Delicious API no more? - api

In the past, I've been using the Delicious API available under When running this code today, I found out that the corresponding hostname is not available any longer (checked first time some days ago). I've already asked Delicious support directly about the state of the API, but not yet received an answer. So I thought anybody here might have more recent information, whether this is some temporary outage or the API has been cut completely?

This was likely part of the rollback to Delicious's old architecture in January 2016:
Fortunately for us, the version that the javascript site replaced has been kept alive at This was built using a much more traditional framework, and it’s great! In fact, many of our longtime users have continued to prefer it over the main site, and frankly, so do we. Therefore, we are switching to this platform for our main site, and this transition will position us to quickly iterate in our ongoing efforts to keep Delicious thriving.
The auth URL on the documentation's OAuth page ( 404's for me as well, so I have a feeling this has indeed been retired.


Do apps need a purpose to be accepted by the App Stores?

I created an application that simply spins a picture of my goose on screen. That's it. Nothing else.
Could that be deployed to the app stores?
I'm a mobile app engineer for a few different companies (finTech, gigEconomy, social...) and all of our applications have very specific use cases for the end user.
I'm also an artist in my own time, and have built a few different apps that help people make art.
For each of these, the data gathered by the apps must be well documented and explained to the end user to be accepted by the App Store along with the purpose of that collection.
That's got me thinking, would the Apple App Store accept an app that does not collect any user data at all, but also has no true "purpose"? (Google Play Store too, though I expect their review process is so easy you can get just about anything up there anyways...)
I haven't found any relevant answers to this question online and might test it just for fun, but would love some insight by other curious developers if they have tried uploading apps just for fun
You might find the following section from the official App Store Review Guidelines useful:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value or adequate utility, it may not be accepted.
Does this include a purpose or does this mean that an app like you have suggested in your scenario gets rejected? Absolutely not.
After a quick google search, I have found the IsItMyBirthday app which lets you pick a date and it tells you if that date is today. Is this useful or unique? We could just look up the date in the calendar on the phone itself.
However, this could be considered a 'joke' and a joke has a purpose and might be considered as unique. An app that does nothing, could be considered a joke as well. It has a purpose and Apple might agree or disagree.
In my experience it can be very random on why an app gets rejected or accepted. For example one of our apps got rejected in version X for reason Y. We released a new version without changing Y and it was accepted.

How to get third-party API up-to-date?

So, I stepped once at this problem. I had offered a website that used the SoundCloud API. Everything worked properly. Content was extracted from the JSON and placed in the layout of the website. However, I received an email one day from the owner of the website, which indicated that the website did not work properly. I then came out to investigate and came to the conclusion that the "problem" was not on my side, but at SoundCloud's side. I studied on the API page of SoundCloud and came to the conclusion that the API had received a major update, making the link with SC and the site no longer worked.
Lately I'm trying many new APIs to, including those from Instagram and Dribbble. I was therefore wondering if it is at all possible to ensure that such problems can be reduced in the future or it might be appropriate API pages of this third-party APIs to monitor?
There's no "right" answer. After many years of using and maintaining many APIs here are some of the conclusions I've come to:
The best providers let you work with a specific version of their API whose interface and expected behavior never changes. They might release bug fixes and new endpoints, but you can be confident that as long as the API is supported it will not break your system.
A good provider will provide an end-of-life date for each version of their API. It's up to you to keep track of when you need to update.
Paid services will often be supported longer than free services. Plus the contract / SLA will guarantee it remains available for a specific amount of time.
The most popular APIs often have mailing lists and/or blogs. For those that offer it, sign up to be notified of updates. For those that don't you'll have to monitor their blogs or news posts. And I suggest not using any service that would drop support for an API version without warning.

Is QuickBooks API QBD V3 Really Deprecated?

I just started developing an Intuit App yesterday and was really getting going on integrating with QuickBooks Desktop. Then today I logged in to continue work and was greeted by several missing pages on Intuit's IPP site and a link that says "Deprecated QBO V2 and QBD V2,V3". The only API that appears to not be deprecated is QBO V3.
I cannot find any announcement from Intuit about any upcoming deprecation. Does anybody have any info on whether I am safe to continue developing my app to connect to QBD or do I need to talk to our accountant to move over to QBO instead?
EDIT: I have marked Jarred's answer as the accepted answer because he associated with Intuit and answers my specific situation. Also check Charlie's answer for additional details specific to other scenarios.
I interviewed several people from Intuit at the Sleeter Accounting Solutions Conference this week, including (amongst others) Dan Wernikoff, Senior VP.
I'll have an article in my blog on this ( next week - I'm transcribing my recordings and clarifying points.
There are a LOT of points here, but to address what you are looking at -
If you are writing an IPP app using V3 for QBO - no problem (and in fact, some good news there).
If you are already published with IPP using V3 and Sync Manager for the Desktop, you will get continued support but don't expect any advancement there (unless you are someone big like American Express).
If you are NOT already published with IPP for the Desktop - the SDK is your option.
And there is a lot more info about this coming out
MINOR EDIT AT A LATER DATE: If you have been working with IPP for the desktop you MIGHT get approved to continue - no guarantees on that (but it seems they might be lenient). But In my opinion you can't expect any significant new features (as in, more data access) moving forward unless you are a significant partner with a contract with them (such as, American Express).
Intuit will not prevent you from going live with your application that you have spent the last 6 months working on. We have a set of guidelines for grandfathering in developers who have invested in using the v2 REST API for QuickBooks Desktop.
feel free to contact me directly if you have more questions.
#Charlie if you could correct your statement regarding if you are NOT published then you need to use the QBXML SDK. That is too generic, we will evaluate each developer on a case by case basis.
My writeup on this subject is available at
Note that Dan Wernikoff, Senior VP at Intuit, has been leaving comments in several of my articles in the blog.
Blair, you have a reasonable concern. However, given the REASONS that they made this change, I would SPECULATE that Intuit won't be pulling the SDK. What isn't clear, at this time, is HOW MUCH support they will give the SDK moving forward.
And, as we have seen for several years now, things can change...

