Suddenly my desktop app can't load Google Contacts - google-oauth

my Windows application which loads Google Contacts has been working fine for years. All of a sudden (probably within the last week or so) it's as if I've deleted all my contacts. All the Oauth2/ access token stuff seems to be fine (no error messages), it just loads zero contacts, with no recent changes to the code. Does anyone know if Google have changed something their end I should know about? I can't find any mention online.
The app uses older technology (built with MFC in VS 2008) but even so?

My bad - I hadn't allocated enough memory to store the access token I was getting back from Google. But it might be of interest to know that they must have recently started sending longer ones...


Verification Google OAuth2 concert scren with the apps for personal use only

I recently asked this question and user's #DalmTo and #Sergio NH they gave me an exhaustive answer for which I thank them very much.
Moving forward to question, we started publishing the application, and its verification was not required, since no scope was added (here it is a little unclear why the requests worked in an application with a test mode in which these scope were not added (google drive, google sheet and google ads)).
However, this time the application in the "In Production" mode began to give us an "Unverified app screen" (see Unverified app screen). We decided that we still need to add scope to the list, and, of course, that the scope list (their list is described above) requires verification by Google.
We started filling in the necessary fields, while studying the Google documentation at the same time, and came across the following information (see block Verification process -> What are the requirements for verification?):
Apps not applicable for verification
Apps for internal use only
(single domain use) Apps for personal use only Apps that are Gmail
SMTP plugins for WordPress Apps that are in development or
Apps for personal use only
And this is just our case: we have already received permission from Google Ads and are just generating simple reports that we want to integrate with Google Sheet. I.e., this is an elementary script that works within this account (however, we still need to request the first concert screen, even for this developer account) and cannot be distributed to any other accounts.
But when adding our scope, Google requires us to pass verification, forcing us to fill in the required fields, in the form of domains and their verification via the Search Console (we have already done this and this stage does not cause difficulties) and links to Youtube videos - where we must show how scope is used.
And just this stage is not clear. We do not allow other people's accounts to connect to this application, and the software does not have any interface, it is just a script that receives data from Google Ads and saves it to Google Sheet (creating a file via Google Drive). We have described all this in the scope usage description field. But the link to the Youtube video is require field, and we sincerely do not understand why (considering our case) we should record something, and most importantly, what exactly we should record in this case. If the documentation itself says that in our case we do not even need a verification.
Maybe we did not understand something and now we are doing it wrong? We will be glad to receive any tips from experts working with Google Cloud Console and apologize in advance for broken English.
We also apologize in advance to the StackOverflow community that we have to publish such elementary (which we are absolutely sure of from our side) questions here. We come here from Google Cloud Console - > Support - > Community support, and we must first try to publish posts in the Google Groups specified there, but they simply do not answer us, apparently considering our questions too elementary and not worthy of attention (however, these same questions in Google Groups are moderated) (for example, the previous question). And we are no longer able to contact any other support. Once again, we apologize for having to ask about this here.
It is true that if your app is a single use app then you do not need to be verified.
However if you don't get your app verified then there will be some restrictions.
you will see the unverified app screen
your refresh tokens will probably only be good for two weeks.
In the case of the YouTube api uploaded videos will be suck private.
If you can live with those points then you don't need to verify your app and you can continue as is.
If on the other hand you don't want to see the unverified app screen and you want a refresh token that will last longer then two weeks. You will need to verify your app. Yes, Even if your app is a console application running as a job some where you still show the consent screen. This is the YouTube video you will need to show Google. Show the consent screen popping up show the URL bar and then show your script running. You also need to set up the homepage and privacy policy screens. Yes i 100% agree with you that this is silly.
When you go though the process. Explain to google that this is a single use script running as a job some where.
Unfortunately when Google changed it so that Refresh tokens expire for unverified apps they pretty much tied the hands of all developers who are running such single user scripts. We now have to get our apps verified if we don't want to have to request a new refresh token every two weeks.
If your program needs to access the requested scopes of the Google account privacy, even though the user is yourself, you also need to provide a youtube video to demonstrate how you use this program. The auditor cannot guarantee whether you will make this program public.

