How to remove element from an array in mongoose - express

I have the following Schema:
// userSchema
_id: Schema.ObjectId,
email: { type: String, unique: true },
password: String,
boxes: [boxSchema]
// boxSchema
_id: Schema.ObjectId,
boxId: { type: String, unique: true },
boxName: String
I have data like this:
_id: random,
email: em#i.l,
password: hash,
boxes: [{ "boxId" : "box1", "boxName" : "Box 1"},
{ "boxId" : "box2","boxName" : "Box 2"},
{ "boxId" : "box3","boxName" : "Box 3"}]
I am trying to remove an element from boxes array with boxId: box1 and the code I tried was this:
.then(function (user) {
if (user) {
for (i in user.boxes)
if (user.boxes[i].boxId === 'box1')
.catch(function (err) {
But what happens is that it removes all the boxes which is residing, instead of the boxId: box1

What about using filter
.then(function (user) {
if (user) {
user.boxes = user.boxes.filter(function(box){
return box.boxId !== 'box1'
.catch(function (err) {

There are many ways to remove element from the array and are as follows:
1) Delete(): using this function will remove the element but will not change the array size and keep blank object after removal of element.
2)splice(): It works similar to delete() but remove blank places in array after removal of element.
3)filter(): It takes function as an argument and removes the element efficiently.


Error: Exception in HostFunction: Attempting to create an object of type 'sets' with an existing primary key value '6' in react native

I'm trying to store history of workout in realm, my addHistory function looks like this
export function addHistory(workout, exercise, sets, _id) {
if (
_id !== undefined &&
workout !== undefined &&
exercise !== undefined &&
sets !== undefined
) {
// return console.log("HISTORY ", { workout, exercise, sets, _id });
return realm.write(() => {
return realm.create("workoutData", {
_id: _id,
workoutDate: new Date(,
} else {
alert("History is incomplete");
Schema of the workoutData is as follows:
exports.workoutData = {
name: "workoutData",
primaryKey: "_id",
properties: {
_id: "int",
workout: "workouts",
exercise: "exercise",
workoutDate: "date",
sets: "sets[]",
Now when I add sets and click on finishWorkoutHandler the logic works fine before the addHistory function but when addHistory is executed it throws the error as stated in the question.
//finish workout handler
const finishWorkoutHandler = () => {
if (sets.length == 0) {
let setsFromRealm = realm.objects("sets");
let workoutData = realm.objects("workoutData");
let setsArray = [];
exercises.forEach((exercise) => {
.filter((items) => items.exercise._id == exercise._id)
.forEach((sets) => {
let _id = 0;
if (setsFromRealm.length > 0) {
_id = realm.objects("sets").max("_id") + 1;
let indiSet = {
weight: parseInt(sets.weight),
reps: parseInt(sets.reps),
rmValue: parseInt(sets.rmValue),
isHeighest: sets.isHeighest,
_id: _id,
profile: sets.profile,
failedSet: sets.failedSet,
warmupSet: sets.warmupSet,
notes: sets.notes,
createdDate: new Date(,
let workoutDataId = 0;
let setsArrcopy = setsArray;
console.log("SETS ", realm.objects("sets"));
console.log("SETS ", setsArrcopy);
if (workoutData.length > 0) {
workoutDataId = realm.objects("workoutData").max("_id") + 1;
// problem lies here
addHistory(params.workout, exercise, setsArrcopy, workoutDataId);
the structure of setsArrCopy containing sets is as follows
_id: 6,
createdDate: 2022-09-29T16:27:06.128Z,
failedSet: false,
isHeighest: false,
name: "Thai",
notes: "",
profile: [Object],
reps: 12,
rmValue: 64,
warmupSet: false,
weight: 56,
_id: 7,
createdDate: 2022-09-29T16:27:06.151Z,
failedSet: false,
isHeighest: false,
name: "Thsi 3",
notes: "",
profile: [Object],
reps: 10,
rmValue: 75,
warmupSet: false,
weight: 66,
the logic is also working fine in terms of assigning new ids to the sets being added in a loop. But somehow its throwing error when passing setArrCopy to addHistory function. Although its an array of sets not a single object?

Mongoose update gets no errors, but does not update

Cant figure out what I'm missing, and I havent had this issue before on any of my other updates. I expanded a collection and want to be able to update certain fields depending on where in the app the user is interacting. I've had no issue working with subdocs using separate calls, but with this particular nested field I'm getting no errors, and getting the correct document returned without the update. (I have another nested field that is updating fine - "personalInfo" while the "medical" field is the one giving me trouble)
The model looks like this:
const clientSchema = new Schema({
fullName: String,
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
enrollment: {
enrolled: Boolean,
enrollDates: [
begin: Date,
end: Date
personalInfo: {
dateOfBirth: Date,
phone: String,
email: String,
address: {
addressLineOne: String,
addressLineTwo: String,
city: String,
state: String,
zip: String
regionalCenter: String,
serviceCoordinator: String,
serviceCoordinatorPhone: String,
rcId: String,
emergencyContact: String,
livingSituation: String,
ihss: {
provider: String,
hours: Number,
services: String
medical: {
primaryIns: String,
primaryInsId: String,
secondaryIns: String,
secondaryInsId: String,
hasMediCal: Boolean,
mediCalId: String,
mediCalEnroll: Date,
hasMedicare: Boolean,
medicareId: String,
medicareEnroll: Date,
logs: {type: [logSchema], default: []},
contracts: {type: [contractSchema], default: []},
visits: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Visit' }],
users: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }],
servicePlans: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'ServicePlan'}],
currentPlan: String,
income: {type: [incomeSchema], default: []},
contacts: {type: [contactSchema], default: []}
The route:
And the controller... since I want to keep the controller as restful as possible, but conditionally set the fields depending on the api call, I conditionally set the different aspects and then pass in the body an additional field to tell the controller which aspect to update (so the personalInfo section has a field "personalInfo": "personalInfo" and the medicalInfo field has its own. The personalInfo object updates fine (I commented out the initial line since it was stated in another post that these calls work better doing a findOneAndUpdate- but that hasnt yielded any progress, and the personalInfo update worked without issue).
exports.updateClient = async (req, res) => {
try {
//const client = await Client.findOne({ _id: req.params.clientId })
if (req.body.firstName) {
client.firstName = req.body.firstName
if (req.body.lastName) {
client.lastName = req.body.lastName
if (req.body.personalInfo === 'personalInfo') {
client.updateOne({$set: {personalInfo: req.body}}, {new: true}, function(err, updatedDoc){
console.log("error updating personal info: ", err)
if (req.body.enrollment === 'enrollment') {
client.updateOne({$set: {enrollment: req.body}}, {new: true}, function(err, updatedDoc){
console.log("error updating personal info: ", err)
if(req.body.medicalInfo === 'medicalInfo'){
console.log("medInfo: ", req.body)
let clientId = req.params.clientId
// const client = await Client.findById(clientId)
// console.log("Client ", client)
// client.medical.set(req.body)
.then((client) => {
// hasMediCal: req.body.hasMediCal,
// hasMedicare: req.body.hasMedicare,
// mediCalId: req.body.mediCalId,
// medicareId: req.body.medicareId,
// mediCalEnroll: req.body.mediCalEnroll,
// medicareEnroll: req.body.medicareEnroll,
// primaryIns: req.body.primaryIns,
// primaryInsId: req.body.primaryInsId,
// secondaryIns: req.body.secondaryIns,
// secondaryInsId: req.body.secondaryInsId
// Client.findOneAndUpdate(
// { _id: req.params.clientId},
// {$set: {medical: req.body}},
// {new: true},
// function(err, updatedDoc){
// if(err){
// console.log("error updating personal info: ", err)
// }
// })
// client.markModified('medical');
// await
// res.send(client)
} catch (error) {
res.send({ error: "Client not updated: ", error})
Finally, the body being sent:
"hasMediCal": false,
"hasMedicare": false,
"mediCalEnroll": "2005-04-22T08:00:00",
"mediCalId": "91234567A",
"medicalInfo": "medicalInfo",
"medicareEnroll": "2005-04-03T08:00:00",
"medicareId": "9FHS-ASU-95F8",
"primaryIns": "Molina",
"primaryInsId": "91234567A",
"secondaryIns": "SilverScript - Rx",
"secondaryInsId": "08dfA8d8"
Whether I've tried findOneAndUpdate, or findOne and then setting the field on the result, or setting each subfield in the object specifically, I keep getting the correct document returned, just not updated, and with no errors. I thought possibly it was because I was attempting to set the update within the conditionals, so I created a separate update controller but that got the same results as well. Really lost as how else to pursue this.
Please let me know if you see anything missing or where I'm going wrong. Much appreciated.
So after running around on this for hours, I came to a working solution, which essentially is no different, other than setting the query as a variable rather than writing it out. If anyone has any guess as to why this works when the multiple other methods didnt, I'd be grateful for your thoughts.
if(req.body.medicalInfo === 'medicalInfo'){
console.log("medInfo: ", req.body)
let clientId = req.params.clientId
let query = {_id: clientId};
Client.findOneAndUpdate(query, {$set: {medical: req.body}}, {new: true, upsert: true}, function(err, doc){
if(err) return res.status(500).send( {error:err});
return res.send(doc)

