Serenity-BDD: Screenplay: How to find a string of text anywhere on the page (in any element) - serenity-bdd

After searching for a few hours, I have to ask...
I want to be find a string of text on a page. Specifically, I'm looking to ensure the proper errors are displayed based on a user's form submission. Given that there could be several messages, and the web application I'm dealing with, if I could capture each element into a list I think I could iterate over the list and match strings.
Serenity-BDD is new to me and I'm digging Screenplay (and my boss loves the reporting) but I'm finding it hard to wrap my head around some of it (and good walk-through examples are few). Additionally, I have very little experience with Selenium either.
If anyone could help, or point me to some information (besides the serenity-bdd online manual) I would greatly appreciate it.

With the screenplay pattern you write Questions which return your form errors which can be checked in your BDD tests. For example I have a Form which shows the errors next to the input value. All errors have the css class ".text-danger".
A matching Question object would look like this:
public class FormErrors
implements Question<List<String>> {
public static FormErrors displayed() {
return new FormErrors();
public List<String> answeredBy( Actor actor ) {
return Text.of( EnterForm.FORM_ERRORS ).viewedBy( actor ).asList();
The FORM_ERRORS constant looks like this:
public static final Target FORM_ERRORS = Target.the( "Form Errors" ).locatedBy( ".text-danger" );
So I am able to check for the correct errors like this:
seeThat( FormErrors.displayed(), is( errors ) )
A good example how to write screenplay tests is the screenplay-pattern-todomvc project.


Minecraft Spigot I cannot get String from Component

Hello Support I can't get the String from a Component. I did this with 2 ways with bad results.
TextComponent textComponent = (TextComponent) item.displayname;
return textComponent.content();
The result of this is a error with Casting
return PlainTextComponentSerializer.plainText().serialize(item.displayname);
The result of this is Literaly "chat.square_brackets" which is weird.
Please Help. Thanks
I also was having trouble with this. Here's what I found to work for me. Full disclosure that I'm developing my plugin on the PaperMC 1.16 fork and not Spigot. So it's possible that this may not work for you, either because it isn't a part of Spigot or because you are working in a version that this feature is not a part of.
To start, I would first check to make sure that we are both on the same page. For me, the component objects being used are from a package called net.kyori.adventure.text if yours are not provided by this package I don't know that this solution will work for you.
Also as mentioned by others, accessing the displayName directly on the ItemStack isn't going to give the desired results. Instead, you need to do itemStack.getItemMeta().displayName(). This method should then return a net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; once you have the component you need to serialize it using one of the serializers from the previously mentioned package.
That will look something like this:
Component itemDisplayName = itemStack.getItemMeta().displayName()
PlainComponentSerializer plainSerializer = PlainComponentSerializer.plain();
String itemName = plainSerializer.serialize(itemDisplayName);
The package that the serializer is from is: net.kyori.adventure.text.serializer.plain.PlainComponentSerializer
I don't understand how you can access to the displayname field in ItemStack in the Spigot API.
You should use ItemMeta to manage display name. To get the item meta, you should use ItemStack#getItemMeta.
Don't forget to check if the item as a meta with hasItemMeta. You can also use hasDisplayName to be sure that the display name is valid.

How to customize Selenium TestNG default report or create new HTML report?

I tried ReportNG, but it is not updating the report now & I found that ReportNG is no more used from this answer.
I want to create a test report/customize TestNG report to gave to development team. I used Hybrid Framework for creating the project and followed this tutorial.
Yes, you can customize the TestNG reports using Listeners and Reporters. Here is the link of documentation. It is not clear from a question what type of customization you want to do.
But I want to suggest better alternatives for reporting here. There are two most used libraries which generally used with Selenium.
Allure Test Report
Extent Report.
I have not used Allure test reports but it seems to be good and widely used in the community. I have had used Extent Reports in two projects and really happy with it. Anshoo Arora has done the remarkable job. Documentation is very good with lot of example & code snippet. I would highly recommend it.
To customize selenium TestNG report, you can use testng listeners.
ITestListener: Log Result/Screenshot on test pass/fail/skip.
IReporter: To generate html report from xml suite results and log.
But as an alternative you can use qaf-reporting.
It provides Detailed Live Reporting (Don`t need to wait for complete execution).
I know this is old thread, but these reports can be edited and custom reports can be made like below. I have also explained here how TestHTMLReporter can be edited . And if you would like to know , how index.html report is customized have a look here , where I have explained it in detail
With your customReport You'd have to implement IReporter , extend TestListenerAdapter and override generateReport method if you want to implement a custom TestHTMLReporter . For other reporters you may have to do things a bit differently but the concept will remain the same. You'd achieve custom 'TestHTMLReporter' like below .
Create a file in your project and copy-paste the whole content of , change the name of file in getOutputFile method and it would look like below
public class CustomReport extends TestListenerAdapter implements IReporter {
public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites,
String outputDirectory) {
//paste the content of here
Make sure all your imports are in place from
Now, in this file change as per your requirement . For ex: if you'd like to add the end time of each of the test then at the correct place in generateTable method add the below snippet
// Test class
String testClass = tr.getTestClass().getName();
long testMillis = tr.getEndMillis();
String testMillisString = Long.toString(testMillis);
if (testClass != null) {
pw.append("<br>").append("Test class Name: ").append(testClass);
// this line to add end time in ms
pw.append("<br>").append("End Time(ms): ").append(testMillisString);
// Test name
String testName = tr.getTestName();
if (testName != null) {
pw.append(" (").append(testName).append(")");
Then you'll get like below
Now, You'll get two reports one with default and the other with your file name.
The only thing now remains is switching off the default reporting listeners, so you get only one report. For that you can follow this or you may search for solutions. Hope this helps

Ektron Workarea

I need to develop an application that extracts all the contents in Content Tab of the Ektron Workarea and I have to keep tree structure of folders (taxonomies,collections,forms,etc.) also.When I click the content I need to get the Content ID in the code behind also.I need to do all these in a single function.
I tried this requirement with the concept of content block widget in workarea.When we drag that widget and edit it a pop up will come and it displays the folders of work area in tree structure.But when I created an aspx page, put the same code and I browse that page I didn't get the tree structure of all contents.Only the main tabs(Folders,Taxonomies and search ) are visible.Then I drag the user control in the aspx page .But it also doest work.
So how will I solve the above problem.
Can I pull all the contents in tree structure from work area from the root using API codes?.Then can anyone please give the API code to solve?
Please anyone reply!
Assuming you are using 8.6 look here to start with:
I think I misread your question the first time around. Allow me to expand on my answer a bit. My original answer with the web services assumes that you are rendering the content tree from some sort of "presentation tier" -- a different web site, a console app, or a WPF/WinForms app, etc.
You can get the recursive folder structure with something like this:
private FolderData GetFolderWithChildren(long folderId)
var folderApi = new Ektron.Cms.API.Folder();
var folderData = folderApi.GetFolder(folderId);
// This next method is marked as obsolete in v9.0;
// a newer overload is available in v9.0, but I
// don't know if it's available in v8.0
folderData.ChildFolders = folderApi.GetChildFolders(folderId, true);
I'm a little confused as to what exactly you're trying to accomplish. If you want to show the entire tree structure graphically, have you tried taking the code and markup from the edit view of the content widget and using it on your non-edit view?
I must say, your requirement that "I need to do all these in a single function" worries me a bit. Workarea content trees can get really large very quickly. If you're trying to load all of the folders and all the taxonomies and all the collections, etc. Then the user will likely be waiting a long time for the page to load, and you risk running into timeout issues.
-- Original Answer --
Ektron v8.0 doesn't have the 3-tier option, which is too bad because that would really make your job a lot easier. In v8.0, there are ASMX web services that you can reference, including:
There are lots more than this; browse through the folders within /workarea/ to see what's available.
It's been a while since I've worked with these services, so I'm a little rusty...
Suppose you add references to those two services I listed above and name them ContentService and UserService. The first thing you'll want to do is set the authentication headers. Then you can call the service methods in much the same way as the old legacy apis.
var contentApi = new ContentService.Content();
contentApi.AuthenticationHeaderValue = new ContentService.AuthenticationHeader();
contentApi.AuthenticationHeaderValue.Username = username;
contentApi.AuthenticationHeaderValue.Password = password;
contentApi.AuthenticationHeaderValue.Domain = domain;
var userApi = new UserService.User();
userApi.AuthenticationHeaderValue = new UserService.AuthenticationHeader();
userApi.AuthenticationHeaderValue.Username = username;
userApi.AuthenticationHeaderValue.Password = password;
userApi.AuthenticationHeaderValue.Domain = domain;
var ud = userApi.GetUserbyUsername("jimmy456");
long folderID = 85;
bool recursive = true;
ContentData[] folderContent = contentApi.GetChildContent(folderID, recursive, "content_id");

Combining DataSource and Local Data in SmartGWT ListGrid

I have extended a ListGrid to create a list of saved searches grouped by type of search, whether public or private. This list is populated through a standard SmartGWT datasource.
In addition, I would like to add to this list a grouping of historical searches, that would be available to a user as they create searches on a session-by-session basis (IE. a user creates a new search - until they close the browser, that search will display in the search list, under the grouping 'Historical Searches').
Long story short, I would like to be able to populate the ListGrid from two separate sources - from the already existing datasource and ideally from a RecordList saved in memory. I tried something similar to this:
public void fetchData() {
for(Record r : histSearches.toArray()) {
While this code does get executed, it does not in any way perform the functionality that I'm hoping for it to do. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to perform this functionality? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you call DataSource.fetchData(), in the callback you can get the selected data as a RecordList. You can then add your per-session searches via recordList.add(), and provide the modified RecordList to a ListGrid via setData().
By the way, there is also an article on the public wiki showing a sample implementation of saved search (though different from what you want):

TextControl Images/Watermarks

In version 18 of TextControl ( there is supposed to be the ability to add background images/watermarks to the document, however I find that the behavior of the various overloads, etc is not working correctly and that the documentation is rather scarce on examples. Does any one have a working example of adding watermarks to a Word document through the ServerTextControl object?
This functionality didn't exist in previous versions, so I recognize it's still rather new, I just find it weird that doing something like
tx.Images.Add(draftImage, pageNumber, location, ImageInsertionMode.BelowTheText);
doesn't actually add the images to the document, but if I use another overload beforehand, it adds both?
I just need a loop along the lines of
foreach (TXTextControl.Page page in pages){
var location = tx.InputPosition.Location;
var pageNumber = page.Number;
tx.Images.Add(draftImage, pageNumber, location, ImageInsertionMode.BelowTheText);
where location is supposed to be the beginning of the page.
Any help would be appreciated, this should be simple!
Thank you
Finally got a response to this on their forum, it's not a complete solution, but it works for the most part. Figured I would follow up here, so that anyone who ends up on this page would get the help I wanted.