Add sum in qweb report - odoo

How add SUM for etc. id field bottom on table without .py file and function?
<table class="table table-condensed">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<td><t t-esc=""/></td>
<td><t t-esc=""/></td>
<td><t t-esc="o.quantity"/></td>
<td colspan="3" class="text-right"> SUM (o.quantity) </td>
Is it possible in this situation?

You can create one variable and sum quantity in every loop iteration and print it at last.
So you should try as following :
<table class="table table-condensed">
<t t-set="qty" t-value="0">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<td><t t-esc=""/></td>
<td><t t-esc=""/></td>
<td><t t-esc="o.quantity"/></td>
<t t-set="qty" t-value="qty + o.quantity"/>
<td colspan="3" class="text-right"> <span t-esc="qty"></span> </td>

try below code
<table class="table table-condensed">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<td><t t-esc=""/></td>
<td><t t-esc=""/></td>
<td><t t-esc="o.quantity"/></td>
<span t-esc="sum(line.quantity for line in docs)"/>


Table columns are out of bounds

odoo users.
This is part of my Qweb report:
<table class="table-metal">
<th style="text-transform: none;width:20%">Name</th>
<th style="text-transform: none;width:30%">Width</th>
<th style="text-transform: none;width:20%">Mark</th>
<th style="text-transform: none;width:20%">Standard</th>
<th style="text-transform: none;width:10%">Number</th>
<t t-set="node_name_value" t-value="noname"/>
<t t-foreach="doc.passport_metal_ids" t-as="metal_ids">
<t t-if=" != node_name_value">
<t t-set="count" t-value="doc.get_count_row("/>
<td valign="top" t-att-rowspan="count"><span t-field="" /></td>
<t t-if="[0] == 'S'">
<td>Лист S=<span t-esc="'x')[0]" /></td>
<t t-else="">
<td>Лист B-PN-0 S=<span t-esc="'x')[0]" /><br></br>ГОСТ 19903-74 </td>
<td><span t-field="" /></td>
<td><span t-field="" /></td>
<td><span t-field="metal_ids.certificate" /></td>
<t t-set="node_name_value" t-value=""/>
<td colspan="5"></td>
<p style="page-break-after:always;"></p>
Because of the dynamic column:
<td valign="top" t-att-rowspan="count"><span t-field="" /></td>
I get the following:
I added , but it did not help
Table columns are out of bounds. How to fix it?

How do I render numbers like 4999 to $4,999.00 in datatables?

