Removing All Spaces in String - vba

I created a macro for removing all whitespace in a string, specifically an email address. However it only removes about 95% of the whitespace, and leaves a few.
My code:
Sub NoSpaces()
Dim w As Range
For Each w In Selection.Cells
w = Replace(w, " ", "")
End Sub
Things I have tried to solve the issue include:
~ Confirmed the spaces are indeed spaces with the Code function, it is character 32 (space)
~ Used a substitute macro in conjuction with the replace macro
~ Have additional macro utilizing Trim function to remove leading and trailing whitespace
~ Made a separate macro to test for non-breaking spaces (character 160)
~ Used the Find and Replace feature to search and replace spaces with nothing. Confirmed working.
I only have one cell selected when I run the macro. It selects and goes through all the cells because of the Selection.Cells part of the code.
A few examples:
These just contain regular whitespace, but are skipped over.

Just use a regular expression:
'Add a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Public Function RemoveWhiteSpace(target As String) As String
With New RegExp
.Pattern = "\s"
.MultiLine = True
.Global = True
RemoveWhiteSpace = .Replace(target, vbNullString)
End With
End Function
Call it like this:
Sub NoSpaces()
Dim w As Range
For Each w In Selection.Cells
w.Value = RemoveWhiteSpace(w.Value)
End Sub

Try this:
Sub NoSpaces()
Selection.Replace " ", ""
End Sub

Use "Substitute"
=SUBSTITUTE(C1:C18," ","")

Because you assume that Selection.Cells includes all cells on the sheet.
Cells.Replace " ", ""

And to add to the excellent advice from all the great contributors, try the
TRIM or LTRIM, or RTRIM and you can read more about these functions here:
Now this does not remove embedded spaces (spaces in between the letters) but it will remove any leading and trailing spaces.
Hope this helps.

Space Problem with Excel
ok, the only way i see this two types of space is by converting their Ascii code value of which I do it here
now to explain this function i made, it will just filter the string character by character checking if its equal to the two types of space i mentioned. if not it will concatenate that character into the string which will be the final value after the loop. hope this helps. Thanks.
Function spaceremove(strs) As String
Dim str As String
Dim nstr As String
Dim sstr As String
Dim x As Integer
str = strs
For x = 1 To VBA.Len(str)
sstr = Left(Mid(str, x), 1)
If sstr = " " Or sstr = " " Then
nstr = nstr & "" & sstr
End If
Next x
spaceremove = nstr
End Function

I copied a HTML table with data and pasted in excel but the cells were filled with unwanted space and all methods posted here didn't work so I debugged and I discovered that it wasn't actually space chars (ASCII 32) it was Non-breaking space) (ASCII 160) or HTML
So to make it work with that Non-breaking space char I did this:
Sub NoSpaces()
Dim w As Range
For Each w In Selection.Cells
w.Value = Replace(w.Value, " ", vbNullString)
w.Value = Replace(w.Value, Chr(160), vbNullString)
End Sub


VBA Split data by new line word

I am trying to split data using VBA within word.
I have got the data using the following method
d = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.Text
This works and gets the correct data. Data for this example is
However, when I need to split the string into a list of strings using the delimiter as \n
Here is an example of the desired output
I am currently using
Dim dataTesting() As String
dataTesting() = Split(d, vbLf)
Debug.Print dataTesting(0)
However, this returns all the data and not just the first line.
Here is what I have tried within the Split function
Word uses vbCr (ANSI 13) to write a "new" paragraph (created when you press ENTER) - represented in the Word UI by ¶ if the display of non-printing characters is activated.
In this case, the table cell content you show would look like this
The correct way to split an array delimited by a pilcro in Word is:
Dim d as String
d = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.Text
Dim dataTesting() As String
dataTesting() = Split(d, vbCr)
Debug.Print dataTesting(0) 'result is "This"
You can try this (regex splitter from this thread)
Sub fff()
Dim d As String
Dim dataTesting() As String
d = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.Text
dataTesting() = SplitRe(d, "\s+")
Debug.Print "1:" & dataTesting(0)
Debug.Print "2:" & dataTesting(1)
Debug.Print "3:" & dataTesting(2)
Debug.Print "4:" & dataTesting(3)
End Sub
Public Function SplitRe(Text As String, Pattern As String, Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean) As String()
Static re As Object
If re Is Nothing Then
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Global = True
re.MultiLine = True
End If
re.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
re.Pattern = Pattern
SplitRe = Strings.Split(re.Replace(Text, ChrW(-1)), ChrW(-1))
End Function
If this doesn't work, there may be strange unicode/Wprd characters in your Word doc. It may be soft breaks, for instance. You could try to not split with "\W+" in stead of "\s+". I cannot test this without your document.
Dim dataTesting() As String
dataTesting() = Split(d, vbLf)
Debug.Print dataTesting(0)
works fine and thank you very much for your example,
for why it have returned a whole array is because you have used 0 as index, in many programming languages 0 is the whole array, so the first element is ,
so in my case counting from 1 this perfectly split a string that I had troubles with.
To be more exact this is how it was used in my case
Dim dataTesting() As String
dataTesting() = Split(Document.LatheMachineSetup.Heads.Item(1).Comment, vbCrLf)
MsgBox (dataTesting(1))
And that comment is a multiline string.
So this msg box returned exactly first line.

VBA InStr With ~

I'm trying to extract a date from a cell that is not in standard date format.
The Cell in Question has the string "10/9~10/13" in it.
I know this because I initially find the suspect cell by using a Range.Find function. (I tried .Value, .Value2, and .Text here to no avail).
text = .UsedRange.Find("~~").Value
If I use debug.Print text then
debug.Print text
Interestingly enough the ~ disappears. However, debug.Print also reveals this strange behavior.
d = InStr(1, "10/9_10/13", "_", vbTextCompare)
d = InStr(1, text, "_", vbTextCompare)
I thought perhaps text isn't a string?
debug.Print TypeName(text)
If you could explain why VBA is exhibiting this apparently inconsistent behavior that would be very useful.
As you have seen AscW returns -162, you can use that value to find the unicode char in vba
I put your data in D1 and then I ran:
Sub dural()
Dim dCell As String, txet As String
dCell = Range("D1").Value
Debug.Print dCell
txet = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find("~~").Value
Debug.Print txet
End Sub
(I used txet rather than text to avoid any confusion with the Property of the same name) and got:
Is it possible that what you have is not tilda but some other unicode character that looks like tilda?

Excel VBA Using wildcard to replace string within string

I have a difficult situation and so far no luck in finding a solution.
My VBA collects number figures like $80,000.50. and I'm trying to get VBA to remove the last period to make it look like $80,000.50 but without using right().
The problem is after the last period there are hidden spaces or characters which will be a whole lot of new issue to handle so I'm just looking for something like:
Is this possible in VBA?
I cant leave a comment so....
what about InStrRev?
Private Sub this()
Dim this As String
this = "$80,000.50."
this = Left(this, InStrRev(this, ".") - 1)
Debug.Print ; this
End Sub
Mid + Find
You can use Mid and Find functions. Like so:
The Find will find the first dot . character. If all the values you are collecting are currency with 2 decimals, stored as text, this will work well.
The formula is: =MID(A2,1,FIND(".",A2)+2)
VBA solution
Function getStringToFirstOccurence(inputUser As String, FindWhat As String) As String
getStringToFirstOccurence = Mid(inputUser, 1, WorksheetFunction.Find(FindWhat, inputUser) + 2)
End Function
Other possible solutions, hints
Trim + Clear + Substitute(Char(160)): Chandoo -
Untrimmable Spaces – Excel Formula
Ultimately, you can implement Regular expressions into Excel UDF: VBScript’s Regular Expression Support
How about:
Sub dural()
Dim r As Range
For Each r In Selection
s = r.Text
l = Len(s)
For i = l To 1 Step -1
If Mid(s, i, 1) = "." Then
r.Value = Mid(s, 1, i - 1) & Mid(s, i + 1)
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next r
End Sub
This will remove the last period and leave all the other characters intact. Before:
and after:
This version does not require looping over the characters in the cell:
Sub qwerty()
Dim r As Range
For Each r In Selection
If InStr(r.Value, ".") > 0 Then r.Characters(InStrRev(r.Text, "."), 1).Delete
Next r
End Sub
Shortest Solution
Simply use the Val command. I assume this is meant to be a numerical figure anyway? Get rid of commas and the dollar sign, then convert to value, which will ignore the second point and any other trailing characters! Robustness not tested, but seems to work...
Dim myString as String
myString = "$80,000.50. junk characters "
' Remove commas and dollar signs, then convert to value.
Dim myVal as Double
myVal = Val(Replace(Replace(myString,"$",""),",",""))
' >> myVal = 80000.5
' If you're really set on getting a formatted string back, use Format:
myString = Format(myVal, "$000,000.00")
' >> myString = $80,000.50
From the Documentation,
The Val function stops reading the string at the first character it can't recognize as part of a number. Symbols and characters that are often considered parts of numeric values, such as dollar signs and commas, are not recognized.
This is why we must first remove the dollar sign, and why it ignores all the junk after the second dot, or for that matter anything non numerical at the end!
Working with Strings
Edit: I wrote this solution first but now think the above method is more comprehensive and shorter - left here for completeness.
Trim() removes whitespace at the end of a string. Then you could simply use Left() to get rid of the last point...
' String with trailing spaces and a final dot
Dim myString as String
myString = "$80,000.50. "
' Get rid of whitespace at end
myString = Trim(myString)
' Might as well check if there is a final dot before removing it
If Right(myString, 1) = "." Then
myString = Left(myString, Len(myString) - 1)
End If
' >> myString = "$80,000.50"

Range.Find() text with carriage return Excel VBA

What I'm trying to do
Locate the column whose header cell contains a unique string. In other words, I know the cell's text, and I know the cell is in row 1, but I don't know which column. NOTE: I want to search for the entire text, not just part of it. NOTE2: The text can vary, so I cannot hardcode the value into my code. Rather I need to use the variable in which the value is stored.
The problem
When there's no carriage return in the header text, a simple newCol = Range("1:1").Find(headerText).Column works fine. However, if there is a carriage return, this doesn't work. It throws up the error "Object variable or With block variable not set". Here's my exact header string:
Incomplete Email
(more text)
What I've already tried
I also tried using WorksheetFunction.Match(headerText, Range("1:1"), 0), but got the same issue.
Additional notes and requirements
This is part of an add-in, so I do not want to change anything in the user's excel sheet if I don't have to (i.e., I don't want to remove the carriage return).
Technically, I'm doing this in a function:
Public Function getColumn(headerText As Variant)
getColumn = Range("1:1").Find(headerText).Column
End Function
pls try with below code
Public Function getColumn(headerText As String)
str1 = Split(headerText, vbCrLf)
str2 = UBound(str1)
b = Range("1:1").Find(str1(0) & Chr(10) & str1(1)).Column
End Function
Here's the thing: text with and without line break is NOT the same text hence the .Find fail. What you should do is a pattern lookup. I have just tested this and it works, provided that if there is no line break there shall be a space:
Sub test()
Dim rex As RegExp, ran As Range
Dim col As Integer, headerText As String
'read you headerText here
Set rex = New RegExp
rex.Pattern = RegexIt(headerText)
For Each ran In Range("1:1")
If rex.test(ran.Text) Then
col = ran.Column
Exit For
End If
Next ran
MsgBox col
End Sub
Function RegexIt(what As String) As String
what = Replace(what, "(", "\(")
what = Replace(what, ")", "\)")
what = Replace(what, "[", "\[")
what = Replace(what, "]", "\]")
what = Replace(what, "<", "\<")
what = Replace(what, ">", "\>")
what = Replace(what, " ", "[\n ]?")
what = Replace(what, vbCrLf, "[\n ]?")
End Function
Good luck!
Edit: Reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 required
Edit2: Edited for variable use. Explanation: Replace space in variable value with optionel space/line break, escape brackets for pattern matching.
Your code should work even if the header cell contains carriage returns:
Sub FindColumnWithTextInRowOne()
Dim headerText As String, newCol As Long
headerText = "whatever"
newCol = Range("1:1").Find(headerText).Column
MsgBox newCol
End Sub
This is because your use of Find() does not require a match to the WHOLE contents of the cell.
If the header cell was constructed using a formula, then a slightly different Find() should be used:
Sub FindColumnWithTextInRowOne()
Dim headerText As String, newCol As Long, r As Range
headerText = Range("H1").Text
newCol = Range("1:1").Find(What:=headerText, LookAt:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues).Column
MsgBox newCol
End Sub

UDF to remove special characters, punctuation & spaces within a cell to create unique key for Vlookups

I hacked together the following User Defined Function in VBA that allows me to remove certain non-text characters from any given Cell.
The code is as follows:
Function removeSpecial(sInput As String) As String
Dim sSpecialChars As String
Dim i As Long
sSpecialChars = "\/:*?™""®<>|.&##(_+`©~);-+=^$!,'" 'This is your list of characters to be removed
For i = 1 To Len(sSpecialChars)
sInput = Replace$(sInput, Mid$(sSpecialChars, i, 1), " ")
removeSpecial = sInput
End Function
This portion of the code obviously defines what characters are to be removed:
sSpecialChars = "\/:*?™""®<>|.&##(_+`©~);-+=^$!,'"
I also want to include a normal space character, " ", within this criteria. I was wondering if there is some sort of escape character that I can use to do this?
So, my goal is to be able to run this function, and have it remove all specified characters from a given Excel Cell, while also removing all spaces.
Also, I realize I could do this with a =SUBSTITUTE function within Excel itself, but I would like to know if it is possible in VBA.
Edit: It's fixed! Thank you simoco!
Function removeSpecial(sInput As String) As String
Dim sSpecialChars As String
Dim i As Long
sSpecialChars = "\/:*?™""®<>|.&## (_+`©~);-+=^$!,'" 'This is your list of characters to be removed
For i = 1 To Len(sSpecialChars)
sInput = Replace$(sInput, Mid$(sSpecialChars, i, 1), "") 'this will remove spaces
removeSpecial = sInput
End Function
So after the advice from simoco I was able to modify my for loop:
For i = 1 To Len(sSpecialChars)
sInput = Replace$(sInput, Mid$(sSpecialChars, i, 1), "") 'this will remove spaces
Now for every character in a given cell in my spreadsheet, the special characters are removed and replaced with nothing. This is essentially done by the Replace$ and Mid$ functions used together as shown:
sInput = Replace$(sInput, Mid$(sSpecialChars, i, 1), "") 'this will remove spaces
This code is executed for every single character in the cell starting with the character at position 1, via my for loop.
Hopefully this answer benefits someone in the future if the stumble upon my original question.