How do I call getDuration in mediaBrowserService from an Activity? - android-service

Earlier, using boundService this could be easily achieved. But with MediaBrowserService I can't access getDuration outside, without which I am unable to update the seekbar.

On the MediaBrowserService, when you're updating the MediaMetadata, add the duration of the current media.
MediaMetadataCompat.Builder metadataBuilder = new MediaMetadataCompat.Builder();
metadataBuilder.putLong(MediaMetadataCompat.METADATA_KEY_DURATION, track.durationMs);
While on the client side, using MediaBrowserCompat you're able to connect to you MediaBrowserService and retrieve a MediaSessionCompat.Token. With the token you can then get a MediaSessionController from where you can get the MediaMetadataCompat that has information about the current media.
int duration = (int) metadata.getLong(MediaMetadataCompat.METADATA_KEY_DURATION);
The official documentation has an ok explanation on how this works a whole


CSRF failure in custom mongoose pre-hook (Keystone.js)

using keystone LocalFile type to handle image uploads. similar to the Cloudinary autoCleanup option, I want to be able to delete the uploaded file itself, in addition to the corresponding mongo entry when deleting entries through the admin ui.
in this case, I want to delete an "Album", and it's corresponding album cover.
Album.schema.pre('remove', function(next){
var path = this._original.album_cover.path + "/" + this._original.album_cover.filename
fs.unlink(path, function () {
I get "CSRF failure" when using the fs module. I thought all CSRF protection was handled internally with Keystone.
Anyone know of a better solution to this?
Took a 10 minute break and came back and it seems to be working now. I also found this, which seems to be the explanation.
"Moreover double check your session timeout. In my dev settings the session duration is set to 3 minutes. So, if I end up editing something for more than that time, Keystone will return a CSRF error on save because the new session (generate in the meantime) invalidates the old token."

twitter stream API track all tweet posted by user who registered in twitter application

I am creating the application which need to track all tweets from user who registered to my application, i tried to track those with streaming API , there are public API, user API , and site API,
in those API it just have an option to follow the user ID by add the comma separated user ID
but i think it is not flexible, if there are a new user registered , i need to rebuild the HTTP request , and also if there are so many users try to listen this stream and query will be so long,
it will be[user1],[user2],[user3]........[userN],
i afraid the query wont fit, i just need a parameter to filter all user who registered in my application such as, for example.[applicationID]
but i think twitter dev does not provide it
so, is there any way to filter stream by application ID?
I didn't see anything like tracking by application id. If your query become too complex (too many follows/keywords), public streaming api will reject it,
and you can't open more than 2 connections with user stream. So, last solution is using Site Stream, -> you can open as many user connections as you have users registered to your app.
BUT the docs says :
"Site Streams is currently in a closed beta. Applications are no
longer being accepted."
Contact twitter to be sure
Arstechnica has a very interesting article about it. Take a look at this code and the link in the end of this post
If you are using python pycurl will do the job. Its provides a way to execute a function for every little piece of data received.
import pycurl, json
userlist = ['user1',...,'userN']
def on_receive(self, data):
self.buffer += data
if data.endswith("rn") and self.buffer.strip():
content = json.loads(self.buffer)
self.buffer = ""
if "text" in content and content['user'] in userlist:
#do stuff
conn = pycurl.Curl()
conn.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, "%s:%s" % (USER, PASS))
conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, STREAM_URL)
conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, on_receive)
You can find more information here Real time twitter stream api

MVC4 Force session update before request ends

We are developing using VS2010 and MVC4, deploying our web app on an IIS 7.5 on Windows7.
Our project has a long running process for which we want to display status and progress.
In order to accomplish this we have a small serializable class with properties that describe the current status. The long operation pseudo code goes like this:
int curentPercentComplete = 0;
EngineStatus status = new EngineStatus();
while (!done) {
status.PercentComplete = curentPercentComplete;
Session['status'] = status;
// do lengthy operation
curentPercentComplete = compute();
done = isJobFinished();
We also have an other controller action that tries to retrieve the current status from the session
which then encodes to json and returns it to the browser via an Ajax request.
Our problem is that we always seem to get the last saved data from the previous request, in other words the session object does not seem to update the Session['status'] field during the execution of the while block.
We have tried the session state mode both InProc and StateServer with exactly the same behavior.
Thanks in advance.
It turns out that the MVC framework performs a single update of the session data at the end of the request which means that only the last value is saved.
Since the "lengthy" operation is performed in a single request-response cycle, the idea of storing intermediate status information in the session is plain wrong.

