I am using odoo 8. when I install my module called Asterisk it will shows Error - odoo

Odoo Warning
Unable to install module "asterisk_click2dial" because an external dependency is not met: No module named Asterisk

This error appears when you declare Asterisk as an python external dependency in __openerp__.py but the python module is not installed or does not exist.
Please look for something like this in your __openerp__.py:
'external_dependencies': {
'python': [
Either remove this code if you don't need it, or install the Asterisk module in your server if you need it.
If you are actually talking about the OCA's asterisk_click2dial module that is available here, then what you need is to install the py-Asterisk module on your server by running:
pip install py-Asterisk
Or if you already downloaded the code from Github:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Remember to use sudo if your user does not have sufficient access rights.


Error when installing a python module in Linux

I am encoutering two kinds of issues while trying to install a package called Boltztrap2.
1) Trying to install Boltztrap2 using 'pip3'. However, when I punch in the command, the process goes smoothly for a while and then spits out an error :
BoltzTraP2/sphere/frontend.cpp:32:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
#include "Python.h"
compilation terminated.
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
I did some troubleshooting and found out that it is just a path issue - I confirmed this by typing 'locate Python.h'. However, I don't get how to manually incorporate this change since the 'pip3' command that I use downloads the program and compiles it automatically. I don't seem to have access to change any scripts, or rather I do not know how to, since I'm kind of new to all this.
PS: I do not have sudo access.
2) Trying to install Boltztrap2 by manually compiling the python setup file: This seems to work fine until the system spits out an error saying:
Error:numpy is not installed.
PS: Again, I do not have sudo access.
I would be very glad if someone could help me install this package through either method. I just want to get the software to work. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install numpy
Check if you can upgrade pip?
If that works then you can pip install numpy.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'knox'

I added the Django-rest-Knox into the requirement.txt then ran the "docker-compose up" command in my terminal. But, I got this error message "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Knox'". Any idea, why is that?
You need to install Knox module for Django. Use this command to do it:
pip install -U django-rest-knox
I ran into the same problem and realized that I installed Django-rest-knox under virtual environment.

Odoo: Unable to install module "base_report_to_printer" because an external dependency is not met: No module named cups

I am trying to install "base_report_to_printer" module on odoo 12.0, i followed the steps in this page
yet i still get the error below when i try installing the module
Odoo: Unable to install module "base_report_to_printer" because an external dependency is not met: No module named cups
I am using odoo 12.0 on ubuntu 18.04
I managed to fix it, by following this post
You should put cups module in your requirements.txt file
Put the below line, it should work

Gnuradio OOT module has no attribute

I'm making a GNURadio OOT module on CentOS 7, and I've successfully gone through the cmake and make steps, imported it into GRC and can place it on the canvas with no errors. But when I run the graph, it throws an error saying Attribute error: module 'test' has no attribute 'testSource'
The testSource is the constructor of my c++ code that was generated from gr_modtool. After running sudo make install, that header file is installed at /usr/local/include/test/testSource.h. What am I missing here? Thanks in advance...
Did you run sudo ldconfig after sudo make install ?

Install module with puppet

Trying to install the module vcsrepo with puppet, but really unsure how it could be done. The commandline to install it is:
puppet module install puppetlabs-vcsrepo
Tried to install it this way, but that didn't work:
package { 'vcsrepo':
ensure => installed,
It'd be really helpful to see the error output of the first command as that IS the way one installs a Puppet module. If I had to guess, it probably errored out saying something like /home/yourusername/.puppet/ does not exist - by default, when ran by a regular user, puppet install will attempt to download the module into .puppet/modules in that user's home directory. Running sudo puppet module install module-name though by default would install the module system-wide into /etc/puppet/modules.