Import data flat files in hive without defining hive table structure - hive

Can I import CSV or any other flat files in to hive without creating and defining table structure first in hive. Say my csv file is having 200 columns and needs to be imported into hive table. So I have to first create a table in hive and define all the column names and datatype within that hive table and import. Is there any way in which I can directly import in to hive and it automatically creates tables structure from first line say, similar to sqoop import?

use sqoop with a "hive-import" switch & it will create your table for you

Check your hive-site.xml for the value of the property
javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL. If you do not define this explicitly,
the default value will use a relative path for creation of hive
metastore (jdbc:derby:;databaseName=metastore_db;create=true) which
will be different depending upon where you launch the process from.
This would explain why you cannot see the table via show tables.
The way to overcome it would be to define this property value in your
hive-site.xml using an absolute path


Export autodetect schema

I am trying to create a table from a CSV using the schema autodetect option. It fails because some rows / columns have values that do not conform to the auto detected type. I would like to change the type for those columns to STRING.
Is there a way to export the autodetected schema so I can update it and use it to load. The CSV has 30+ columns and I would like to avoid having to manually generate a schema file for all the columns.
This question is not a duplicate of this. The latter is a solution to the case where the table already exists. In this question there is no existing table whose schema can be exported.

How hive create a table from a file present in HDFS?

I am new to HDFS and HIVE. I got some introduction of both after reading some books and documentation. I have a question regarding creation of a table in HIVE for which file is present in HDFS.
I have this file with 300 fields in HDFS. I want to create a table accessing this file in HDFS. But I want to make use of say 30 fields from this file.
My questions are
1. Does hive create a separate file directory?
2. Do I have to create hive table first and import data from HDFS?
3. Since I want to create a table with 30 columns out of 300 columns, Does hive create a file with only those 30 columns?
4. Do I have to create a separate file with 30 columns and import into HDFS and then create hive table pointing to HDFS directory?
My questions are
Does hive create a separate file directory?
YES if you create a hive table (managed/external) and load the data using load command.
NO if you create an external table and point to the existing file.
Do I have to create hive table first and import data from HDFS?
Not Necessarily you can create a hive external table and point to this existing file.
Since I want to create a table with 30 columns out of 300 columns, Does hive create a file with only those 30 columns?
You can do it easily using hiveQL. follow the below steps (note: this is not the only approach):
create a external table with 300 column and point to the existing
create another hive table with desired 30 columns and insert data to this new table from 300 column table using "insert into
table30col select ... from table300col". Note: hive will create the
file with 30 columns during this insert operation.
Do I have to create a separate file with 30 columns and import into HDFS and then create hive table pointing to HDFS directory?
Yes this can be an alternative.
I personally like solution mentioned in question 3 as I don't have to recreate the file and I can do all of that in hadoop without depending on some other system.
You have several options. One is to have Hive simply point to the existing file, i.e. create an external HIVE table:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ... LOCATION '<your existing hdfs file>';
This table in Hive will, obviously, match exactly your existing table. You must declare all 300 columns. There will be no data duplication, there is only one one file, Hive simply references the already existing file.
A second option would be to either IMPORT or LOAD the data into a Hive table. This would copy the data into a Hive table and let Hive control the location. But is important to understand that neither IMPORT nor LOAD do not transform the data, so the result table will have exactly the same structure layout and storage as your original table.
Another option, which I would recommend, is to create a specific Hive table and then import the data into it, using a tool like Sqoop or going through an intermediate staging table created by one of the methods above (preferably external reference to avoid an extra copy). Create the desired table, create the external reference staging table, insert the data into the target using INSERT ... SELECT, then drop the staging table. I recommend this because it lets you control not only the table structure/schema (ie. have only the needed 30 columns) but also, importantly, the storage. Hive has a highly columnar performant storage format, namely ORC, and you should thrive to use this storage format because will give you tremendous query performance boost.

In sqoop export, Avro table to define schema in RDBMS

I'm loading data from HDFS to mySQL using SQOOP, in this data one record has got more than 70 fields, making it difficult to define the schema while creating the table in RDBMS.
Is there a way to use AVRO tables to dynamically create the table with schema in RDBMS using SQOOP?
Or is there any some tool which does the same?
This is not supported in sqoop today. From the sqoop documentation
The export tool exports a set of files from HDFS back to an RDBMS. The
target table must already exist in the database. The input files are
read and parsed into a set of records according to the user-specified

Hue on Cloudera - NULL values (importing file)

Yesterday I installed Cloudera QuickStart VM 5.8. After the import operation of files from the database by HUE, in some tables there were a NULL value (the entire column). In previous steps data display them properly as they should be imported.
First Pic.
Second Pic.
can you run the command describe formatted table_name in hive shell and see what is the field delimiter and then go to the warehouse directory and see if the delimiter in the data and in the table definition is same.i am sure it will not be same thats why you see null.
i am assuming you have imported the data in the default warehouse directory.
then you can do one of the following
1) delete your hive table and create it again with correct delimiter as it is in the actual data ( row format delimited fields terminated by "your delimitor" and give location as your data file
2) delete the data that is imported and run sqoop import again and give the fields-terminated-by " the delimitor in the hive table definition"
Once check datatype of second(col_1) and third(col_2) in original database from where your exporting.
This can not be case of missing delimiter, else fourth(col_3) would not have populated correctly, which is correct.

loading data to hive dynamic partitioned tables

I have created a hive table with dynamic partitioning on a column. Is there a way to directly load the data from files using "LOAD DATA" statement? Or do we have to only depend on creating a non-partitioned intermediate table and load file data to it and then inserting data from this intermediate table to partitioned table as mentioned in Hive loading in partitioned table?
No, the LOAD DATA command ONLY copies the files to the destination directory. It doesn't read the records of the input file, so it CANNOT do partitioning based on record values.
If your input data is already split into multiple files based on partitions, you could directly copy the files to table location in HDFS under their partition directory manually created by you (OR just point to their current location in case of EXTERNAL table) and use the following ALTER command to ADD the partition. This way you could skip the LOAD DATA statement altogether.
ALTER TABLE <table-name>
No other go, if we need to insert directly, we'll need to specify partitions manually.
For dynamic partitioning, we need staging table and then insert from there.