is it possible to change the size of audio player in html5 in new tab - html5-video

Is it possible to change the size of audio player in html5 in new tab?


Add background video section to shopify

Currently my hero section used a gif on slideshow. I want to replace the gif with mp4 however slideshow doesn't support mp4 file. I'm thinking of using background video instead, but how do I implement that ? I only found that background video feature is available through premium app

Stop media player in webview while another is playing

I have two tabs on React Native application. Both tabs are WebView and can play audio inside.
Step 1. At Tab 1. I play an audio
Step 2. I switch to Tab 2 and click on play audio button to play other audio
=> Result is both audio play at the same time.
Could you please show me how to pause audio of Tab 1 before play audio on Tab 2?

How to hide the black loading spinner in a HTML5 video tag?

I am playing a m3u8 video in HTML5 video tag using HLS.js.
The video plays fine on clicking play button but until I click the play button the video player keeps on showing the black coloured loading spinner in the middle of the video player. I want to get rid of that spinner completely.
Can any one help me achieving this using JS or CSS or something else?

How to change controls list on excited videojs instance?

I need a play an advertising before a main video in videojs player, when i playing an advertsing i need have no controls in my video.
How to change controls list on excited videojs instance ?
videojs("video_id").controls(false) will disable the controls (where "video_id" is the id of your video element).

HTML5 camera on video element filter not copying to canvas

I am making a new collage application using google chromes new WebRTC features that let me access the camera in javascript. I have been able to put the camera feed on a video element, take snapshots of the camera and store them in variables and them draw them onto my canvas.
My new problem is that even when the css -webkit-filter is changed on the video element with css (by clicking the video preview), the copied data is raw and not filtered. Is there any way to copy the draw the filtered data from the video element? or to draw a filter onto a region in a canvas?