How to compare the month parts of two dates? - sql

I am trying to query query the current month, here is my query:
$clients = $this->Clients;
$query = $clients->find();
if($this->Auth->user('role') !== 'admin'){
$query->where(['user_id =' => $this->Auth->user('id')]);
$query->where(['MONTH(dob) = ' => 'EXTRACT(month FROM (NOW()))']);
$query->order(['dob' => 'ASC']);
It returns 0 records (my field is a date type), however this query in phpmyadmin works:
SELECT * FROM `clients` WHERE MONTH(dob) = EXTRACT(month FROM (NOW()))
What am I doing wrong?

Just look at the actual generated query (check out your DBMS query log, or try DebugKit), it will look different, as the right hand side value in a key => value condition set is subject to parameter-binding/casting/quoting/escaping. In your case it will be treated as a string, so the condition will finally look something like:
WHERE MONTH(dob) = 'EXTRACT(month FROM (NOW()))'
That will of course not match anything.
You could pass the whole SQL snippet as a single array value, or as an expression object, that way it would be inserted into the query as is (do not insert user values that way, that would create an SQL injection vulnerability!), but I'd suggest to use portable function expressions instead.
CakePHP ships with functions expressions for EXTRACT and NOW, so you can simply do something like:
use Cake\Database\Expression\IdentifierExpression;
use Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression;
use Cake\ORM\Query;
// ...
$query->where(function (QueryExpression $exp, Query $query) {
return $exp->eq(
$query->func()->extract('MONTH', new IdentifierExpression('dob')),
$query->func()->extract('MONTH', $query->func()->now())
Looks a bit complicated, but it's worth it, it's cross DBMS portable as well as auto-quoting compatible. The generated SQL will look something like
See also
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Advanced Conditions
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Using SQL Functions
API > \Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression::eq()
API > \Cake\Database\FunctionsBuilder::extract()
API > \Cake\Database\FunctionsBuilder::now()


SQL case query with DISTINCT in cakephp3 ORM

I am trying to build a case query with distinct count in cakephp 3.
This is the query in SQL:
select COUNT(distinct CASE WHEN type = 'abc' THEN app_num END) as "count_abc",COUNT(distinct CASE WHEN type = 'xyz' THEN app_num END) as "count_xyz" from table;
Currently, I got this far:
$query = $this->find();
$abc_case = $query->newExpr()->addCase($query->newExpr()->add(['type' => 'abc']),' app_num','string');
$xyz_case = $query->newExpr()->addCase($query->newExpr()->add(['type' => 'xyz']),'app_num','string');
"count_abc" => $query->func()->count($abc_case),
"count_xyz" => $query->func()->count($xyz_case),
But I can't apply distinct in this code.
Using keywords in functions has been a problem for quite some time, see for example this issue ticket:
This has been somewhat improved in, so that it's now possible to (mis)use a function expression for DISTINCT as kind of a workaround, ie generate code like DISTINCT(expression), which works because the parentheses are being ignored, so to speak, as DISTINCT is not a function!
I'm not sure if this works because the SQL specifications explicitly allow parentheses to be used like that (also acting as a whitespace substitute), or because it's a side-effect, so maybe check that out before relying on it!
That being said, you can use the workaround from the linked PR until real aggregate function keyword support is being added, ie do something like this:
"count_abc" => $query->func()->count(
This would generate SQL similar to:

chain string expression linq

In traditional sql we can chain expression according to if statements.
for example lets say I have variable called "firstName" and I want to get from database all users according to the value in this variable(if empty get all users)
so I will chain the sql string like that
string sql="";
sql=String.format(" And firstname='{0}',firstName)
.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandType.Text,"select * from users where 1=1" + sql)
Is there a way to copy this Technique to linq expression?
something like
from U in user
where 1=1 & sql
select U
Change to method syntax instead of query syntax, and chaining is easy.
var query = user.Select(u => u);
query = query.Where(u => u.firstname = firstname);
queries in query syntax are converted at compile-time, so there's not a mechanism to "inject" sql at run time using query syntax.

How to count the number of rows with a date from a certain year in CodeIgniter?

I have the following query.
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE '2014%'');
I need to count the number of columns with a begin_date in the year 2014.
When I run this script I'm getting an error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '2014' (T_LNUMBER) in C:\xampp\htdocs\iPlog2\application\controllers\stat.php on line 12
I was trying to change my CI script to
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE "2014%"');
but it caused an error.
You mean, count ROWS:
So for that, just count the number of rows you have based on a condition:
$year = '2014'
$this->db->like('begin_date', $year);
$query = $this->db->get();
$rowcount = $query->num_rows();
First, you have a simple typo regarding the use of single quotes. Your complete sql string should be double quoted so that your value-quoting can be single quoted.
Second, you are using inappropriate query logic. When you want to make a comparison on a DATE or DATETIME type column, you should NEVER be using LIKE. There are specific MYSQL functions dedicated to handling these types. In your case, you should be using YEAR() to isolate the year component of your begin_date values.
You could write the raw query like this: (COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) are equivalent)
$count = $this->db
->query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM persons WHERE YEAR(begin_date) = 2014")
Or if you want to employ Codeigniter methods to build the query:
$count = $this->db
->where("YEAR(begin_date) = 2014")
You could return all of the values in all of the rows that qualify, but that would mean asking the database for values that you have no intention of using -- this is not best practice. I do not recommend the following:
$count = $this->db
->get_where('persons', 'YEAR(begin_date) = 2014')
For this reason, you should not be generating a fully populated result set then calling num_rows() or count() when you have no intention of using the values in the result set.
Replace quotes like this :
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM iplog.persons WHERE begin_date LIKE '2014%'");
Double quote your entire query, then simple quote your LIKE criteria.

Nhibernate query condition within sum

I am trying the following code but nhibernate is throwing the following exception:
Expression type 'NhSumExpression' is not supported by this SelectClauseVisitor.
var data =
from a in session.Query<Activity>()
where a.Date.Date >= dateFrom.Date && a.Date.Date <= dateTo.Date
group a by new { Date = a.Date.Date, UserId = a.RegisteredUser.ExternalId } into grp
select new ActivityData()
UserID = grp.Key.UserId,
Date = grp.Key.Date,
Bet = grp.Sum(a => a.Amount < 0 ? (a.Amount * -1) : 0),
Won = grp.Sum(a => a.Amount > 0 ? (a.Amount) : 0)
I've been looking around and found this answer
But I am not sure what I should use in place of the Projections.Constant being used in that example, and how I should create a group by clause consisting of multiple fields.
It looks like your grouping over multiple columns is correct.
This issue reported in the NHibernate bug tracker is similar: NH-2865 - "Expression type 'NhSumExpression' is not supported by this SelectClauseVisitor."
Problem is that apart from the less-than-helpful error message, it's not really a bug as such. What happens in NH-2865 is that the Sum expression contains something which NHibernate doesn't know how to convert into SQL, which result in this exception being thrown by a later part of the query processing.
So the question is, what does you sum expression contains that NHibernate cannot convert? The thing that jumps to mind is the use of the ternary operator. I believe the NHibernate LINQ provider has support for the ternary operator, but maybe there is something in this particular combination that is problematic.
However, I think your expressions can be written like this instead:
Bet = grp.Sum(a => Math.Min(a.Amount, 0) * -1), // Or Math.Abs() instead of multiplication.
Won = grp.Sum(a => Math.Max(a.Amount, 0))
If that doesn't work, try to use a real simple expression instead, like the following. If that works, we at least know the grouping itself work as expected.
Won = grp.Sum(a => a.Amount)

LINQ To NHibernate ignores the 'Group by' clause

I use NHibernate 3.2.0 and I cannot make the LINQ provider generate a proper SQL query for this statement:
var result = (from translation in session.Query<TmTranslation>()
where translation.Id > 0
group translation by translation.Language into grp
select new { Lang = grp.Key.Code }).ToList();
The generated SQL is
select as id32_,
tmtranslat0_.status as status32_,
tmtranslat0_.text as text32_,
tmtranslat0_.last_revision as last4_32_,
tmtranslat0_.fk_id_translation_unit as fk5_32_,
tmtranslat0_.fk_id_translator as fk6_32_,
tmtranslat0_.fk_id_last_modifier as fk7_32_,
tmtranslat0_.fk_id_last_match_category as fk8_32_,
tmtranslat0_.fk_id_language as fk9_32_
from "TRANSLATION" tmtranslat0_
where > 0
which, of course leads to loading all the entities from the database and grouping the result set in memory (the result itself is correct).
I would like something like this
select tmtranslat0_.fk_id_language
from "TRANSLATION" tmtranslat0_
where > 0
group by tmtranslat0_.fk_id_language
to be generated instead.
Am I missing something?
Thank you very much.
The only thing I can suggest, is to use QueryOver API.