Combining year column and month column to date - sql

In my database, I have a report_year column (char(4)) and a report_month column (varchar(2)). I am making an ssrs report that would use a stored procedure and would pull data from this table and my parameters are the date and year. I am succesful at doing this by casting both of the columns and concatenating them, also adding a "/" in between. So in SSRS report, the parameter that users need to put is the month and date (ex. 09/2016).
Users want a drop down to get the dates. Since my parameter is a varchar, it would ask literally for the month and the year formatted above. Is there anyway to cast this to date without the day itself, only just the month and the year? I tried datediff and dateadd functions but I am not having any luck.

Select BegMonth = cast(Replace('09/2016','/','/01/') as date)
,EndMonth = EOMonth(cast(Replace('09/2016','/','/01/') as date))
BegMonth EndMonth
2016-09-01 2016-09-30


SSRS SQL I need to display data for dates used in the parameter and the previous month

I have an SSRS report with parameters for Created On Start and Created On End. Users run this manually and choose the date range to display records for. I need to display in two different columnns the records for the month the user entered in the parameters and the previous month for the dates used in the parameters.
For example the user uses the the following dates in the parameters:
Start Date: 03/01/2016 EndDate: 03/31/2016
The Report should display in one column the records for march 2016 and next to it the records for february 2016
You could write one query which queries both months.
Add a field that will act as the column label eg format the date as the first of the month.
Then create a pivot table to show the two months as the columns with the usual rows .
EDIT - new details
dateStart = '2016-03-01'
dateEnd = '2016-03-31'
These could be less than the whole month, but should be in the same month. prevStart = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, '2000-01-01', dateStart)-1, '2000-01-01')
the first day of the previous month.
Use similar for the prevEnd to calculate the last day of previous month.
OK. Now build your select:
SELECT xxxx, yyyy, zzzz
, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, '2000-01-01', createdOnDate), '2000-01-01') as MonthCol
FROM tables
WHERE (createdOnDate>= prevStart and createdOnDate<=prevEnd)
OR (createdOnDate>= dateStart and createdOnDate<=dateEnd)
Build a pivot table style grid with monthCol as the heading of the columns and your usual data as the rows. That way you can get your "previous Month" columns as well as the date range that you selected

SQLITE strftime() function issue

SELECT strftime('%W', 'Week'), sum(income) FROM tableOne GROUP BY Week;
Format for date is a simple date: YYYY-MM-DD
PROBLEM: When run no value for the Week column is provided. Any suggestions?
There is data in the table and when the query is run the income is summarized by the date in the week column. Thing is, this column contains a date that may be any day of the week and often multiple different days of the same week. I need to summarize the income by week.
In SQL, 'Week' is a string containing four characters.
To reference the value in a column named "Week", remove the quotes: Week.

datepart in sql on year change

I am using datepart function in SP. It is used to compare week and year of specified date.
Now my query arise as new year starts. I have one table called 'Task' and it is storing tasks date wise. Now When I execute SP with DATEPART(YY,'2016-01-05') . It is giving proper 2016's data. But I execute it with DATEPART(ISOWK,'2016-01-05') , it is giving 2015's data also with 2016's data.
I want data from 28th dec,2015 to 2nd jan,2016. Data of the week. And I am not able get data of 1st and 2nd Jan in that. Please help me with this.
ISOWK return the week number
You are trying to get date from 2015-12-28 to 2016-01-02.
The week number of 2015-12-28 is 53 and 2016-01-02 is 53
If you already have your start and end dates decided then you could use a simple query as shown below to filter on date range.
When mentioning date string in your query make sure you stick to this format :yyyymmdd which SQL Server will automatically understand. You don't need DATEPART to get records between two dates.
Query for filtering on a date range
SELECT TaskID, TaskDescription
FROM Tasks
where TaskDate between '20151228' and '20160102'
Another query you can use for date range filtering
SELECT TaskID, TaskDescription
FROM Tasks
where TaskDate >= '20151228' and TaskDate <= '20160102'

Get the month and year now then count the number of rows that are older then 12 months in SQL/Classic ASP

I know this one is pretty easy but I've always had a nightmare when it comes to comparing dates in SQL please can someone help me out with this, thanks.
I need to get the month and year of now then compare it to a date stored in a DB.
Time Format in the DB:
2015-08-17 11:10:14.000
I need to compare the month and year with now and if its > 12 months old I will increment a count. I just need the number of rows where this argument is true.
I assume you have a datetime field.
You can use the DATEDIFF function, which takes the kind of "crossed boundaries", the start date and the end date.
Your boundary is the month because you are only interested in year and month, not days, so you can use the month macro.
Your start time is the value stored in the table's row.
Your end time is now. You can get system time selecting SYSDATETIME function.
So, assuming your table is called mtable and the datetime object is stored in its date field, you simply have to query:

calculate leave year from anniversary start date

I am trying to calculate someone holiday year start and end dates based on the anniversary of their joining date.
For example if someones joining date is 23/10/09 i need two fields calculated from this date which would be 23/10/13 for the start of their holiday year and the end of their leave year would be 22/10/14.
Basically i need a query that looks at the dd/mm of the joining date and the current date and calculates the two dates i require.
Another example would be joining date 01/02/10 and the start date of the leave year would be 01/02/14 and the end date date would be 31/01/15. The field name in my SQL database is
Any ideas ?
DATEADD() would be the function you need I believe:
declare #emp_join_date datetime = '2009-10-23'
select #emp_join_date as emp_join_date,
DATEADD(YEAR,4,#emp_join_date) as holiday_start_date,
DATEADD(YEAR,5,#emp_join_date)-1 as emp_end_date