Error: Syntax error at 'Boolean'; expected ')' in Artifactory OSS Puppet Module - syntax-error

Trying to use this puppet module, it breaks with syntax error:
Error: Syntax error at 'Boolean'; expected ')' at /etc/puppet/modules/artifactory/manifests/init.pp:6 on node artifactoryserver.openstacklocal
This is how I'm including it in the pp file:
node default { include '::artifactory' }
The line it refers is this one. Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?


Valgrind configure build script "Syntax Error" OSX Monterey - how to fix?

I'm trying to build Valgrind 3.19.0 on OSX monterey and when i run the configure script i get a syntax error at line 6594:
checking for diff -u... yes
./configure: line 6594: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
./configure: line 6594: ` '''
This is the code sippet of the configure script where the error is occuring.
for as_dir in $PATH
case $as_dir in #(((
as_dir=./ ;;
*/) ;;
*) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
Let me know if you need any more info.

"Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './iterator.js'

I am suddenly getting the follow errors and I have no clue how to fix them:
loc: "1224:2-26"
message: "Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './iterator.js' in 'C:\\Users\\MyApp\\node_modules\\vega-embed\\build'"
moduleIdentifier: "C:\\Users\\MyApp\\node_modules\\#angular-devkit\\build-angular\\src\\babel\\webpack-loader.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[0]!C:\\Users\\my-project\\node_modules\\#ngtools\\webpack\\src\\ivy\\index.js!C:\\Users\\MyApp\\node_modules\\source-map-loader\\dist\\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3]!C:\\Users\\MyApp\\node_modules\\vega-embed\\build\\vega-embed.module.js"
moduleName: "./node_modules/vega-embed/build/vega-embed.module.js"
[[Prototype]]: Object
./node_modules/vega-embed/build/vega-embed.module.js:1224:2-26 - Warning: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './iterator.js' in 'C:\Users\MyApp\node_modules\vega-embed\build'
I also get the following warning when I build my app:
Warning: C:\Users\MyApp\src\app\components\vega\vega.component.ts depends on 'vega-embed'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
Can someone please help me understand what is wrong and how I can resolve fix these?

Generic table issue in angular-8

Generic table (gt column setting) attribute is not working in angular and (gt Search) is not working as well
Throwing this error on hitting this command
npm i #angular-generic-table/column-settings
ERROR in ./node_modules/#angular-generic-table/column-settings/fesm5/angular-generic-table-column-settings.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'ng2-dragula' in 'E:\Workspace\Retegrity\Source\WebRetegrity\webretegrity\node_modules#angular-generic-table\column-settings\fesm5'
ERROR in ./node_modules/#angular-generic-table/core/fesm5/angular-generic-table-core.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tether' in 'E:\Workspace\Retegrity\Source\WebRetegrity\webretegrity\node_modules#angular-generic-table\core\fesm5'

Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js): warning: Parsing error: Unexpected character "EOF" (prettier/prettier) at

I have a problem with compiling a vue module in Visual Studio code. During compilation It has always returned the same warning, although I'm using autoformat. I have already changed CRLF to LF, however it didn't help. Can somebody help me, please?
Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
warning: Parsing error: Unexpected character "EOF" (prettier/prettier) at src\components\ViewEmployees.vue:34:2:
32 | }
33 | };
> 34 |
| ^
1 warning found.

error: use of '#import' when modules are disabled

I am running into these errors when running the following command
15:08:48 - tito#lt0311-2 Jazzy(master)> be jazzy --objc --umbrella-header Jazzy/SDK.h --theme apple --framework-root . --sdk iphoneos --module FyberSDK
/Users/tito/Documents/workspace/fyber/Jazzy/Jazzy/SDK.h:9:1: error: use of '#import' when modules are disabled
/Users/tito/Documents/workspace/fyber/Jazzy/Jazzy/Enum.h:9:1: error: use of '#import' when modules are disabled
/Users/tito/Documents/workspace/fyber/Jazzy/Jazzy/Enum.h:14:36: error: function definition declared 'typedef'
/Users/tito/Documents/workspace/fyber/Jazzy/Jazzy/Enum.h:14:9: warning: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
/Users/tito/Documents/workspace/fyber/Jazzy/Jazzy/Enum.h:18:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'MyEnumA'
/Users/tito/Documents/workspace/fyber/Jazzy/Jazzy/Enum.h:23:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'MyEnumB'
/Users/tito/Documents/workspace/fyber/Jazzy/Jazzy/Enum.h:28:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'MyEnumC'
building site
jam out ♪♫ to your fresh new docs in `docs`
I checked and modules are enabled for the target
//:configuration = Debug
//:configuration = Release
//:completeSettings = some
I am using the following version of jazzy
15:08:46 - tito#lt0311-2 Jazzy(master)> be jazzy -v
jazzy version: 0.7.0
I created a simple project that can reproduce the issue