ANTLR4 disambiguation of terminal tokens - grammar

This is my grammar in ANTLR4:
grammar Hello;
r : WORD ID ;
ID : [a-z]+ ;
WORD : [a-z]+ ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
When I type in something like:
hello buddy
I got the following error message:
line 1 missing WORD at 'hello'
But, if I change the grammar in
grammar Hello;
r : WORD ID ;
ID : [a-z]+ ;
WORD : [1-9]+ ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
where now WORD is a number, everything is ok.
I strongly suspect that since in the first grammar we have two terminal node with the same regex, the parser doesn't know the correspondance of the real word.
So am I wrong thinking of it? If not, how would you solve this issue keeping more than one terminal with the same regex?

You cannot have two terminals that match the same pattern.
If your grammar actually needs to match twice [a-z]+, then use a production like
and the discrimination will be done at the parser / tree traversal level.
If either WORD or ID can be restricted to a fixed list, you could declare all the possible words as terminals then use them to define e.g. what a WORD can be.

where now WORD is a number, everything is ok.
Not really :
$ alias
alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig'
$ grun Hello r -tokens data.txt
line 1:0 missing WORD at 'hello'
When the lexer can match some input with two rules, there is an ambiguity, and it chooses the first rule. With a hello buddy input, the lexer produces two ID tokens
with the first grammar, because it's ambiguous and ID comes first
with the second grammar, the input can only be matched by ID WS ID
You can disambiguate with a predicate in the lexer rule like so :
grammar Question;
/* Ambiguous input */
: [a-z]+ {getText().equals("hello")}? ;
ID : [a-z]+ ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
Execution :
$ grun Question file -tokens data.txt
More on semantic predicates in The Definitive ANTLR Reference.


ANTLR proper ordering of grammar rules

I am trying to write a grammar that will recognize <<word>> as a special token but treat <word> as just a regular literal.
Here is my grammar:
grammar test;
doc: item+ ;
item: func | atom ;
func: '<<' WORD '>>' ;
atom: PUNCT+ #punctAtom
| NEWLINE+ #newlineAtom
| WORD #wordAtom
WS : [ \t] -> skip ;
NEWLINE : [\n\r]+ ;
PUNCT : [.,?!]+ ;
fragment CHAR : (LETTER | DIGIT | SYMB | PUNCT) ;
fragment LETTER : [a-zA-Z] ;
fragment DIGIT : [0-9] ;
fragment SYMB : ~[a-zA-Z0-9.,?! |{}\n\r\t] ;
So something like <<word>> will be matched by two rules, both func and atom. I want it to be recognized as a func, so I put the func rule first.
When I test my grammar with <word> it treats it as an atom, as expected. However when I test my grammar and give it <<word>> it treats it as an atom as well.
Is there something I'm missing?
PS - I have separated atom into PUNCT, NEWLINE, and WORD and given them labels #punctAtom, #newlineAtom, and #wordAtom because I want to treat each of those differently when I traverse the parse tree. Also, a WORD can contain PUNCT because, for instance, someone can write "Hello," and I want to treat that as a single word (for simplicity later on).
PPS - One thing I've tried is I've included < and > in the last rule, which is a list of symbols that I'm "disallowing" to exist inside a WORD. This solves one problem, in that <<word>> is now recognized as a func, but it creates a new problem because <word> is no longer accepted as an atom.
ANTLR's lexer tries to match as much characters as possible, so both <<WORD>> and <WORD> are matched by the lexer rul WORD. Therefor, there in these cases the tokens << and >> (or < and > for that matter) will not be created.
You can see what tokens are being created by running these lines of code:
Lexer lexer = new testLexer(CharStreams.fromString("<word> <<word>>"));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
for (Token t : tokens.getTokens()) {
System.out.printf("%-20s %s\n", testLexer.VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(t.getType()), t.getText());
which will print:
WORD <word>
WORD <<word>>
What you could do is something like this:
: '<<' WORD '>>'
: PUNCT+ #punctAtom
| NEWLINE+ #newlineAtom
| word #wordAtom
| '<' WORD '>'
fragment SYMB : ~[<>a-zA-Z0-9.,?! |{}\n\r\t] ;
Of course, something like foo<bar will not become a single WORD, which it previously would.

