Order 2 columns by matching to another column - vba

I have 4 columns in an excel file:
The two on the right have about 9000 rows, the 2 on the left have about 14000.
Column A and B are connected. Also, C & D are connected.
The THER_CLASS column is the 1st 6 numbers of the key column.
How would I order the left two columns by if the 1st 6 of the key matches THER_CLASS?
I want each row to take the A column find which row the 1st 6 # of GPI are equal and then move C and D to the row that A is on.
I could do this by building a console app in c# but I feel like there is a way to to it much easier in excel.

You're basically just looking up the "Category" of each "Item". As Flephal points out, you can do this with VLookup.
Add a column E with the header "CLASS" and a column F with the header "CLASS_DESC".
For column E, starting with cell E2 and filling downwards, use the formula "=VLOOKUP(Left(C2, 6), A:B, 1, False)"
For column F, starting with cell F2 and filling downwards, use the formula "=VLOOKUP(Left(C2, 6), A:B, 2, False)"
Really, it would make much more sense if you didn't have the two tables mashed up next to one another and instead had each one on a different sheet. For example, move A & B to another sheet and call it "CLASSES".


How to use INDEX and MATCH to based to cells?

I have two sheets of data in excel. I want to combine cells to bring the second cell value. Here is an example:
when I enter combining columns name and list must get value form V1 and V2.like this:
I don't have the time to type your data, so this is a rare case of a non-tested formula and may need some tweaking.
For the V1 result: (top screenshot starts in Sheet1 column A, bottom screenshot in Sheet2, column A). This formula goes into cell B2 in Sheet 2:
=Index( Sheet1!$E$2:$E$100, MATCH(Sheet2!a2,INDEX(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$100&" | "&Sheet1!$D$1:$D$100,0),0))
Adjust the first index range from column E to F for the V2 result in C2.
Copy down.
Don't use that approach with whole columns. It will be slow. Use ranges with defined rows.
Of course, if the codes in Sheet1 column A are unique, you don't need to combine them with the value in column D and can look up only the first three characters, like this for V1 (use 6 for V2)

Excel 2013 conditional formatting using a formula

I have a spreadsheet in Excel 2013 with Location in Column A, Material Number in Column B and types or groups of materials sorted by material number in Column I J & K. Other columns contain data that is irrelevant here.
Column B can contain the same material number in multiple cells.
I'm trying to find a simpler way to format font and color of the items in Column B by comparing if the item is located in Column I J or K, or not at all (no formatting in that case).
I was entering an individual conditional rule to compare Column B with the value in cell I3, another rule for I4, another rule for I5 and so on.
This is getting unwieldy due to the number of items now in I J & K.
There has to be a simpler, more elegant way to do this. Conditional formatting using exact match is not letting me select a range of cells for the match value.
I just need to format the text in Column B to Bold and Blue if the number exists in Column I also, or Bold and Red if it exists in Column J or Bold and Green if it exists in Column K.
Set up a conditional formatting rule that uses a formula. The formula can contain a Countif function that counts how many times the value in cell B in the current row is counted in column I. For example, starting in row 2, select B2 and add a formatting rule with the formula
Take care to use the current row number in the formula and don't use a dollar sign $ in front of the row number. Set three rules, one for column I, one for J and another one for K.
You don't need a new set of rules for each row. Just apply the three rules to all the rows required.

How to compare a list of rows to another list of rows in Excel?

