Why is all my html highlighted grey in WebStorm? - intellij-idea

I just downloaded the new version of WebStorm -- 2016.3.2. For some reason all my HTML tags are highlighted grey.
Does anybody know how to fix this? I've tried looking around in the settings and I posted on the forums too.
Edit The problem persists even with all the html styling disabled.
Edit 2 Even with highlighting set to none it still happens

Add new Schema in Preferences | Editor | Colors & Fonts | HTML by hitting Save As...
And now you can uncheck Background configuration for removing it or change the color.


How to modify the font of PhpStorm findbox

How to modify the font of PhpStorm findbox (find text field)? Fonts are windows default simsun! No change options in settings.
Update: this feature is available starting from IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.1. To make the search/replace fields use the editor font you can add -Dide.find.use.editor.font=true in Help | Edit Custom VM Options and restart the IDE.
Original answer:
At the moment the font used in the text field is hardcoded and you can't change it, please vote for this request and follow it for updates:
IDEA-106651 Editor Search/Replace: use editor font for text input fields
Other related requests:
IDEA-68258 Font in Find/Replace dialog and Find panel same as in editor
IDEA-125920 Make the editor text search bar text-size & font an option.

Intellij 15 XHTML color scheme

I just recently upgraded from intellij 14 to intellij 15 and i exported all the settings from old IDE. Everything works fine except color scheme for xhtml files. Once I open the file it displays same color scheme as in old one but after few seconds it changes.
Here is the image of color scheme from old inteli j or the new before it changes:
And here from the new one:
Am I missing some setting?
There's an option, that Overrides your style with one pure color. Was a long search for me. Finally found the problem at:
Settings > Editor > Colors&Fonts> JSP> Action and directive content
Just delete foreground, background and inherited and it's fine.
Well, for me that happens only in my custom color theme, even though I haven't tweaked anything HTML or JSF related. It's working when I changed back to the default Darcula theme. Might be a bug in IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ HTML highlighted whitespace

I wanted to remove most of the highlights in the HTML editor. I have done for most of them from Editor->Colors & Fonts->HTML.
But I still get random whitespace highlighting as the picture below for various html files. The strange thing is that it does not appear on all files.
Any idea how to turn the "green" highlighting off?
you can try this :
1.setting->Editor>Colors & Fonts>General(I guess all of color settings extend this)
2.setting->Editor>Colors & Fonts>Language Defaults(I guess all of language color setting extend this)
you can inspect the background in this setting.

phpDesigner 8 font rendering bug

phpDesigner 8 seems to have an error rendering text. I'm comparing it to Sublime Text 2.
Using these values:
in both programs, I get these different results:
Seems like phpDesigner 8 is expanding the font, but I can't find any configuration which allows me to stop that behavior.
How can I remove the horizontal font extra space?
Not sure if you had this problem resolved. You can change this in Tools > Preferences > Editor > Syntax Highlighters, choose PHP from the drop down list and for each attribute, uncheck the Bold checkbox.

Changing the code font size in WebStorm IDE

I can't seem to find a way to change the code font size in WebStorm. I change the font size in options and it changes the menu and toolbar font size but not the actual code. Any ideas?
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | Colors & Fonts | Font, Size:
Before you can change this setting you must click "Save As..." and save the scheme under a custom name.
If you came here because you already found that screen, but the text box was locked...
This is because you cannot modify the current theme.
Click "Save As..." to save a copy of your current theme, now you should be able to edit whatever you want.
There is also an option to enable mouse wheel zooming, like in browsers:
File > Settings > Editor > Change font size with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel.
If you are a new WebStorm 10.0.4 user,
File > Settings > Editor > General > Change font size with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel.
The answer that discusses how to dynamically change the font size via the mouse wheel is partially correct, but leaves out a crucial step:
General (this is the crucial step missing from the previous answer)
Set the "Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+M
The previous answer was missing the crucial step 4, which, when omitted, leaves you wondering where the magic checkbox control is located.