I am trying to use Yodlee/executeUserSearchRequest as a RESTful request and need an answer on how to call

I am working with the Yodlee services in c# and using the RESTful api. So far I have successfully connected and logged in with my CobrandSession and UserSessionToken in the development environment. I used the sample apps provided in c# and with some advice from shreyans i got an app working. What I got working was
1) Get YodleeAuthentication
2) Get UserAuthentication
3) Get ItemSummaries
I am now trying to get the full transaction details for each of the Items (i.e. collections of accounts that are an Item)
reading the Docs here it states that I need to call executeUserSearchRequest and then paginate through the results using the getUserTransactions. So I am stuck at this point. I dont really want a search which has parameters I just want ALL transactions for this account that I can see.
However, I am using the variables as defined in that page :-
var request = new RestRequest("/jsonsdk/TransactionSearchService/executeUserSearchRequest", Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("cobSessionToken", param.CobSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("userSessionToken", param.UserSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.containerType", param.ContainerType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.higherFetchLimit", param.HigherFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.lowerFetchLimit", param.LowerFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.endNumber", param.EndNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.startNumber", param.StartNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.currencyCode", param.CurrencyCode);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.fromDate", param.FromDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.toDate", param.ToDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.transactionSplitType.splitType", param.SplitType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.ignoreUserInput", param.IgnoreUserInput);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.itemAcctId", param.ItemAcctId);
var response = RestClientUtil.GetBase().Execute(request);
var content = response.Content;
return new YodleeServiceResultDto(content);
As per the response from shreyans in this posting Getting Error "Any one of [**] of transactionSearchFilter cannot be NULL OR Invalid Values I am not putting in the ClientId and the ClientName
The documentation doesn't specify the format of the dates but the example seems to tell me that its american date format. And specifies a parameter saying IgnoreUserinput, but doesnt have a parameter for user input so this is confusing
When I make a call using this format I get an error response
var getSearchResult = yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequest.Go(yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequestDto);
{"errorOccured":"true","exceptionType":"Exception Occured","refrenceCode":"_60ecb1d7-a4c4-4914-b3cd-49182518ca5d"}"
But I get no error message in this and I have no idea what I have done wrong or where to look up this error, can somebody who has used Yodlee REST Api point me in the right direction as I need to get this researched quickly....
thanks your your help, advice, corrections and pointers....
Here is the list of parameters which you can try
1) For a specific ItemAccountId all transactions
2) For a Specific account (itemAccountId) with start and end dates

DropboxUnlinkedException but the session already had token inside and user didn't revoke the access

My problem is I have existing user in database which store the key and secret from the first authentication. I wish to reuse it again when I come back. For the first time authentication, everything working fine. I can use every method call from Dropbox API and the Token(key and secret) was stored in database.
I come back to app and get the Token from database, set it to the session, link current session with API.
session = new WebAuthSession(appKeys, ACCESS_TYPE);
api = new DropboxAPI<WebAuthSession>(session);
String userKey = dropboxUserObj.getUserKey(); //Key from database
String userSecret = dropboxUserObj.getUserSecret();//Secret from database
AccessTokenPair userAccessTokenPair = new AccessTokenPair(userKey, userSecret);
It return DropboxUnlinkedException to me when I want to get user data from api using
String userDisplayName = api.accountInfo().displayname;
I have checked on debug mode. Api was linked with the current session. The current session stored Appkey and user's token and correct access type. The point that I doubt is I saw "client = null". I maybe forgot something but I check them all, try every possibilities I can think of but it still return me "DropboxUnlinkedException" which mean I haven't set an access token pair on the session and I didn't revoke access for sure.
Please help me figure out...
I added a screenshot maybe it can illustrate my problem