Ambiguous Lexer rules in Antlr

I have an antlr grammar with multiple lexer rules that match the same word. It can't be resolved during lexing, but with the grammar, it becomes unambiguous.
NUMBER: [0-9]+;
UNIT: 'in' | 'meters' | ......;
CONVERT: 'in';
Input: 1 in in meters
The word "in" matches the lexer rules UNIT and CONVERT.
How can this be solved while keeping the grammar file readable?
When an input matches two lexer rules, ANTLR chooses either the longest or the first, see disambiguate. With your grammar, in will be interpreted as UNIT, never CONVERT, and the rule
can't work because there are three UNIT tokens :
$ grun Question question -tokens -diagnostics input.txt
[#1,1:1=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:1]
[#3,4:4=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:4]
[#5,7:7=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:7]
Question last update 0159
line 1:5 missing 'in' at 'in'
line 1:8 mismatched input 'meters' expecting <EOF>
What you can do is to have only ID or TEXT tokens and distinguish them with a label, like this :
grammar Question;
#init {System.out.println("Question last update 0132");}
: conversion NL EOF
: NUMBER unit1=ID convert=ID unit2=ID
{System.out.println("Quantity " + $NUMBER.text + " " + $unit1.text +
" to convert " + $convert.text + " " + $unit2.text);}
ID : LETTER ( LETTER | DIGIT | '_' )* ; // or TEXT : LETTER+ ;
NL : [\r\n] ;
WS : [ \t] -> channel(HIDDEN) ; // -> skip ;
fragment LETTER : [a-zA-Z] ;
fragment DIGIT : [0-9] ;
Execution :
$ grun Question question -tokens -diagnostics input.txt
[#1,1:1=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:1]
[#3,4:4=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:4]
[#5,7:7=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:7]
Question last update 0132
Quantity 1 in to convert in meters
Labels are available from the rule's context in the visitor, so it is easy to distinguish tokens of the same type.
Based on the info in your question, it's hard to say what the best solution would be - I don't know what your lexer rules are, for example - nor can I tell why you have lexer rules that are ambiguous at all.
In my experience with antlr, lexer rules don't generally carry any semantic meaning; they are just text that matches some kind of regular expression. So, instead of having VARIABLE, METHOD_NAME, etc, I'd just have IDENTIFIER, and then figure it out at a higher level.
In other words, it seems (from the little I can glean from your question) that you might benefit either from replacing UNIT and CONVERT with grammar rules, or just having a single rule:
and validating the text values in your ANTLR listener/tree-walker/etc.
Thanks for updating your question with lexer rules. It's clear now why it's failing - as BernardK points out, antlr will always choose the first matching lexer rule. This means it's impossible for the second of two ambiguous lexer rules to match, and makes your proposed design infeasible.
My opinion is that lexer rules are not the correct layer to do things like unit validation; they excel at structure, not content. Evaluating the parse tree will be much more practical than trying to contort an antlr grammar.
Finally, you might also do something with embedded actions on parse rules, like validating the value of an ID token against a known set of units. It could work, but would destroy the reusability of your grammar.

Why isn't antlr 4 breaking my tokens up as expected?

So I am fairly new to ANTLR 4. I have stripped down the grammar as much as I can to show the problem:
grammar DumbGrammar;
: expression (AND expression)*
: ID
AND: 'and';
LETTER: [a-zA-Z_];
DIGIT : [0-9];
WS : [ \r\n\t] + -> channel (HIDDEN);
If use this grammar, and use the sample text: abc and d I get a weird tree with unexpected structure as shown below(using IntelliJ and ANTLR4 plug in):
If I simply change the terminal rule AND: 'and'; to read AND: '&&'; and then submit abc && d as input I get the following tree, as expected:
I cannot figure out why it isn't parsing "and" correctly, but does parse '&&' correctly.
The input "and" is being tokenized as an ID token. Since both ID and AND match the input "and", ANTLR needs to make a decision which token to choose. It takes ID since it was defined before AND.
The solution: define AND before ID:
AND: 'and';

Problems with ANTLR4 grammar

I have a very simple grammar file, which looks like this:
grammar Wort;
// Parser Rules:
// Lexer Rules:
: ('a'..'z')
: ('A'..'Z')
If i try to parse the input "Hello", everything is OK, BUT if if modify my grammar file like this:
// Parser Rules:
the input "Hello" is no longer recognized as a valid input. Can anybody explain, what is going wrong?
Thanx, Lars
The issue here has to do with precedence in the lexer grammar. Because ANY_WORD is listed before CAPITAL_WORD, it is given higher precedence. The lexer will identify Hello as a CAPITAL_WORD, but since an ANY_WORD can be just a CAPITAL_WORD, and the lexer is set up to prefer ANY_WORD, it will output the token ANY_WORD. The parser acts on the output of the lexer, and since ANY_WORD EOF doesn't match any of its rules, the parse fails.
You can make the lexer behave differently by moving CAPITAL_WORD above ANY_WORD in the grammar, but that will create the opposite problem -- capitalized words will never lex as ANY_WORDs. The best thing to do is probably what Mephy suggested -- make ANY_WORD a parser rule.

ANTLR - identifier with whitespace

i want identifiers that can contain whitespace.
grammar WhitespaceInSymbols;
premise : ( options {greedy=false;} : 'IF' ) id=ID{
ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ (' '('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+)*
WS : ' '+ {skip();}
When i test this with "IF statement analyzed" i get a MissingTokenException and the output "IF statement analyzed".
I thought, that by using greedy=false i could tell ANTLR to exit afer 'IF' and take it as a token. But instead the IF is part of the ID.
Is there a way to achieve my goal? I already tried some variations of the greed=false-option, but without success.
I thought, that by using greedy=false i could tell ANTLR to exit afer 'IF' and take it as a token.
No, the parser has nothing to say about the creation of tokens: the input is first tokenized and then the parser rules are applied on these tokens. So setting greedy=false has no effect.
You can do this (creating ID tokens with white spaces), but it will be a horrible solution with many predicates, and a few custom methods in the lexer doing manual look-aheads: you really, really don't want this! A much cleaner solution would be to introduce a id rule in your parser and let it match one or more ID tokens.
A demo:
grammar WhitespaceInSymbols;
: ID+
: 'IF'
: 'THEN'
: ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+
: ' '+ {skip();}
would parse the input IF statement analyzed THEN into the following tree: