is not available on eclipse 3.7.2 - eclipse-plugin

I could not find in eclipse 3.7.2 version.It was available on eclipse 3.2.2. Can any one help me on finding that why this class has been removed from latest version and is there any alternative for this class on new version.
Is there any limit related methods on eclipse 3.7.2 plugins?

This is an internal class and consequently is not part of the Eclipse API and is subject to change without notice (see Eclipse API Rules of Engagement).
However it is still present in Eclipse 4.3 but is marked x-internal:=true in the Export-Package in the MANIFEST.MF. It is also present in Eclipse 3.8, in both cases in the plug-in.
The table limits which used to be in the preference page were removed some time ago, probably when the option to show the results in a tree was added.
Further research shows the limit was moved from the preferences page to the Search Filters dialog in the drop down menu of the search view. The limit configured here can be accessed using the getElementLimit() method of
getElementLimit() returns null if there is no limit.


3.x and E4 migration compatibility problems

I recently migrated my eclipse 3.x rcp product to be run in e4 platform using the compatibility feature. This is distributed as a eclipse product .Everything is Woking fine except for a couple of issues
When the application window opens, the perspective layout partitioning lines are not showing. Whatever folders I created inside my createinitialPerspective Method of my perspective class doesn’t show up. my perspective class is the same in the 3.x & e4 application since I am running the compatibility feature
When I open the application a second time, I expect a empty window but the views from my previous use are shown. I even tried using the -clean launch option but it doesn’t clear the workspace metadata.
What can be done to solve these 2 issues?
Edit for question #1:
Product launched as a 3.x application
Product launched from eclipse oxygen with compatibility feature

Eclipse RCP Application doesn't show UI-Elements of external plugins

I'm currently adapting an eclipse-plugin for an eclipse-rcp application.
The framework version wasn't changed in this progress. It's still based on eclipse 3.8. So no framework update. But somehow I'm not able to show my ui-elements in the new version.
I tried the basic sample-plugin of eclipse. It works perfectly in the old one but not in the new one.
The plugin is loaded and will be executed. The UI-Elements are loaded from the plugin.xml but somehow they are not displayed. I put the same sample file into the old one and it works perfectly. See Old Version and New Version
Does eclipse rcp provide any methods to disable the ui-elements of external plugins with something like a white- or blacklist?
I'm thankful for every input.
With some help with the support of the application I was able to resolve the problem. They implemented in the new version a permission management. I had to add an suffix to all my ids of menus, views and buttons otherwise this elements will be filtered.

Why isn't the javax.smartcardio package in the Java SE 7/8 API? [duplicate]

I'm studying the javax.smartcardio classes. I'm using eclipse 3.6 and I have JDK 6 SE. I can use the statement import javax.smartcardio.* or any of its individual classes, as long as I change preferences to warn or ignore forbidden references.
I don't see any mention of javax.smartcardio in the standard documentation at Java SE 6
and no javadoc help pops up in eclipse. I have found docs here.
Is there a way of linking Eclipse to the javadocs for smartcardio?
I found a WebLog about it (Konstantin Flitschew WebLog (german)). It's in german but it worked for me, so I give a short translation here:
create a java project or open an existing project
right-click the project and open the properties dialog
select build path -> libraries tab and unfold the "JRE System Library" tree
select the entry "Access Rules" and push the "edit" button on the right
you can apply a rule with the "add" button: set the drop down to "accessible" and enter the value “javax/smartcardio/**”
With this setting I was able to access the classes of javax.smartcardio.
I've asked Sun back in the day multiple times to include the javax.smartcardio in the documentation, but they have refused all the times. Now it seems that 64 bit Java version 6/7 for Windows do not have javax.smartcardio, and that the access rules rule out using it directly. This is pretty strange as javax.smartcardio seems to be an accepted JSR.
Sun and Oracle don't really communicate well regarding security API's. They are relatively well designed, but the support is lacking, and they do introduce features out of the blue.
Although the javax.smartcardio package is an accepted JSR, the umbrella JSR's for Java 6 and 7 SE don't include it. See for more information (see below). So javacardx.smartcardio it is not part of the Java SE standard API. Nowadays you may have trouble accessing the API even if it is present. And you cannot add your own as it may be present for a particular edition. You can use Eclipse access rules to enable javax.smartcardio and remove access violations from your "Problem view".
Java 8 from Oracle does include an javax.smartcardio implementation. You may still have to configure access to it.
JSR 268, the Java Smart-Card I/O API, will not be included because the
JSR 270 Expert Group concluded that it would not be of sufficiently
wide interest in the Java SE 6 time frame.
Oracle's JDK does not contain the javadoc for javax.smartcardio at all. Use OpenJDK instead.
Install OpenJDK from, then add it in Eclipse using Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs (in Windows the path you need looks like C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk- The result:
I was in the same situation as you were but then I found this
Basically you need to set Access rules for these classes in the IDE so you can use them.