Google Sheets API Failing with 500

I made this URL public a few years ago as a way to retrieve data. It was working yesterday. Today my site is crashing as it relies on this data, but google is now returning a 500 error if I try to retrieve it programmatically (through axios).
I have also created a code sandobox with react to demonstrate:
However, I am still able to view the response in the browser if I am logged in.
Did google recently change their API so that it is no longer possible to retrieve data this way? Is there a way to configure my axios request in such a way to continue retrieving this data?
Issue is being tracked here:
According to the support team: "The engineering team believes they have located the source of the problem and are rolling back to a previous build in order to resolve issue. Please stand by."
It seems like the issue has been resolved by rolling back to a previous build. I am no longer experiencing these issues. The link above, and the code sandbox example are both functioning. Reading the forum, it seems like others are also no longer experiencing issues. If you are still experiencing issues, I would encourage opening another (perhaps more specific) post or issue.

Delicious API no more?

In the past, I've been using the Delicious API available under When running this code today, I found out that the corresponding hostname is not available any longer (checked first time some days ago). I've already asked Delicious support directly about the state of the API, but not yet received an answer. So I thought anybody here might have more recent information, whether this is some temporary outage or the API has been cut completely?
This was likely part of the rollback to Delicious's old architecture in January 2016:
Fortunately for us, the version that the javascript site replaced has been kept alive at This was built using a much more traditional framework, and it’s great! In fact, many of our longtime users have continued to prefer it over the main site, and frankly, so do we. Therefore, we are switching to this platform for our main site, and this transition will position us to quickly iterate in our ongoing efforts to keep Delicious thriving.
The auth URL on the documentation's OAuth page ( 404's for me as well, so I have a feeling this has indeed been retired.

Windows phone store app can't be found

I just developed my first app for windows phone and put it into the windows phone app store. Everything worked fine, I got the message the app was accepted, so I started looking for it in the app store. Many searches later I still couldn't find it.
The other strange part was, that I can't even find it with the direct link which I get under "Link zum Store" (German, stands for: link to store) When I click the link, I 404 page.
Any reason why this is the case, I made the app available in all countries, regions and windows phones 8.1 . The link to the app is:
Depending on when the app got published, it might take some time for it to propagate and become available through direct links or search.
For example, I can already see your app through direct link, I can also see it in Windows Phone Store through that link and install it.
it takes a couple of days... MS makes it seem like it will be instantaneous...
My first app took 3 days to "show up"... hurry up and wait :-)

OnRoomCreated returns an error status code, may be due to Google Play Services update

I want to apologise in advance - my question will be not about programming, but rather about some quirk of Google Play Services we have met.
The situation is the following - we did not update the version or change the settings in developers console, but we got a bit over 10 e-mails from players who cannot play anymore - the game gets something different from STATUS_OK in OnRoomCreated callback. Nothing is wrong with the code - these players were able to play just a day before, which makes me think about Google Play Services updated in background. The issue was first reported not more that 2 weeks ago.
I know it is not much info, but we did not get the issue on our devices. With only 10+ e-mails from 1000+ daily online players, we are rather unlikely to see it.
Actions already tried without success:
Restarting device
Reinstalling the game
Disconnecting the game from Google Settings\Connected Apps
Clearing cache, data and removing updates of Google Play Services
Updating to the most recent version of the library
Here we have run out of ideas. If anyone has met the same, or has any good ideas, please, share them.
This issue seems to be account-specific, and the only known solution so far is to make a new Google account. My guess is that the players affected were playing the game when something happened (Google Play Services updated?), and now they are still marked as playing that game. So, they can't start a new one. The corresponding issue is here:
Update: Google team has marked it Fixed.