I have installed IntelliJ and trying to import a gradle project but facing this error... Please Help me out
Java is 1.8 version
Gradle is not getting configured
I created Gradle project in IntelliJ IDEA CE for developing a SpringBoot application but it is asking for Gradle version 5.6 or above. How can I update Gradle plugin in IntelliJ IDEA CE. Please Help.
Intellij Version: 2019.3
I am new to Kotlin-native development and would greatly appreciate any help I get. I created a Kotlin native/gradle project and I added the okhttp dependency to the project and I did not run into any issues in doing so.
But I am not able to import the okhttp library into the source. I keep getting "Unresolved reference: okhttp".
after switching to androidX
with a multi-module Android library
using IntelliJ 2018.3.4 #IC-183.5429.30
using Robolectric 4.1 with android gradle plugin 3.3.1
when executing Robolectric tests, I receive:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: androidx/test/runner/MonitoringInstrumentation
No duplicate question:
I read the other topics which pop up when using google or stackoverflow search but they are about a more specific error which is worked-around via adding specific dependencies. In my case I was not able to determine which dependency to add.
I add dependencies to androidx.test:core
for the build type under test.
In my case it was debug so in the build.gradle I add
debugImplementation 'androidx.test:core:1.2.0'
I read that no workaround should be required with Android Studio 3.3 and Robolectric 4.0.
Use Android Studio 3.3.1+ with Robolectric 4.0+
This works for me.
Iv'e started to learn and use sbt, so far I didn't start project directly from IntelliJ, what I did was pulling some seed project and using IntelliJ with Scala Plugin as IDE.
As long as I kept pulling seed projects and editing them everything was just fine, but when I tried to generate sbt project directly from IntelliJ I followed simple instructions and faced this error
Error while importing SBT project: Error during sbt execution: No
Scala version specified or detected Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=384M; support was removed in 8.0
The auto generated build.properties :
sbt.version = 1.0.3
The auto generated build.sbt :
name := "MyProject"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.12.4"
And i'm getting "Cannot resolve symbol" on every property at build.sbt file..
Things Iv'e tried to solve this problem:
Uninstalling and reinstalling IntelliJ, IntelliJ Scala Plugin, sbt and scala
Adding scala under Framework Support
Trying to add scala to Facets at Project Structure (I didn't even have a scala option)
Double checking that scala SDK is configured at Global Libraries at Project Structure with the correct version
My currently environment consist of:
Windows 10
IntelliJ IDEA CE 2017.2.6
IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2017.2.13
Java 8 151
sbt 1.0.3
scala 2.12.4
In order to solve this I :
Completely uninstalled intellij, with all it's configuration
Upgraded to intellij 2017.3 CE
I am using Spock framework for tests and everything worked great, until today; I do not know what happened. Intellij says "Configure Groovy sdk" so I downloaded groovy sdk 2.4.9 and configured it, but in my test class in import line:
import spock.lang.Specification
intellij says "cannot resolve symbol spock". Any suggestions?
I'm playing with spock tests in an Intellij gradle environment and could not resolve this until I added the following line to my dependencies in build.gradle:
compile 'org.spock.framework:spock-core:1.0-groovy2.4'