If the data source is from an existed DOM, rather than some JSON variable. How do I convert the numbers like 4999 to $4,999.00 in datatables?
I don't know what kind of options should be passed to the main function.
// need help on this
Here is the code:
$(document).ready(function() {
//Only needed for the filename of export files.
//Normally set in the title tag of your page.
document.title='Simple DataTable';
// DataTable initialisation
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<a class="btn btn-success" style="float:left;margin-right:20px;" href="https://codepenio/collection/XKgNLN/" target="_blank">Other examples on Codepen</a>
<table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td>Alphabet puzzle</td>
<td data-order="1000">1000</td>
<td>Layout for poster</td>
<td data-order="1834">1834</td>
<td>Image creation</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1500">1500</td>
<td>Create font</td>
<td data-order="1200">1200</td>
<td>Sticker production</td>
<td data-order="2100">2100</td>
<td>Glossy poster</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="899">899</td>
<td>Beer label</td>
<td data-order="2499">2499</td>
<td>Shop sign</td>
<td data-order="1099">1099</td>
<td>X-Mas decoration</td>
<td data-order="1750">1750</td>
<td>Halloween invite</td>
<td data-order="400">400</td>
<td>Wedding announcement</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="299">299</td>
<td>Member pasport</td>
<td data-order="149">149</td>
<td>Drink tickets</td>
<td data-order="199">199</td>
<td>Album cover</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="4999">4999</td>
<td>Shipment box</td>
<td data-order="1399">1399</td>
<td>Wooden puzzle</td>
<td data-order="1000">1000</td>
<td>Fashion Layout</td>
<td data-order="1834">1834</td>
<td>Toy creation</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1550">1550</td>
<td>Create stamps</td>
<td data-order="1220">1220</td>
<td>Sticker design</td>
<td data-order="2100">2100</td>
<td>Poster rock concert</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="899">899</td>
<td>Wine label</td>
<td data-order="2799">2799</td>
<td>Shopping bag</td>
<td data-order="1299">1299</td>
<td>Decoration for Easter</td>
<td data-order="1650">1650</td>
<td>Saint Nicolas colorbook</td>
<td data-order="510">510</td>
<td>Wedding invites</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="399">399</td>
<td>Member pasport</td>
<td data-order="249">249</td>
<td>Drink tickets</td>
<td data-order="199">199</td>
<td>Blue-Ray cover</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1999">1999</td>
<td>TV carton</td>
<td data-order="1369">1369</td>
You can use the createdCell() callback, inside DataTables' columnDefs initializazion option.
Inside the callback, you have access to the <td> element of the created cell and to its data, so you can manipulate both in the way that you prefer.
In this fiddle I changed the shown data format using the Intl.NumberFormat() api:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Only needed for the filename of export files.
// Normally set in the title tag of your page.
document.title = 'Simple DataTable';
// DataTable initialisation
columnDefs: [{
targets: 4, // <-- this is the target column
createdCell: function(cell, cellData, rowData, rowIndex, colIndex) {
const formattedContent = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD'
cell.innerHTML = formattedContent;
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<a class="btn btn-success" style="float:left;margin-right:20px;" href="https://codepenio/collection/XKgNLN/" target="_blank">Other examples on Codepen</a>
<table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td>Alphabet puzzle</td>
<td data-order="1000">1000</td>
<td>Layout for poster</td>
<td data-order="1834">1834</td>
<td>Image creation</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1500">1500</td>
<td>Create font</td>
<td data-order="1200">1200</td>
<td>Sticker production</td>
<td data-order="2100">2100</td>
<td>Glossy poster</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="899">899</td>
<td>Beer label</td>
<td data-order="2499">2499</td>
<td>Shop sign</td>
<td data-order="1099">1099</td>
<td>X-Mas decoration</td>
<td data-order="1750">1750</td>
<td>Halloween invite</td>
<td data-order="400">400</td>
<td>Wedding announcement</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="299">299</td>
<td>Member pasport</td>
<td data-order="149">149</td>
<td>Drink tickets</td>
<td data-order="199">199</td>
<td>Album cover</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="4999">4999</td>
<td>Shipment box</td>
<td data-order="1399">1399</td>
<td>Wooden puzzle</td>
<td data-order="1000">1000</td>
<td>Fashion Layout</td>
<td data-order="1834">1834</td>
<td>Toy creation</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1550">1550</td>
<td>Create stamps</td>
<td data-order="1220">1220</td>
<td>Sticker design</td>
<td data-order="2100">2100</td>
<td>Poster rock concert</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="899">899</td>
<td>Wine label</td>
<td data-order="2799">2799</td>
<td>Shopping bag</td>
<td data-order="1299">1299</td>
<td>Decoration for Easter</td>
<td data-order="1650">1650</td>
<td>Saint Nicolas colorbook</td>
<td data-order="510">510</td>
<td>Wedding invites</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="399">399</td>
<td>Member pasport</td>
<td data-order="249">249</td>
<td>Drink tickets</td>
<td data-order="199">199</td>
<td>Blue-Ray cover</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1999">1999</td>
<td>TV carton</td>
<td data-order="1369">1369</td>

Adding sequence numbering column to Qweb reports

I need to add a sequence numbering column to order lines table in QWeb reports like [SO, Quotations, POs, delivery Slip &, etc..].
<table class="table table-condensed mt48" t-if="not o.move_line_ids">
<th><strong>Ordered Quantity</strong></th>
<td t-foreach="not o.move_line_ids" t-as="i">
<t t-set="i" t-value="1" />
<span t-esc="i"/>
<t t-set="i" t-value="i+1"/>
<td><span t-field="move.product_id"/></td>
<span t-field="move.ordered_qty"/>
<span t-field="move.product_uom"/>
Sadly, I couldn't make it work. It gives me an empty error.
<t t-set="i" t-value="1" />
<table class="table table-condensed mt48" t-if="o.move_line_ids">
<th><strong>Ordered Quantity</strong></th>
<td t-foreach="o.move_line_ids" t-as="move">
<span t-esc="i"/>
<t t-set="i" t-value="i+1"/>
<td><span t-field=""/></td>
<span t-field="move.ordered_qty"/>
<span t-field="move.product_uom"/>