Ant Design Vue | Upload in Form | How to set initialValue

I'm having problems defining the initialValue in an Upload component, other thing I tried was using a watcher and updating the formValue and the method that update the props FileList. ¿Someone has any idea how this work?
<Child :file="file"/>
async loadFile(item) {
this.loading = true
const { data } = await axios(..., {
responseType: 'blob',
const file = new File([data],, { type: data.type });
this.file= {
Type: item.attributes.type,
IsPublic: item.attributes.is_public,
Descr: item.attributes.descr,
File: [file]
this.loading = false
valuePropName: 'fileList',
getValueFromEvent: getValueEvt,
rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Select a file' }]
]" >
<a-button> <a-icon type="upload" /> Select a file</a-button>
methods: {
beforeUploadEvt(file) {
File: [file]
return false;
removeFileEvt() {
Archivo: []
getValueEvt(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
return e;
if(e && e.fileList.length > 1) {
return e && [e.fileList[1]];
return e && e.fileList;
watch: {
adjunto: {
immediate: true,
deep: true,
handler(obj) {
if(obj.File) {
// this.formulario.setFieldsValue({
// File: obj.File
// });
Trying the most basic example I could think, using the property defaultFileList
<a-button> <a-icon type="upload" /> Select file</a-button>
And then, this is the console warnings and errors I got, so seems to be something about type.
If anyone still seeking for an answer for this. You don't need to load file, wrapping your data in appropriate object helps. As in this example
fileList: [{
uid: '-1',
name: 'image.png',
status: 'done',
url: '',

