Is there Web Speech API Limitation? - api

I'm using W3C Browser Web Speech Api. I search everywhere but i cant find it answer. Is there any limitation for usage ?

Yes, with a bit of a catch. I finally hit a limit recently after a lot of experimentation; as soon as a request starts, it's cut short.
On a desktop web browser (Chrome), there's a limit for each user (Primiano Tucci works at Google, so I'd trust him!), and you can't buy more time with the API.
However, as you could see from the first link, the exception appears to be Chrome on Android, which apparently has no limitations because it accesses an internal API for speech recognition when visiting web pages that use the Web Speech API.
For desktop browsers, you're out of luck unless you can assume users don't mind a limit. Even Annyang and voice dictation in Google Docs aren't working for me at the moment, while online voice recognition services that don't go through Google are working.

From my testing with Chrome Version 87.0.4280.141 (Official Build) (64-bit), it appears to stop after 5 minutes on Windows 10 Pro.


Does Google's Handwriting API work in web browsers yet?

I am looking for a handwriting recognition API that I can embed in my web application.
I found this: Handwriting Recognition API from Google.
The post also refers to a Demo.
It is my understanding that this API works in all (newer) Chromium based web browsers, i. e. Google Chrome or MS Edge.
I opened the demo in both browsers (Google Chrome 106.0.5249.119 and MS Edge 106.0.1370.42) on my Win-11-64-bit machine. Same error message in both browsers:
Handwriting recognition API is not supported on this platform.
Any idea why I get this error message? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

my browsers won't allow live streaming and video calling or audio calling even after enabling webrtc on all browsers

i am working a social network platform and wanted to integrate the live streaming services and also the chat voice and audio calling services. they are all active, except that I keep getting "Sorry your browser does not have webrtc" even after installing this extension on all my browsers, it still says the same for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. The only browser working perfectly well is the apple safari browser. Now I don't know how to fix this.
WebRTC has to work under https environment. That's why your website isn't working. Deploy the application with SSL security.

How does Hangouts get desktop capture on Safari?

So if we have a look at:
The state of the getDisplayMedia - the function used to get desktop stream - shows that its currently not supported in safari 12. And its evident from the fact that calling getDisplayMedia in the console on Safari tells us that its not available.
Then how is it that Google Hangouts is able to get the desktop share in safari? Since hangouts is running inside the browser and according to my knowledge it has to use JS APIs to get screen.
Any hint or help would be highly appreciated.
getDisplayMedia is supported in Safari 13. The MDN page you link to even says so.
This is what Hangouts uses. You can try it out here (click the "User gesture" button).
Safari only offers to share the entire desktop at the moment.

Is Google One-Tap Sign-Up available for browsers other than Chrome?

The Google One-Tap Sign-Up documentation web page displays the following message:
This API is currently in closed beta. We are improving the API's cross-browser functionality and will provide updates here in the coming months.
Is One-Tap Sign-Up safe for production use currently?
Also while testing the functionality I was not able to test this on non-Chrome browsers successfully. Is this available for browsers other than Chrome?
was also looking for a clear answer to this
from troubleshooting page:
...If you see the warning The client origin is not permitted to use this API, your service has not yet been accepted to the beta. New sign-ups to this beta are currently closed.
They also have a supported browser \ os table on there

google will no longer allow OAuth requests to Google in embedded browsers known as “web-views

google said they will no longer allow OAuth requests to Google in embedded browsers known as “web-views. actually starting 20 April 2017.
I work for LGE.
LG has been using android and ios webView in many services.
Changing it to android and ios sdk makes so many trouble in our company.
Dose anyone knows about this solution?
Is there any way to use webview countinuingly?
Google said they will start blocking OAuth requests using web-views for all OAuth clients on platforms where viable alternatives exist.
LG smart TV uses WebOs platform, so there is no alternatives exists except for
using webviews.
how can we request exception for webos platforms?