Using Magento as the main, and creating a single sign on to integrate with other third party software

This has been something I have been trying to work on for a good long time. It first started with Prestashop as an integration with other scripts or pieces of the puzzle I needed to make for an overall website. I am currently still using Prestashop as my webstore but have since switched to Magento.
I switched to Magento because of it's complex flexibility and because overall I think it is the best solution, best backing and best overall eCommerce script to go with.
That being said, the same issues I was having with Prestashop appear to be the same I will continue to have any in aspect that I try to integrate things together in perfect harmony.
I have Magento setup, as the main portion of the website, and inside Magento in sub folders I have Wordpress installed in a folder called "articles" and I have also went with FluxBB as my message forums because of it's simplicity in not having a crap load of bloated extra features that I could care less about and that is in a sub folder called "forums".
From this point, we know that Magento, Wordpress and FluxBB all have their own way of managing users; creating, managing, and tracking them.
What I am wanting to do is find the best way to fit these three and more together for my website to make the experience for the customer as smooth and as functional as possible. After emailing the ever talented and helpful Alan Storm, he told me the best solution he was aware of working was to make a third party user management that they all point to and it manages the customers authentication. I do believe his thoughts may be the best but I wanted to put this out there here on StackOverFlow and I may post this on Magento as well to get the broad scrope of magento developers and smart guys that like challenges.
I have several thoughts, none may work, some may work half ass, or one may just be something workable. But first let me tell you what I have accomplished so far. I have done the necessary steps to integrate my overall design for the header and footer, so essentially Wordpress and FluxBB are wrapped and are contained inside Magento's outer design layer. So with that being said I have also made it where Magento will check the session to see if the user is logged in to Magento or not by saying "Hello Guest" or "Hello User". This is where I have hit a stopping point because I am out of my depth and would like assistance, whether it is something we create together out of pure challengeness or someone says if I pay them they will help me, either way I would like this accomplished. If and when I get the code figured out whether by means of paying for assistance of a group effort I would like to make it freely available for others to use the concept for their own projects.
Brain Fart #1:
Adjust the user tables for both Wordpress and FluxBB to conform more to the structure of Magento, as for the password and username/email login portion. The rest of the fields can respectively stay as they are for post counts, and etc.
From there, I would like to figure out which class in Magento does the actual input into the database when a customer is created out of registration. When I find that code, I would like to extend upon it the ability to copy the user credentials into the other two tables in the database for Wordpress and FluxBB. If necessary it can just be an added couple of fields to Wordpress and FluxBB if that seems like a better idea and yes I do mean the actual encrypted password that Magento creates, I want this to be secure as well.
From there, when we know that a customer registers with Magento the data is copied over to the other two tables then we at least have made progress, whether this progress will actually work, is still to be determined.
We then disable the login/logout and registration links in any way that we can from Wordpress and FluxBB because they will no longer be needed because we want the user to register, login and logout through one location which is Magento.
Then comes the fun part in my eyes, keep the damn session going throughout the entire website as they order products, review wordpress articles and possibly leave comments, send to friends and etc.... as well as post topics, replies and etc in the FluxBB capacity.
To me this is where the creating the fields or adding the data from Magento's customer registration comes into play, I can make it check to see if they are logged into Magento already and from there we may be able to have it validate itself. This may be over kill or this may just be how it needs to be done. But to me if the credentials are located in all three databases then they should be able to be validated by changing the code in Wordpress and FluxBB or adding code. And Yes I am aware that we will also have to do something about Profile Editing and Password Editing if a customer so desires to change their information.
But that is my first thought on this whether it is the right decision or not, I would like hear from the vast knowledge of people here who have more experience and knowledge than I get with Magento, PHP and everything else.
Brain Fart #2
This illogical idea seems like an outside stretch entirely to me because of the complexity of Magento and how it is overall setup.
But the idea is to remove/edit the Wordpress and FluxBB (and any other third party software) to pretty much ignore it's own method of registration, login, logout, edit and look to Magento for it's credentials and establishing new customers. Essentially making them an oversized module of Magento.
I just know that the way Magento is setup is to be modulerized and its complexity seems like it would take a lot more coding and troubleshooting to do this.
Brain Fart #3
Dump both Wordpress and FluxBB and look towards modules in the Magento Connection Store that pretty much has all of the functionality that I need and can add to them what is missing and not mess with trying to integrate third party software.
I love Wordpress, I think replicating it with a module, at least after the hours I have spent looking at all of the modules available that are CMS/News related is a tough call. FluxBB I could take it or leave it, if someone had an already viable solution to use phpBB or vBulletin or SimpleMachines I would go with them. I rather it be free open source software, not because I am a cheap skate but just because I support open source as much as I can.
Brain Fart #4
Can this be a cookie this, but would only be effective if they allow cookies, or could somehow addon to the session to allow things to pass through but Magento sets up different sessions or allows you too so they things to crash against each other so this may not at all be an idea or may be one as well.
I know I am not giving examples of things I have tried, files I have looked at or anything related to that and I apologize, I provide some links related but nothing specifically found so far that matches what I am trying to accomplish. And I have tried to merge things together with some fun disastrous results.
Link Examples?:
How to access Magento customer's session from outside Magento?
Any assistance with this would be nice, I am trying to work on several parts of the website at once and this one is troublesome and I would say that everyone is going to find it hard or have found it hard. Anyone like challenges? :)
--------- EDIT:
I have got Magento and Wordpress to work perfectly together with James Kemp's module found on CodeCanyon's website (Single Sign-On for Magento and Wordpress) and I am going to adapt it to work for FluxBB or anything else I do.
Just passing along the information... I see this was edited, don't know what was edited and don't care. Just passing along information I have since found since posting this.
I am managing/customizing a combo of magento+vanilla forums+a custom app made in Yii framework. The users are "shared" between the apps. None of the two links are good. As Alan already replied to you, the correct SSO will be with an external user database/manager. But well, not everyone is up to recoding three apps just to get 1 post a week forum and 1 article a month blog to work with magento. So we are left with less options. First of all, if you don't want (most probably not) to rewrite a good portion of already written open source project that is being updated and maintained and then maintain your changes against periodical updates (you want them), then you have to duplicate the user data over three databases. Unless the project you adapt has some way to manage users data as plugin or external module. AFAIK both of your choice don't.
So, how to implement it? Assuming you choose Magento as mother-of-all, you need it to export an API for authentication, which may work over browser using cookies and javascript but this is rather tricky, or you can use it's frontend cookie to validate the sessions doing server-server API requests from children apps. This is a preferred option as far as "classical" SSO goes. Technically, what should happen when your users open forum or blog, the respective apps detect magento's cookie and check if the session is valid and who is the user. If the user is found, his data is copied to the blog or forum tables. Then you need to start an authenticated session on blog or forum app using the newly created user record.
So far so good, but yet some work. you need to disable the user profiles management in the children apps or modify it so the data held in Magento is always the correct one and you need to invent something to synchronize the Magento's representation of user profile down to the children. This is better to be hooked up on Magento's events so every time a user changes his profile the data is updated in the children app. But there is another but too. You probably want to keep some data app specific, a display name on the forum is not necessary the FirstName+LastName from the Magento and some would like to keep it private.
The above is just what I can recall as interesting facts about keeping it running. There are certainly many other things I've left out, more or less specific. But hopefully my comment can help your brain farting.
We've tried to evaluate other options but anything without duplicate data seems to be too expensive to implement or to maintain. Maybe later. With budget and time.

App Export Compliance using the Dropbox API

This question (or variations of this question) has been asked before, but as Apple's export compliance rules change relatively frequently, and no one seems to ever get a straight answer, I thought I would ask.
I write an iPhone application that uses version 0.2 of the Dropbox API.
I have emailed Apple concerning use of this specific API, and I will be sure to update this question as I learn more and hear back from Apple. In the meantime, if any developer is using the Dropbox API in their iPhone application, did you mark your application as using encryption?
Edit: Upon closer inspection, it looks like the file data is also transferred using SSL. Since their API is using the NSMutableURLRequest class over HTTPS though, I still can't determine whether or not this API "uses encryption." If in the App Store submission page I mark that it does include encryption, Apple then asks if I'm using greater than a 64-bit symmetric encryption key.
If your app uses SSL (HTTPS), then yes it does include encryption. The export compliance rules changed last year though, so you will need an Encryption Registration Number instead of a CCATS number. See this blog post for details.
As it happens I'm working on this right now on a related project.
The Apple position is clarified in the FAQ in iTunesConnect; (my bold)
If your App contains, uses or
accesses standard cryptography for purposes other than those listed in
questions 2-4, you need to submit for
an ERN authorization. Examples of
standard encryption are: AES, SSL,
This authorization requires that you
submit an annual report to two U.S.
Government agencies with information
about your App every January.
It's a pain in the neck, but that is the law if you want to be fully compliant. I'd love to hear that I'm wrong though!
PS. You could always ask for a direct opinion from the Government department concerned here;
You can also call the Bureau of Industry and Security help desk at 202-482-0707 or read the web site at for more information.
Discussing your question with a live person is probably going to be better than filling out the online form and waiting for a response.