is not. However, you can pre-process your files to skip the first row before loading into HDFS -
tail -n +2 withfirstrow.csv > withoutfirstrow.csv
Alternatively, you can build it into where clause in HIVE to ignore the first row.
If your hive version doesn't support tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1"), you can use below unix command to ignore the first line (column header) and then put it in HDFS.
sed -n '2,$p' File_with_header.csv > File_with_No_header.csv
To remove the header from the csv file in place use:
sed -i 1d filename.csv

Import data flat files in hive without defining hive table structure

Can I import CSV or any other flat files in to hive without creating and defining table structure first in hive. Say my csv file is having 200 columns and needs to be imported into hive table. So I have to first create a table in hive and define all the column names and datatype within that hive table and import. Is there any way in which I can directly import in to hive and it automatically creates tables structure from first line say, similar to sqoop import?
use sqoop with a "hive-import" switch & it will create your table for you
Check your hive-site.xml for the value of the property
javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL. If you do not define this explicitly,
the default value will use a relative path for creation of hive
metastore (jdbc:derby:;databaseName=metastore_db;create=true) which
will be different depending upon where you launch the process from.
This would explain why you cannot see the table via show tables.
The way to overcome it would be to define this property value in your
hive-site.xml using an absolute path