Maple genmatrix command - physics

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here? I am trying to generate a matrix from the linear system defined and then solve the matrix using it's inverse. For some reason it won't create the matrix.
sys := {a+.9*h+.8*c+.4*d+.1*e+0*f = 1, .1*a+.2*h+.4*c+.6*d+.5*e+.6*f = .6,
.4*a+.5*h+.7*c+d+.6*e+.3*f = .7, .6*a+.1*h+.2*c+.3*d+.5*e+f = .5,
.8*a+.8*h+c+.7*d+.4*e+.2*f = .8, .9*a+h+.8*c+.5*d+.2*e+.1*f = .9}:
solve(sys, {a, c, d, e, f, h});
Z := genmatrix(sys, [a, h, c, d, e, f], 'b');
Indented values are Maple's response. Third line of code should have generated a matrix, but instead is giving back my input.

You need to load the linear-algebra package with(linalg).
Z := genmatrix(sys, [a, h, c, d, e, f], 'b');


sympy lambdify with scipy curve_fit

I constructed a sympy expression
and I used lambdify to convert to a numpy function as follow:
import sympy
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
x0,x1 = sympy.symbols('x0 x1')
a,b,c = sympy.symbols('a b c')
func=parse_expr('a*x0 + b*x1 + c*x0*x1')
p = [x0,x1,a,b,c]
npFunc = sympy.lambdify(p,func,'numpy')
but when I use scipy's curve_fit to fit npFunc for (a,b,c) with the two independent variables x0 and x1, it fails. I can't figure out how to use lambdify to make npFunc to work like this (with the unpacking):
def npFunc(X, a, b, c):
x0,x1 = X
return a*x0 + b*x1 + c*x0*x1
How should I do it?
The docs for your function (using the ipython ? shortcut)
In [22]: npFunc?
Signature: npFunc(x0, x1, a, b, c)
Created with lambdify. Signature:
func(x0, x1, a, b, c)
a*x0 + b*x1 + c*x0*x1
Source code:
def _lambdifygenerated(x0, x1, a, b, c):
return (a*x0 + b*x1 + c*x0*x1)
With the suggest alternative:
In [23]: p = [[x0, x1], a, b, c]
In [24]: npFunc = lambdify(p,func,'numpy')
In [25]: npFunc?
Signature: npFunc(_Dummy_22, a, b, c)
Created with lambdify. Signature:
func(arg_0, a, b, c)
a*x0 + b*x1 + c*x0*x1
Source code:
def _lambdifygenerated(_Dummy_22, a, b, c):
[x0, x1] = _Dummy_22
return (a*x0 + b*x1 + c*x0*x1)

How to create a Mutable List of Alphabets in Kotlin?

I want to create a MutableList of alphabets form A to Z but so far I can only think of the following method as the shortest one without writing each and every alphabet.
fun main()
var alphabets: MutableList<Char> = mutableListOf()
for (a in 'A'..'Z')
So I wanted to know if there is any Lambda implementation or shorter method for the same?
You can use CharRange() or using .. operator to create a range.
For example:
val alphabets = ('A'..'Z').toMutableList()
// [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z]
val alphabets = CharRange('A','Z').toMutableList()
// [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z]
Alternatively, you can use ('a'..'z').joinToString("").
val abc = ('a'..'z').joinToString("")
println(abc) //abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
You can perform the same functions on a string in Kotlin as you can perform on a list of characters
For example:
for (i in abc) { println(i) }
This lists each alphabet individually on a new line just as it would if you converted it into a list.
You can use rangeTo extension function as below
private val alphabets = ('A').rangeTo('Z').toMutableList()
[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z]

How to shuffle elements of Mutable list in Kotlin?

I wanted to create a MutableList of alphabets and then shuffle them and store it in another MutableList.
I used shuffle() function but it resulted in the original list being shuffled as well which I didn't wanted to happen as I will be using the original list to map it with new shuffled one.
fun main(){
val alphabets = ('A'..'Z').toMutableList()
var shuffAlp = alphabets
So I had to create two mutable list and then shuffle one of them
val alphabets = ('A'..'Z').toMutableList()
var shuffAlp = ('A'..'Z').toMutableList()
This might be a trivial question but is there any other way where I do not have to create two same list?
shuffle does shuffle into original list, shuffled do and return new list.
And same behavior is for sort & sorted, sortBy & sortedBy, reverse & asReversed:
fun main(){
val alphabets = ('A'..'Z').toMutableList()
val shuffAlp = alphabets.shuffled()
[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z]
[U, B, A, N, H, R, O, K, X, C, W, E, Q, P, J, Z, L, Y, S, M, I, D, V, F, G, T]

Complex matrix multiplication with tensorflow-backend of Keras

Let matrix F1 has a shape of (a * h * w * m), matrix F2 has a shape of (a * h * w * n), and matrix G has a shape of (a * m * n).
I want to implement the following formula which calculates each factor of G from factors of F1 and F2, using tensorflow backend of Keras. However I am confused by various backend functions, especially and K.batch_dot().
$$ G_{k, i, j} = \sum^h_{s=1} \sum^w_{t=1} \dfrac{F^1_{k, s, t, i} * F^2_{k, s, t, j}}{h * w} $$ i.e.:
(Image obtained by copying the above equation within $$ and pasting it to this site)
Is there any way to implement the above formula? Thank you in advance.
Using Tensorflow tf.einsum() (which you could wrap in a Lambda layer for Keras):
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
a, h, w, m, n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
F1 = tf.random_uniform(shape=(a, h, w, m))
F2 = tf.random_uniform(shape=(a, h, w, n))
G = tf.einsum('ahwm,ahwn->amn', F1, F2) / (h * w)
with tf.Session() as sess:
f1, f2, g =[F1, F2, G])
# Manually computing G to check our operation, reproducing naively your equation:
g_check = np.zeros(shape=(a, m, n))
for k in range(a):
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
for s in range(h):
for t in range(w):
g_check[k, i, j] += f1[k,s,t,i] * f2[k,s,t,j] / (h * w)
# Checking for equality:
print(np.allclose(g, g_check))
# > True

solving Ax=b using inverse matrix in maple

I am trying to solve a system of linear equations using the inverse matrix, but am having issues on my last command where I am trying to multiply the inverse matrix by B. Can anyone offer advice on what I am doing wrong?
restart; with(linalg):
sys := {a+.9*h+.8*c+.4*d+.1*e+0*f = 1, .1*a+.2*h+.4*c+.6*d+.5*e+.6*f = .6, .4*a+.5*h+.7*c+d+.6*e+.3*f = .7, .6*a+.1*h+.2*c+.3*d+.5*e+f = .5, .8*a+.8*h+c+.7*d+.4*e+.2*f = .8, .9*a+h+.8*c+.5*d+.2*e+.1*f = .9}:
solve(sys, {a, c, d, e, f, h});
{a = 0.08191850594, c = 0.7504244482, d = 3.510186757,
e = -6.474108659, f = 2.533531409, h = -0.4876910017}
Z := genmatrix(sys, [a, h, c, d, e, f], 'b');
linsolve(Z, b);
B := {`<|>`(`<,>`(1, .6, .7, .5, .8, .9))};
response is indented below each line where possible. I don't have enough points to put pictures in for matrix results so they have been left blank.
As a previous poster suggests, removing the curly braces will fix your code, however, it may also be worth noting that if you are using a copy of Maple 6 or newer, the linalg package has been deprecated by the newer LinearAlgebra package.
Here is equivalent code that uses the LinearAlgebra package:
sys := [a+.9*h+.8*c+.4*d+.1*e+0*f = 1, .1*a+.2*h+.4*c+.6*d+.5*e+.6*f = .6, .4*a+.5*h+.7*c+d+.6*e+.3*f = .7, .6*a+.1*h+.2*c+.3*d+.5*e+f = .5, .8*a+.8*h+c+.7*d+.4*e+.2*f = .8, .9*a+h+.8*c+.5*d+.2*e+.1*f = .9];
solve(sys, {a, c, d, e, f, h});
Z,b := GenerateMatrix(sys, [a, h, c, d, e, f]);
LinearSolve( Z, b );
MatrixInverse( Z );
MatrixInverse( Z ) . b;
One minor difference is that here the GenerateMatrix command returns both the coefficient matrix as well as the right hand side Vector. Also note that I suppressed the output for the with command using the : operator.
Just remove the curly brackets from B.
B := `<|>`(`<,>`(1, .6, .7, .5, .8, .9));