I am trying to figure out if there are any differences between a list of data with another. In order for a row of data to "match" with another row, the row must have the same values in their corresponding column. The rows themselves do not have to be in any particular order. In particular, I am dealing with a parts list, where there are part numbers, descriptions, etc. I am trying to figure out if any rows of data are different from rows of data from another list.
I found Compare two sheets using arrays, which may have the answer to my problem, but I am having trouble figuring out how to adapt to my code due to inexperience in Visual Basic.
I was able to get it to work for a single column of data, comparing one column of data from one sheet to another, but cannot get it to compare entire rows of data.
Here is an example of I want this to work:
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2
Row 1 22a 33 11 11
Row 2 22a 33a 22a 33
Row 3 55 22b 55 23b
The code in the link will tell you what is not in sheet 1 but in sheet 2 and vice versa. In this example, I would like the code to tell me Sheet 1 Row 2 and Sheet 1 Row 3 are not in Sheet 2, and Sheet 2 Row 1 and Sheet 2 Row 3 are not in Sheet 1 (Sheet 1 Row 1 and Sheet 2 Row 2 match).
If that is ok by you, you can do it without VBA using the following formula:
Assuming that each of your tables start in A1 (so that the tables with three entries span A1:B3), and entering this formula into C1 (and copying it down), press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER when entering the formula to create an array formula, this will show the word "Unique" in column C if the pair in that row on that sheet is not in any of the row-pairs on sheet 2.
You can then use conditional formatting to highlight unique rows, filter on the tables to include only unique rows, or some other way of doing what you need.
NOTE 1: I have entered my numbers in Sheet6 and Sheet7 instead of 1 and 2. The formula written above goes into Sheet6.
NOTE 2: My language use ; instead of , as function separator, so if yours use , you need to change that.
NOTE 3: You will need to expand the ranges Sheet7!$A$1:$A$3 and Sheet7!$B$1:$B$3 if your set grows (this will happen automatically if new rows are inserted in between the old ones). The best is still probably to create named ranges for each of the 4 columns, exchange the references with those, and manage the named ranges instead of the formulas.
NOTE 4: If your data set contains the character "|", you need to change that as well, to match some character that you for sure do not have there.
Alternatively you could in column C on each cheet enter (assuming first entry in C1)
and copy this down, then run the solution from your copied example using that C column instead of on A1 and B1.

Conditional formatting formula to highlight appropriate date in range

I need a formula for conditional formatting that will highlight a date between A2:Z2 which matches a number that I enter into a “Committed Sessions Cell” (A1). In row 2 there are a series of numbers that appear above each date column (1,2.3, etc). For example, if I enter a “3” in cell A1, the date in J3 should match the number 3 above it and be highlighted. The idea here is to provide a quick visual prompt for how many sessions are in a client’s contract.
Note: the sequenced numbers 1,2,3 etc in row 2 appear every 5th column (with nothing in between) but there IS other data in between the dates in row 3. Only the appropriate date should be highlighted.
1 3
2 1 2 3
3. 1/2/14 2/3/14 2/15/14
With grateful thanks,
~ Jay
Your example is not consistent. If you have the date every fifth column, the dates should be in columns A,F,K,P, etc. with 4 columns between 2 points.
I came up with the following formula: =AND(A2=$A$1,MOD(COLUMN(A3)-1,5)=0) which is applicable to the entire 3rd row. Create it as follow:
IMPORTANT: Select cell A3 (the reference point for the formula)
Without selecting another cell, highlight the entire row 3
Go to Conditional Formatting -> New rule
Choose "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
In "Format values where this formula is true", put =AND(A2=$A$1,MOD(COLUMN(A3)-1,5)=0)
Choose the formatting that you want (example: Fill with yellow)
Click OK all the way
To change the location of your Committed Sessions, change $A$1 to another cell. Important to keep the dollar signs
The MOD function is the one that controls every fifth column. If you want the highlight every 4th column (i.e. 3 cells between each point such as A, E, I, etc.), replace the number 5 with the number 4

VBA to check for blank cells in columns based on value in another column

O 1 2 3 A
A 4 5 6 B
B 7 8 9 D
O 3
C 15
T 18
I'm looking for VBA code to validate that when column A contains a value that the remaining columns also contain values and when it doesn't contain a value, that columns 2 & 5 also contain values but 3 & 4 don't.
I've simplified the example, in a real sheet there will be many more columns and rows to check.
I've considered COUNTIF and INDEX/MATCH and array forumlas but from my understanding these all work on single columns at a time.
I want to do something like WHEN A1:An<>"" THEN COUNTBLANK(B:E) ELSE COUNTA (C:D)
Is the best way to use autofilter using blanks in A and then countblank and then a second autofilter for values in A.
You can do it with a couple of nested IF formulae as follows:
"A not empty, "&IF(COUNTBLANK(B1:E1)=0,
"B:E not blank",
"B:E have blanks"),
"Columns 2&5 have values and Columns 3&4 don't",
"but condition not met"))
The reason for going down the VBA route is that I want a generic reusable function as opposed to a formula I copy between cells and sheets changing the columns etc along the way ending up with a lot of duplicate code.
So something that takes a column to test and a value to test it with. Third parameter would be a range of columns to validate, and the fourth parameter the validation.
I don't want any solution to have the columns hard coded and I don't want intermediate totals at the end of rows. This is fairly easily achieved in Excel itself...
The reason for trying to use countblank is that I can apply it to a range.
After a lot of searching I discovered this (the columns don't match the original example)
Nice huh? I just need to convert it into VBA now.