MobileFirst Platform : Can't launch mfp server - ibm-mobilefirst

I actually try MobileFirst Platform Foundation for developer, I want to use it with the CLI but after installation when I want to start the server with: -mfp start
I have this message :
Initializing MobileFirst Console.
CWWKE0054E: Unable to open file C:\Users\\mobilefirst\\server\wlp\usr\servers\worklight\logs\C:\Users\MVENTU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ihp_custom_batches.log.
The server is listening on port 10080.
Server Directory: C:/Users/bdupont/.ibm/mobilefirst/
URL: http://localhost:10080/
If i try to see server status with mfp status it said that the worklight server is not running.
I tried to see log with mfp -d start but it doesn't seem to have issue.
If anyone have an idea?
Thank you.
Solution : websphere - CWWKE0054E error unable to open file
Look at Gas post, it was a problem of environment variable.

Try deleting all the contents in mobilefirst/
In command prompt run
lsof -i :10800
kill -9 <port_number>
Then do mfp start again to restart the server


SSH login error - "" not found

I'm logging in to vSphere VM (FreeBSD) using SSH and getting the following error-
Shared object "" not found, required by "bash"
Connection to xxx closed.
I mistakenly changed root user's shell to bash. I was able to login earlier using csh. I can't run chsh or any other commands because I am not able to login to the server.
Is there a way to revert the shell change or specify shell while SSH login? I have tried rebooting the VM using vSphere but still getting the same error.
I have also tried sftp using FileZilla but since it uses SSH, I am getting the following error-
Status: Connected to xxx
Error: FATAL ERROR: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
Error: Could not connect to server
To fix this, you will need to shutdown the VM from vsphere, reboot, then choose "Single User" mode. Once at the single user shell, change root's shell to /bin/sh or /bin/csh. Don't use 3rd part shells for root.
Also, you get the error because your bash binary is out of date and not ABI compatible with the OS it's installed. Using pkg update should help once you get access again.

Weblogic server won’t start, because a bad.jar was deployed in it. But I can’t start the admin console, in order to remove the .jar

My Weblogic server was running fine inside my Eclipse. But then I accidentally deployed an .ear into my Weblogic server (using the server's Admin Console) which conflicts with another .ear, and now my Weblogic server won't start up. I know how to remove the .ear. The way to remove it is to go to the Admin Console, choose Deployments, checkmark the offending .ear and then choose stop and delete. But I can't get to the Admin Console because the Weblogic server won't start up.
I want to undeploy it, but I can't, because I can't start up the Admin Console. I also tried undeploying it with the command line, but the command requires communicating with a running server.
The error message in the Eclipse console says: "Failed to initialize the application 'EILoggingSharedLib [LibSpecVersion=2.22,LibImplVersion=2.22]" due to error weblogic.application.library.LibraryDeploymentException: [J2EE:160145]Failed to deploy library Extension-Name: EILoggingSharedLib, Specification-Version: 2.9, Implementation-Version: 2.9, because of conflicting library Manifest values, and library information registered with the server: [Specification-Version: 2.9 vs. 2.22, Implementation-Version: 2.9 vs. 2.22]. Check the library MANIFEST.MF file and correct version information there to match server settings, or undeploy the misconfigured library."
This is the command line command I used:
C:\bea12c\wlserver\server\lib>java -cp weblogic.jar weblogic.Deployer -verbose -noexit -adminurl http://localhost:7016 -username (myusername) -password (mypassword) -name Dev12c -undeploy EILoggingSharedLib -timeout 300
weblogic.Deployer invoked with options: -verbose -noexit -adminurl http://localhost:7016 -username weblogic -name Dev12c -undeploy EILoggingSharedLib -timeout 300
Unexpected Error Initializing Deployer: weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: Unable to connect to 'http://localhost:7016': Destination 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, 7016 unreachable; nested exception is: Could not connect to /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1; No available router to destination. Ensure the url represents a running admin server and that the credentials are correct. If using http protocol, tunneling must be enabled on the admin server.
I also tried starting the server with with the following command, using the same ID and password that I use to log into the admin console (when it was running). But it didn't help: username=(myusername) password=(mypassword)
Thank you!
First, try to remove your application from deployed applications with Eclipse. If it does not work, edit the ${DOMAIN_HOME}/config/config.xml file and remove the declaration of your application. Then start your server.
I found a solution. My Weblogic server that had the problem was at http://localhost:7016. Since it's a localhost server, all the libraries and apps deployed to that localhost are in a directory in my C: drive where my Weblogic server installation is. I deleted the offending .ear using File Explorer, then the Weblogic server started up fine. I was able to go into the Admin Console and delete them again from there. After that, all was good. Thank you, Emmanuel and Wesley.

cannot register my app to MFP remove server

I am having an issue deploying my app to a remote server. This is the error I get when trying run the cli add command:
mfpdev server add myqaserver --url --login admin --password aaaa --setdefault
Error: URL '' is not valid. The URL must have the following format 'protocol://host:port'. Run 'mfpdev help server add' for more information.
My hostname name contains the port. So adding the port again will cause an issue
Initially, I tried the register command and was prompt to used the add command
mfpdev app register mfp
How do I fix this issue?
IBM MFP version 8.0.0-2016121916
Doesn't look like you're executing the commands correctly...
Here's an example:
mfpdev server add
? Enter the name of the new server definition: mydevserver
? Enter the fully qualified URL of this server:
? Enter the MobileFirst Server administrator login ID: admin
? Enter the MobileFirst Server administrator password: admin
? Save the admin password for this server?: Yes
? Enter the context root of the MobileFirst administration services: mfpadmin
? Enter the MobileFirst Server connection timeout in seconds: 30
Verifying server configuration...
The following runtimes are currently installed on this server: mfp
Server profile 'mydevserver' added successfully.
Then, navigate to the root folder of the application and:
mfpdev app register mydevserver
Learn more here:

Can't start worklight server due to ports already in use?

When I try to start Worklight server in Worklight 6.2 on mac OS. I keep getting:
Several ports (10080, 10443) required by Worklight Development Server are already in use
When I change the port to a different number in the server config, I just get the same error (with the new port).
How I can resolve this?
Run Activity Monitor and search for "java" process. Kill it.
Try TCPView software and delete the port number as you mentioned in the above.Then clean project and Run the server.
Hope this helps.
Try this out:
Finder -> Go -> Go to folder. Type in the following location /etc
Search for a file named hosts. Copy it to your desktop.
Check for a line containing localhost and remove that line, and add a new line as follows: (If no such line is present, no problem add a new line) localhost
Save the file and replace the file in /etc.
Close eclipse and now start the server.
Note: Try this only if using lsof command or killing the java process didn't solve your problem.

Connect to remote host from Aptana Studio 3 terminal

How to connect to remote host from Aptana Studio 3 terminal view, and use commands on that server?
I'm using symfony framework, the project is in my host, so I want to run symfony commands like: $ symfony propel:build-schema
To connect to a remote host run the following command in your console:
$ ssh -l <username>
Enter your password and you're golden. Unfortunately you have to do this every time you open Aptana, but it's better than nothing.
Another alternative if you need to specify a port number(or dont need to).
ssh <username>#<server> -p <portnumber>
i know its a old question but hope it helps someone.
first post as well!
You can install Target Management ( to create a remote project in aptana.