Print all lines from account.invoice.line model

I created a new template for printing, and i want to customize it so it prints all the lines from account.invoice.line model. Is there a way you can do that. Here is the code of the template so far.
<t t-name="account.specifikacioni_report_document">
<t t-call="report.external_layout">
<div class="page">
<table class="table table-condensed">
<th class="text-right">Unit Price</th>
<th class="text-right" groups="sale.group_discount_per_so_line">Discount (%)</th>
<th class="text-right">Taxes</th>
<th class="text-right">Amount</th>
<tbody class="invoice_tbody">
<tr t-foreach="o.invoice_line" t-as="l">
<span t-field=""/>
<span t-field="l.quantity"/>
<span t-field="l.uos_id" groups="product.group_uom"/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="l.price_unit"/>
<td class="text-right" groups="sale.group_discount_per_so_line">
<span t-field=""/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-esc="', '.join(map(lambda x:, l.invoice_line_tax_id))"/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="l.price_subtotal" t-field-options="{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": "o.currency_id"}"/>
This prints invoice lines for one invoice cause I copied the account.report_invoice_document and just edited it, but how can I list all invoice lines here not only the invoice lines for an invoice
You can follow the report_invoice.xml to print the lines.
<table class="table table-condensed">
<th class="text-right">Unit Price</th>
<th class="text-right" groups="sale.group_discount_per_so_line">Discount (%)</th>
<th class="text-right">Taxes</th>
<th class="text-right">Amount</th>
<tbody class="invoice_tbody">
<tr t-foreach="o.invoice_line" t-as="l">
<td><span t-field=""/></td>
<span t-field="l.quantity"/>
<span t-field="l.uos_id" groups="product.group_uom"/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="l.price_unit"/>
<td class="text-right" groups="sale.group_discount_per_so_line"><span t-field=""/></td>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-esc="', '.join(map(lambda x:, l.invoice_line_tax_id))"/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="l.price_subtotal"
t-field-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": "o.currency_id"}'/>

Select Link after fetching label in frony of it

i am writing a selenium java code and at a particular webpage i want to select a link from a
group of links where each link has an emebeded text within a table. How can i select particular
link at this situtation. for eg.
run title--text 1
run title--text 2
run title--text 3
how can select specific run link for a specific title text? the text is not a label rather it is
just simple text on the webpage.
i am using the following code:
verify.text("text 1");
it will only verify the presence of text ut it wont go towarads the link as linkof every execution is named RUN. so it will identify the corresponding run link?
The HTML code for the above is:
<div align="center"><table class="module" width="630">
<th class="banner" width="70">ACTION</th>
<th class="banner" width="560">REPORT TEMPLATE</th>
<td class="modulenav" width="70">
<table class="innermodule" width="100%">
<tr><td class="moduleNav"><a class="listingLink"
<tr><td class="moduleNav"><a class="listingLink"
<table class="innerModule" width="100%">
<td class="label" width="70">Title</td>
<td width="490"><span class="listingHead">Incident Performance by Priority</span></td>
<td class="Label" width="70">Description</td>
<td class="listing"></td>
<td class="Label" width="70">Owner</td>
<td class="listing"> Software Engineer Tel: </td>
<td class="Label" width="70">Shared With</td>
<td class="listing">
Software Engineer Tel: <br>
<td class="label">Report Type</td>
<td class="listing">Performance by Priority</td>
<tr><td class="tableRuleNavy" colspan="2"></td></tr>
<td class="modulenav" width="70">
<table class="innermodule" width="100%">
<tr><td class="moduleNav"><a class="listingLink"
<tr><td class="moduleNav"><a class="listingLink"
<table class="innerModule" width="100%">
<td class="label" width="70">Title</td>
<td width="490"><span class="listingHead">Incident Trend Analysis Report</span></td>
<td class="Label" width="70">Description</td>
<td class="listing"></td>
<td class="Label" width="70">Owner</td>
<td class="listing">Software Engineer Tel: </td>
<td class="Label" width="70">Shared With</td>
<td class="listing">
Software Engineer Tel: <br>
<td class="label">Report Type</td>
<td class="listing">Trend Analysis</td>
<tr><td class="tableRuleNavy" colspan="2"></td></tr>
<td class="modulenav" width="70">
<table class="innermodule" width="100%">
<tr><td class="moduleNav"><a class="listingLink"
<tr><td class="moduleNav"><a class="listingLink"