Sequelize query with a where clause on an include of an include

I'm struggling to create a query with sequelize.
Some context
I have the following models:
A Manifestation can have [0..n] Event
An Event belongs to one Manifestation (an Event cannot exist without a Manifestation)
A Place can have [0..n] Event
An Event belongs to one Place (an Event cannot exist without a Place)
A Manifestation can have [1..n] Place
A Place can have [0..n] Manifestation
I model the relations as the following:
Manifestation.hasMany(Event, { onDelete: 'CASCADE', hooks: true })
Place.hasMany(Event, { onDelete: 'CASCADE', hooks: true })
Manifestation.belongsToMany(Place, { through: 'manifestation_place' })
Place.belongsToMany(Manifestation, { through: 'manifestation_place' })
For me it seems rather correct, but don't hesitate if you have remarks.
The question
I'm trying to query the Place in order to get all Manifestation and Event happening in a given Place. But for the Event ones, I want to include them within their Manifestation even if the Manifestation doesn't happen in the given Place.
Below is the "JSON" structure I'm trying to achieve:
id: 1,
name: "Place Name",
address: "Place address",
latitude: 47.00000,
longitude: -1.540000,
manifestations: [
id: 10,
title: "Manifestation one",
placeId: 1,
events: []
id: 11,
title: "Manifestation two",
placeId: 3,
events: [
id: 5,
title: "3333",
manifestationId: 11,
placeId: 1
So I want to include the Manifestation with id: 11, because one of its Event occurs in the given Place (with id: 1)
Update (04/06/20): For now I rely on javascript to get the expected result
I figured out it would be nice if I posted my current solution before asking.
router.get('/test', async (req, res) => {
try {
const placesPromise = place.findAll()
const manifestationsPromise = manifestation.findAll({
include: [
{ model: event },
model: place,
attributes: ['id'],
const [places, untransformedManifestations] = await Promise.all([
const manifestations = => {
const values = m.toJSON()
const places = =>
return { ...values, places }
const result = places
.map(p => {
const values = p.toJSON()
const relatedManifestations = manifestations
.filter(m => {
const eventsPlaceId = => e.placeId)
return (
m.places.includes( ||
.map(m => {
const filteredEvents =
e => e.placeId ===
return { ...m, events: filteredEvents }
return { ...values, manifestations: relatedManifestations }
.filter(p => p.manifestations.length)
return res.status(200).json(result)
} catch (err) {
return res.status(500).send()
But I'm pretty sure I could do that directly with sequelize. Any ideas or recommendations ?
This is not optimum. But you can try it out:
const findPlace = (id) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
where: {
id: id
}).then(place => {
include: [{
model: db.Event,
where: {
placeId: id
}).then(manifestations => {
const out = Object.assign({}, {
address: place.address,
latitude: place.latitude,
longitude: place.longitude,
manifestations: manifestations.reduce((res, manifestation) => {
if (manifestation.placeId === || manifestation.Event.length > 0) {
placeId: manifestation.placeId,
events: manifestation.Event
return res;
}, [])
From this, you get all manifestations that assigned to place or have any event that assigns. All included events in the manefestations are assigned to the place.
Edit :
You will be able to use the following one too:
const findPlace = (id) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
include: [{
model: db.Manefestation,
include: [{
model: db.Event,
where: {
placeId: id
where: {
id: id
}).then(place => {
include: [{
model: db.Event,
where: {
placeId: id
where: {
placeId: {
$not: id
}).then(manifestations => {
place.Manefestation = place.Manefestation.concat(manifestations.filter(m=>m.Event.length>0))
resolve(place);// or you can rename, reassign keys here
Here I take only direct manifestations in the first query. Then, manifestations that not included and concatenate.
I do not know if you figure it out by now. But the solution is provided below.
Search with Sequelize could get funny :). You have to include inside another include. If the query gets slow use separate:true.
include: [
model: Manifestation,
attributes: ['id'],
include: [{
model: Event ,
attributes: ['id']
I tried to complete it in a single query but you will still need JavaScript to be able to get the type of output that you want.
(Note: 💡 You need manifestation which is not connected to places but should be included if a event is present of that place. The only SQL way to get that starts by doing a CROSS JOIN between all tables and then filtering out the results which will be a very hefty query)
I came up with this code(tried & executed) which doesn't need you to execute 2 findAll that fetches all data as what you are currently using. Instead it fetched only the data needed for final output in 1 query.
const places = await Place.findAll({
include: [{
model: Manifestation,
// attributes: ['id']
through: {
attributes: [], // this helps not get keys/data of join table
}, {
model: Event,
include: [{
model: Manifestation,
// attributes: ['id']
console.log('original output places:', JSON.stringify(places, null, 2));
const result = => {
// destructuring to separate out place, manifestation, event object keys
const {
} = p.toJSON();
// building modified manifestation with events array
const _manifestations = => {
return ({ ...m, events: [] })
// going through places->events to push them to respective manifestation events array
// + add manifestation which is not directly associated to place but event is of that manifestation => {
const {
manifestation: e_manifestation, // renaming variable
} = e;
const mIndex = _manifestations.findIndex(m1 => === e.manifestationId)
if (mIndex === -1) { // if manifestation not found add it with the events array
_manifestations.push({ ...e_manifestation, events: [eventData] });
} else { // if found push it into events array
// returning a place object with manifestations array that contains events array
return ({ ...placeData, manifestations: _manifestations });
// filter `.filter(p => p.manifestations.length)` as used in your question
console.log('modified places', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

Keystone.js filtering on related fields within own model

I am working on filtering my subsection selection to display only subSections that are related to the current mainNavigationSection. Each of these subsections also has a mainNavigation section. For some reason the current implementation is not returning any results.
Here is my Page Model:
name: { type: String, required: true },
mainNavigationSection: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'NavItem', refPath: 'key', many: true, index: true },
subSection: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'SubSection', filters: { mainNavigationSection:':mainNavigationSection' }, many: true, index: true, note: 'lorem ipsum' },
state: { type: Types.Select, options: 'draft, published, archived', default: 'draft', index: true },
author: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'User', index: true }
Here is my subSectionModel:
name: { type: String, required: true, index: true },
mainNavigationSection: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'NavItem', many: true, required: true, initial: true},
showInFooterNav: { type: Boolean, default: false },
defaultPage: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Page' },
description: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150, hint: 'optional description' }
From what it seems, you have the possibility of many mainNavigationSections on your model. You'd have to iterate over each of them on the current Page, and find the related SubSections. You'll need to use the async Node module to run all the queries and get the results from each.
var async = require('async');
var pID =; // Or however you are identifying the current page
keystone.list('Page').model.findOne({page: pID}).exec(function (err, page) {
if (page && !err) {
async.each(page.mainNavigationSection, function (curMainNavigationSection, cb) {
.find({mainNavigationSection: curMainNavigationSection._id.toString()})
.exec(function (err2, curSubSections) {
if (curSubSections.length !== 0 && !err2) {
// Do what you need to do with the navigation subSections here
// I recommend using a local variable, which will persist through
// every iteration of this loop and into the callback function in order
// to persist data
return cb(null)
else {
return cb(err || "An unexpected error occurred.");
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
return next(); // Or do whatever
else {
// Handle error
else {
// There were no pages or you have an error loading them