Input images in tensorflow graph as a couple - tensorflow

I want to input the images in my siamese model as a couple. But if I read them from a list of image names, using
file_name_q = tf.train.string_input_producer(string_tensor=name, shuffle=False, )
the images are read read sequentially and their integrity as a couple is destroyed. Here, name is the list of all the images names, such that index 0 and 1 is a pair, 2 and 3 is a pair and so on.
Any insights?

Consider using tf.train.batch_join, as that maintains grouping between two tensors. See the documentation at:


Number of distinct labels and input data shape in Dataset

The Tensorflow Fashion-MNIST tutorial is great... but it seems clear you have to know in advance that there are 10 distinct labels in the dataset, and that the input data is image data of size 28x28. I would have thought these details should be readily discoverable from the dataset itself - is this possible? Could I discover the same information the same way on a quite different dataset (e.g. the Titanic Dataset, which comprises M rows by N columns of CSV data, and is a binary classification task). does not appear to have any obvious get_label_count() or get_input_shape() functions in its API. Call me a newbie, but this suprises/confuses me.
According to the accepted answer to this question, Tensorflow instances are lazily evaluated, meaning that you could, in principle, need to iterate the through an entire dataset to establish the number of distinct labels, and the input data shape(s) (which can be variable, for example with variable-length sequences of sound or text).

DeepLabV3, segmentation and classification/detection on coral

I am trying to use DeepLabV3 for image segmentation and object detection/classification on Coral.
I was able to sucessfully run the example using DeepLabV3 on the coral, but that only shows an image with an object segmented.
I see that it assigns labels to colors - how do i associate the labels.txt file that I made based off of the label info of the model to these colors? (how do i know which color corresponds to which label).
When I try to run the
engine = DetectionEngine(args.model)
using the deeplab model, I get the error
ValueError: Dectection model should have 4 output tensors!This model
has 1.
I guess this way is the wrong approach?
I believe you have reached out to us regarding the same query. I just wanted to paste the answer here for others to reference:
"The detection model usually have 4 output tensors to specifies the locations, classes, scores, and number and detections. You can read more about it here. In contrary, the segmentation model only have a single output tensor, so if you treat it the same way, you'll most likely segfault trying to access the wrong memory region. If you want to do all three tasks on the same image, my suggestion is to create 3 different engines and feed the image into each. The only problem with this is that each time you switch the model, there will likely be data transfer bottleneck for the model to get loaded onto the TPU. We have here an example on how you can run 2 models on a single TPU, you should be able to modify it to take 3 models."
On the last note, I just saw that you added:
how do i associate the labels.txt file that I made based off of the label info of the model to these colors
I just don't think this is something you can do for segmentation model but maybe I'm just confused on your query?
Take object detection model for example, there are 4 output tensors, the second tensor gives you an array of id associates with a certain class that you can map to a a label file. Segmentaion models only give the pixel surrounding an objects.
Apology, looks like I'm the one confused on segmentation models.
Quote form my college :)
"You are interested to know the name of the label, you can find the corresponding integer to that label from result array in Where result is classification data of each pixel.
For example;
if you print result array in the with bird.jpg as input you would find few pixel's value as 3 which is corresponding 4th label in pascal_voc_segmentation_labels.txt (as indexing starts at 0 )."

Tensorflow word2vec InvalidArgumentError: Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match

I am using this code to train a word2vec model. I am trying to train it incrementally, with using saver.restore(). I am using new data after restoring the model. Since vocabulary size for the old data and new data are not the same, I got an exception like this:
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [28908,200] rhs shape= [71291,200]
Here 71291 is vocabulary size for the old data and 28908 is for new data.
It gets the vocabulary words from the train_data file here, and constructs the network model using size of the vocabulary. I thought that if I could set vocabulary size the same for my old data and new data, I can solve this problem.
So, my question is: Can I do that in this code? As far as I understand, I cannot reach skipgram_word2vec() function.
Or, is there any other way of solving this issue in this code beside what I thought? If it is not possible using this code, I will try other ways for my purpose.
Any help is appreciated.
Having taken a look at the source of I'd say you will need to change the code there. It operates by opening a text file right up front as "training data". For your purposes, you have to change the build_graph method and allow it to get an option to set all that data ( words, counts, words_per_epoch, current_epoch, total_words_processed, examples, labels, opts.vocab_words, opts.vocab_counts, opts.words_per_epoch ) when initializing, and not from a text file.
Then you need to merge the two text files, and load them once, to produce the vocabulary. Then save all the data above, and use that to restore the network at each subsequent run.
If you use more than 2 texts, you need to include all the text you plan to use in the first data to produce the vocabulary, however.

Reading sequential data from TFRecords files within the TensorFlow graph?

I'm working with video data, but I believe this question should apply to any sequential data. I want to pass my RNN 10 sequential examples (video frames) from a TFRecords file. When I first start reading the file, I need to grab 10 examples, and use this to create a sequence-example which is then pushed onto the queue for the RNN to take when it's ready. However, now that I have the 10 frames, next time I read from the TFRecords file, I only need to take 1 example and just shift the other 9 over. But when I hit the end of the first TFRecords file, I need to restart the process on the second TFRecords file. It's my understanding that the cond op will process the ops required under each condition even if that condition is not the one that is to be used. This would be a problem when using a condition to check whether to read 10 examples or only 1. Is there anyway to resolve this problem to still have the desired result outlined above?
You can use the recently added Dataset.window() transformation in TensorFlow 1.12 to do this:
filenames =
# Define a function that will be applied to each filename, and return the sequences in that
# file.
def get_examples_from_file(filename):
# Read and parse the examples from the file using the appropriate logic.
examples =
# Selects a sliding window of 10 examples, shifting along 1 example at a time.
sequences = examples.window(size=10, shift=1, drop_remainder=True)
# Each element of `sequences` is a nested dataset containing 10 consecutive examples.
# Use `Dataset.batch()` and get the resulting tensor to convert it to a tensor value
# (or values, if there are multiple features in an example).
lambda d:
# Alternatively, you can use `filenames.interleave()` to mix together sequences from
# different files.
sequences = filenames.flat_map(get_examples_from_file)

Incorporating very large constants in Tensorflow

For example, the comments for the Tensorflow image captioning example model state:
NOTE: This script will consume around 100GB of disk space because each image
in the MSCOCO dataset is replicated ~5 times (once per caption) in the output.
This is done for two reasons:
1. In order to better shuffle the training data.
2. It makes it easier to perform asynchronous preprocessing of each image in
The primary goal of this question is to see if there is an alternative to this type of duplication. In my use case, storing the data in this way would require each image to be duplicated in the TFRecord files many more times, on the order of 20 - 50 times.
I should note first that I have already fed the images through VGGnet to extract 4096 dim features, and I have these stored as a mapping between filename and the vectors.
Before switching over to Tensorflow, I had been feeding batches containing filename strings and then looking up the corresponding vector on a per-batch basis. This allows me to store all of the image data in ~15GB without needing to duplicate the data on disk.
My first attempt to do this in in Tensorflow involved storing indices in the TFExample buffers and then doing a "preprocessing" step to slice into the corresponding matrix:
img_feat = pd.read_pickle("img_feats.pkl")
img_matrix = np.stack(img_feat)
preloaded_images = tf.Variable(img_matrix)
first_image = tf.slice(preloaded_images, [0,0], [1,4096])
However, in this case, Tensorflow disallows a variable larger than 2GB. So my next thought was to partition this across several variables:
img_tensors = []
for i in range(NUM_SPLITS):
with tf.Graph().as_default():
img_tensors.append(tf.Variable(img_matrices[i], name="preloaded_images_%i"%i))
first_image = tf.concat(1, [tf.slice(t, [0,0], [1,4096//NUM_SPLITS]) for t in img_tensors])
In this case, I'm forced to store each partition on a separate graph, because it seems any one graph cannot be this large either. However, now the concat fails because each tensor I am concatenating is on a separate graph.
Any advice on incorporating a large amount (~15GB) of preloaded into the Tensorflow graph.
Potentially related is this question; however in this case I'd like to override the decoding of the actual JPEG file with the preprocessed value in a tensor op.