Eclipse RCP Application doesn't show UI-Elements of external plugins - eclipse-plugin

I'm currently adapting an eclipse-plugin for an eclipse-rcp application.
The framework version wasn't changed in this progress. It's still based on eclipse 3.8. So no framework update. But somehow I'm not able to show my ui-elements in the new version.
I tried the basic sample-plugin of eclipse. It works perfectly in the old one but not in the new one.
The plugin is loaded and will be executed. The UI-Elements are loaded from the plugin.xml but somehow they are not displayed. I put the same sample file into the old one and it works perfectly. See Old Version and New Version
Does eclipse rcp provide any methods to disable the ui-elements of external plugins with something like a white- or blacklist?
I'm thankful for every input.

With some help with the support of the application I was able to resolve the problem. They implemented in the new version a permission management. I had to add an suffix to all my ids of menus, views and buttons otherwise this elements will be filtered.


Do I need to download javafx12?

I have been having trouble utilizing Javafx within Intellij. I run into the error "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application" that I see a lot of other people have.
My main question is do I need to download Javafx12 sdk. I am able to use Dr.Java to run some of my old javafx projects just fine after adding an extra class path and I haven't needed to downloaded anything. It doesn't seem like I need to download anything as another much more basic IDE is able to run javafx. So why does it seem like intellij requires an extra download?
If you moved to Java 12, then yes, you need to download the JavaFX 12 from their new website Luckily installing it is pretty straightforward and well-explained.
It worked before because JavaFX was shipped inside the JDK distribution, which is no longer the case. Swing however is still there and will work as before. (I am not saying you go back to Swing, just that it is still shipped along the JDK)

Where has the JavaFX scene builder gone?

I am trying to find the elusive JavaFX scene builder so I can use it in Intellij. I am on Windows OS.
Oracle have stated that the JavaFX scene builder is included in a new download, but no matter how I search I cannot find it (see I think they have linked to the incorrect page and Googling for it is getting me nowhere.
I already have Java 8 SDK installed and working fine. Apparently JavaFX is now included in that, but nowhere in the Java folder can I find the scene builder and it seems to be completely missing online.
Please can anyone help? I am just wanting to write a small GUI program and it seems like JavaFX is the way to go (if it isn't then feel free to disabuse me of this notion!)
With JDK8u40, according to this:
Starting with Oracle Java SE 8u40, Oracle does not provide a separate set of accompanying JavaFX Scene Builder binaries. If you would like to contribute changes, ideas or just let us know what you have done with the code, please consult the OpenJDK Community contribution guidelines and join the openjfx-dev mailing list.
You can still download the last binary at Oracle in this link. But check this warning:
WARNING: These versions of JavaFX Scene Builder may include components that do not contain the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.
This means it doesn't include the last changes of 8u40, like the new Spinner control.
The project is open source, and you can find the updated code at the OpenJFX repo. So you are free to download it and build it.
Since its released under BSD license, Gluon is offering support for an updated version of Scene Builder, and you can download an installer for your platform or an executable jar from here.
Besides, they have an open repository where anybody can contribute.
Install JavaFx Scene Builder (Gluon) with Intellij 14 on Windows with JDK7
This will probably work with Java 8 as well but I am using 7 so I didn't test 8.
I know this has been answered but this might be helpful for future Intellij users. To get scene builder to work with Intellij 14 use the following steps.
Install Scene Builder for Windows. Download/Install From Here (Windows Installer (x64))
Set Scene Builder path to executable in Intellij. File -> Settings
-> Languages And Frameworks -> JavaFx By default mine installed under C:\Users\kris\AppData\Local\SceneBuilder\
Open your .fxml file. Click on the scene builder tab.
UPDATE 2019:
The default install path appears to know be "Program Files" C:\Program Files\SceneBuilder\SceneBuilder.exe
JavaFX plugin might need to be enabled in Intellij 2019
On a mac, in Intellij, you need to go to preferences, then type JavaFX and then do this. Please look at the attached Image.

IBM Worklight 6.1 - What symbol is this?

I'm using IBM worklight 6.1 and eclipse Juno for my mobile app project. This is a first time I got this kind of symbol on my eclipse. Can I know what symbol is this?
Thanks a lot in advance.
The markings overlayed on the folder and file icons are called decorators. The ones depicted in your screen shot are not coming from Worklight.
The decorator overlayed on the folder icon is called staged or partially-staged.
staged - The resource has changes which are added to the index. Not
that adding to the index is possible at the moment only on the commit
dialog on the context menu of a resource.
partially-staged - The resource has changes which are added to the index and additionally changes in the working tree that are neither in the index nor in the
The decorator overlayed on the files icon is called added.
The “plus” sign indicates that this is a new file that did not exist
You may have enabled some source control plug-in in your Eclipse installation.
In any case, not related to Worklight. is not available on eclipse 3.7.2

I could not find in eclipse 3.7.2 version.It was available on eclipse 3.2.2. Can any one help me on finding that why this class has been removed from latest version and is there any alternative for this class on new version.
Is there any limit related methods on eclipse 3.7.2 plugins?
This is an internal class and consequently is not part of the Eclipse API and is subject to change without notice (see Eclipse API Rules of Engagement).
However it is still present in Eclipse 4.3 but is marked x-internal:=true in the Export-Package in the MANIFEST.MF. It is also present in Eclipse 3.8, in both cases in the plug-in.
The table limits which used to be in the preference page were removed some time ago, probably when the option to show the results in a tree was added.
Further research shows the limit was moved from the preferences page to the Search Filters dialog in the drop down menu of the search view. The limit configured here can be accessed using the getElementLimit() method of
getElementLimit() returns null if there is no limit.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Controlling Dojo Layers

The question concerns how to use the Dojo tooling in Worklight Studio 6.
I am using Worklight Studio as a a plugin for my Juno Eclipse on a macbook.
I want to use Dojo, and to use a few more Dojo components than are delivered in the standard layers. So, when creating my project I selected the option to add Dojo Toolkit and took the New Dojo Library option, in the dialogue that appears I stayed with the "provided" dojo, and expanded the "select Dojo components to be included" section - this shows all the optional Dojo modules, including ones I want to use (for example dojox/form/Manager).
Having finished that selection I see some layer files have been created in my new DojoProject and they are copied to the www directory of my Worklight project, however so far as I can see the extra Dojo modules are not present in the layers - a search for dojox/form finds nothing, and my app's attempt to require "dojox/form/Manager" fails.
I can work round this by manually building layers and loading them, but I assume that I'm not using the tool correctly.
What is the correct way to use the Worklight tools to control the layer contents?
Transpires that the selected Dojo components are available for use but do not get included in any layers. The dojo components are available for serving via the Dojo Libarary Requests capability.
Seems that at present if we need to get those extra files into layers then we are required to use the Dojo layer building scripts by hand and copy the results in the Worklight project's wwww directory.