Where has the JavaFX scene builder gone?

I am trying to find the elusive JavaFX scene builder so I can use it in Intellij. I am on Windows OS.
Oracle have stated that the JavaFX scene builder is included in a new download, but no matter how I search I cannot find it (see I think they have linked to the incorrect page and Googling for it is getting me nowhere.
I already have Java 8 SDK installed and working fine. Apparently JavaFX is now included in that, but nowhere in the Java folder can I find the scene builder and it seems to be completely missing online.
Please can anyone help? I am just wanting to write a small GUI program and it seems like JavaFX is the way to go (if it isn't then feel free to disabuse me of this notion!)
With JDK8u40, according to this:
Starting with Oracle Java SE 8u40, Oracle does not provide a separate set of accompanying JavaFX Scene Builder binaries. If you would like to contribute changes, ideas or just let us know what you have done with the code, please consult the OpenJDK Community contribution guidelines and join the openjfx-dev mailing list.
You can still download the last binary at Oracle in this link. But check this warning:
WARNING: These versions of JavaFX Scene Builder may include components that do not contain the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.
This means it doesn't include the last changes of 8u40, like the new Spinner control.
The project is open source, and you can find the updated code at the OpenJFX repo. So you are free to download it and build it.
Since its released under BSD license, Gluon is offering support for an updated version of Scene Builder, and you can download an installer for your platform or an executable jar from here.
Besides, they have an open repository where anybody can contribute.
Install JavaFx Scene Builder (Gluon) with Intellij 14 on Windows with JDK7
This will probably work with Java 8 as well but I am using 7 so I didn't test 8.
I know this has been answered but this might be helpful for future Intellij users. To get scene builder to work with Intellij 14 use the following steps.
Install Scene Builder for Windows. Download/Install From Here (Windows Installer (x64))
Set Scene Builder path to executable in Intellij. File -> Settings
-> Languages And Frameworks -> JavaFx By default mine installed under C:\Users\kris\AppData\Local\SceneBuilder\
Open your .fxml file. Click on the scene builder tab.
UPDATE 2019:
The default install path appears to know be "Program Files" C:\Program Files\SceneBuilder\SceneBuilder.exe
JavaFX plugin might need to be enabled in Intellij 2019
On a mac, in Intellij, you need to go to preferences, then type JavaFX and then do this. Please look at the attached Image.

Adding Dojo 1.6+ in Lotus Notes database v8.5.3

Lotus Notes 8.5.3 uses dojo 1.5.1. However I want to use dojo 1.6/1.7 library in my NSF database. How can I do it? I tried to use the technique suggested by Keith Strickland in his blog but no luck.
I need to include the dojo library in NSF database and not on server.
The reason I want to do this so as to use the advanced Dojo Mobile libraries (from dojo 1.6/1.7) in my XPages.
UPDATE: I even posted this question on XPages forum some time back but no replies.
The Domino 8.5.3 server uses Dojo 1.6.1 for XPages. You should see this if you view the HTML source of a test application.
As an example, I see this in one of my applications:
If you are going to create apps using Dojo Mobile then take a look at the Extension Library and the latest Upgrade Pack 1 for Domino 8.5.3. Both includes XPages Mobile controls.
Per's correct that the Dojo plugin that is loaded by default is 1.6.1 (the ".1" is because it includes IBM-specific code and this means it differentiates it from anything a developer has added in).
The files in the js folder on the server / client are 1.5.1 and this is needed for iNotes.
You can change the Dojo version in the by setting xsp.client.script.dojo.version in Package Explorer. Incidentally UP1 offers a nice visual editor for the file.
However, currently if you change this setting you need to uncheck "Use runtime optimized javaScript and CSS resources" or it will still use the plugin. I noticed this too late for anything to be done before the Gold release.
If you add 1.7 files to the server and include the IBM folder from 1.5.1 it may work. AFAIK there's no way to get the IBM folder from the plugin code.
See my blog post for more details: