cannot register my app to MFP remove server - ibm-mobilefirst

I am having an issue deploying my app to a remote server. This is the error I get when trying run the cli add command:
mfpdev server add myqaserver --url --login admin --password aaaa --setdefault
Error: URL '' is not valid. The URL must have the following format 'protocol://host:port'. Run 'mfpdev help server add' for more information.
My hostname name contains the port. So adding the port again will cause an issue
Initially, I tried the register command and was prompt to used the add command
mfpdev app register mfp
How do I fix this issue?
IBM MFP version 8.0.0-2016121916

Doesn't look like you're executing the commands correctly...
Here's an example:
mfpdev server add
? Enter the name of the new server definition: mydevserver
? Enter the fully qualified URL of this server:
? Enter the MobileFirst Server administrator login ID: admin
? Enter the MobileFirst Server administrator password: admin
? Save the admin password for this server?: Yes
? Enter the context root of the MobileFirst administration services: mfpadmin
? Enter the MobileFirst Server connection timeout in seconds: 30
Verifying server configuration...
The following runtimes are currently installed on this server: mfp
Server profile 'mydevserver' added successfully.
Then, navigate to the root folder of the application and:
mfpdev app register mydevserver
Learn more here:


Why the Weblogic console cannot be accessed by using port 80?

After installing patch, Weblogic console could not log in, indicating "WebLogic Server has rejected this user name or password. Please try again. " However, the service can be accessed normally
There is a bug in this PSU which prevent web app like the admin console to authenticate users. Oracle published a patch to correct this issue : SU Patch [EIL8]: Overlay: CANNOT LOGIN TO CONSOLE, BUT CAN LOGIN TO EM WITH THE SAME USER
Download it from MOS and patch your WebLogic server installation.

WebLogic Server Version: - retrieve administration console pwd

I would like to know if there is a wat to retrieve the administration console password of a WebLogic Server Version: in a Windows 10 instalation
The Weblogic admin password in is not one-way encrypted. There are a number of blogs and tools which show you how to retrieve it. For example, try my tool found at
You can't retrieve a password but you can reset it on the command line.

MobileFirst Platform : Can't launch mfp server

I actually try MobileFirst Platform Foundation for developer, I want to use it with the CLI but after installation when I want to start the server with: -mfp start
I have this message :
Initializing MobileFirst Console.
CWWKE0054E: Unable to open file C:\Users\\mobilefirst\\server\wlp\usr\servers\worklight\logs\C:\Users\MVENTU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ihp_custom_batches.log.
The server is listening on port 10080.
Server Directory: C:/Users/bdupont/.ibm/mobilefirst/
URL: http://localhost:10080/
If i try to see server status with mfp status it said that the worklight server is not running.
I tried to see log with mfp -d start but it doesn't seem to have issue.
If anyone have an idea?
Thank you.
Solution : websphere - CWWKE0054E error unable to open file
Look at Gas post, it was a problem of environment variable.
Try deleting all the contents in mobilefirst/
In command prompt run
lsof -i :10800
kill -9 <port_number>
Then do mfp start again to restart the server

Generating packed template from Weblogic Admin Server Dynamically fails

I have a weblogic domain (i.e. server1) that manages multiple managed servers (i.e. server2) on remote machines on which the admin server does not reside. I am trying to use WLST in online mode to dynamically pack the domain on the Admin Server into a JAR and transfer it to the managed server, but it fails due to CIE ConfigHelper service not being availble. I've tried to find a reference to this service with no lunck.
Here is the log of the output:
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
Connecting to t3://admin:7001 with userid admin ...
Successfully connected to Admin Server "wladmin_server" that belongs to domain "qa".
Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
Admin port should be used instead.
Location changed to serverRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with DomainMBean as the root.
For more help, use help('domainConfig')
CIE ConfigHelper online service is not available.
Disconnected from weblogic server: wladmin_server
I'm doing this based on the following link , but it just doesn't seem to work.
I am using Weblogic 12c (12.1.3) running on RH Linux.
pack and unpack scripts are working for us in similar scenario.
On admin server machine where domain is already created ,You can use this to pack/create managed server template :
$WL_HOME/common/bin/ -domain=${DOMAIN_HOME} \
-template=${DOMAIN_NAME}_managed_template.jar \
-template_name="${DOMAIN_NAME}" \
-template_author="YOU" \
-template_desc="${DOMAIN_NAME}-managed-template" \
-managed="true" \
Then copy managed server template to different machines and unpack there:
$WL_HOME/common/bin/ \
-domain=$DOMAIN_HOME \
-template=${DOMAIN_NAME}_managed_template.jar \
-overwrite_domain="true" \
-app_dir=$DOMAIN_HOME/../applications \
I have also encountered the same problem on my weblogic (ver 12.1.3). The problem seems to appear only when the weblogic server is started using wlst.
When I started the weblogic using file and run the domain template wlst script the error(CIE ConfigHelper online service is not available.) has disappeared, and I can see that the template is created successfully.
It seems like a bug in weblogic wlst.

How to Test DataSource connection in JBoss EAP 6.2 Managed Domain

I am trying to port an application from WebLogic to JBoss EAP 6.2.
When running the standalone server in JBoss, in the admin console there is a button and in the command line interface there is a command line option to check the data source connection.
These options do not appear to exist in either place when running the "domain" server. Am I missing something? Is there some further setting I must make to enable it? I tried a technique which is sometimes an analog in the domain server and it doesn't work here.
JBoss docs are much weaker for "domain" model than for "standalone".
You are absolutely correct that while running the standalone server in JBoss, in the admin console there is a button and in the command line interface there is a command line option to check the data source connection butThese options do not appear to exist in either place when running the "domain" server.
You still can use the command line of jboss-eap-6.x to test the configured data source connection in domain server. You need to navigate to $JBOSS_HOME/bin/ and execute script:
Connect to the domain server controller with: connect :PORT_NO and execute the following commands:
For XA-DataSource:
For Non-XA-DataSource: