PIVOTAL HAWQ- PXF connection is not working - ambari

We have small Hadoop-HAWQ cluster. in that, when trying to read external table.
prod# select * from ext_table
Getting error:
This pxf error is not letting us read external table via select query.
"remote component error (0) from 'xx.xx.xx.xx:51200': couldn't connect to host (libchurl.c:852)"
Tried :
Restarted PXF via ambari and all is Green.
Any help on it would be much appreciated ?

It looks like pxf-service is down in the nodes .Please make sure the pxf service is startedin all the namenodes and datanodes .Also make sure port 51200 is listening and is not bind to any other orphan process .
Please login to pxf nodes via terminal (not through ambari ) .
service pxf-service stop
service pxf-service start
To check for orphan process
netstat -anp |grep 51200
kill -9 processid
Pratheesh Nair


Rabbitmq_management plugin is enabled but cant access to web interface

im trying to work with rabbitmq server and i have a problem. In CLI by a command
rabbitmqctl status
i got something like this
the rabbitmq_management is runnin. and whenever i try to open localhost:15672 browser is showing me a white screen.
when i try to do command telnet localhost 15672 the result is
no fails, actually no fails just cant screenshot it properly, there just an underscore
Tried to work with docker image aswell, same results. Maybe i have issues with localhost? dont know what to do at this point
how to do the magic solving? anyone faced that?
i figured out how to connect to management rabbitmq not by localhost, im doing it by witch is me ipv4 adress and the result is

Web HUE is not getting loaded though HUE is workin on the port 8000

I have installed the Hue on the Linux whixh is an instance from Azure. I have made all the required changes in ambari and hue.ini conf file. And when I run the supervisor job, it runs fine
hue 83933 sshuser 3u IPv4 15707246 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)
But when I try to access the wb hue, I don't get any page loaded. It shows refused to connect.
Tried deleting caches and reset up was done.
I am using hue 4.7 version and I don't find any issues in error.log file. Yet, I don't see any data in access.log file. Could you please help me?
Do you have
in the hue.ini?
#Ruthikajawar here is a working hue.ini for ambari
I have noticed that sometimes, after initial install, it takes 1 or 2 restarts to get the WEBUI to work. I have also noticed sometimes, after a restart, it takes quite a few moments before the WEBUI starts to respond.
Give it some time after restart and check the WEBUI. If you still are not getting it to answer you need to check /var/log/hue/error.log as it should be very specific with errors causing the WEBUI to fail on startup.

elasticsearch-mesos not getting listed under frameworks of mesosUI

Iam trying to run elasticsearch-mesos on mesos.My machine is running ubuntu 14.04. I have running mesos cluster installed with mesosphere packages by following these instructions. When I run test frameworks it gets lister under frameworks of mesosUI but for elasticsearch-mesos its not getting listed under mesos webUI. I want to run elasticsearch-mesos on top of mesos. I followed instructions given here. When I run ./elasticsearch-mesos I am getting a message in terminal
I0108 17:24:01.898540 23861 group.cpp:385] Trying to create path '/mesos' in ZooKeeper
I tried running ./elasticsearch-mesos on both mesos masters and slaves.
The last few lines of terminal output is given below
2015-01-08 17:24:01,881:23844(0x7f175bfff700):ZOO_INFO#zookeeper_init#786: Initiating
client connection, host=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=10000 watcher=0x7f1762a3e6a0
sessionId=0 sessionPasswd=<null> context=0x7f1710002530 flags=0
I0108 17:24:01.881392 23858 sched.cpp:137] Version: 0.21.1
2015-01-08 17:24:01,881:23844(0x7f172b7fe700):ZOO_INFO#check_events#1703: initiated
connection to server []
2015-01-08 17:24:01,897:23844(0x7f172b7fe700):ZOO_INFO#check_events#1750: session
establishment complete on server [], sessionId=0x14ac7c469270006,
negotiated timeout=10000
I0108 17:24:01.898455 23861 group.cpp:313] Group process (group(1)#
connected to ZooKeeper
I0108 17:24:01.898509 23861 group.cpp:790] Syncing group operations: queue size (joins,
cancels, datas) = (0, 0, 0)
I0108 17:24:01.898540 23861 group.cpp:385] Trying to create path '/mesos' in ZooKeeper
According to the README at https://github.com/mesosphere/elasticsearch-mesos,
you may need to modify mesos.master.url to point to the same ZK url that the Mesos master is using (maybe not localhost). If you're using a single-master Mesos cluster, you can skip the ZK url and point this parameter directly to the Mesos master.
Please also note that the elasticsearch framework is a bit outdated, so use with caution

Solr issue: ClusterState says we are the leader, but locally we don't think so

So today we run into a disturbing solr issue.
After a restart of the whole cluster one of the shard stop being able to index/store documents.
We had no hint about the issue until we started indexing (querying the server looks fine).
The error is:
2014-05-19 18:36:20,707 ERROR o.a.s.u.p.DistributedUpdateProcessor [qtp406017988-19] ClusterState says we are the leader, but locally we don't think so
2014-05-19 18:36:20,709 ERROR o.a.s.c.SolrException [qtp406017988-19] org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: ClusterState says we are the leader (http://x.x.x.x:7070/solr/shard3_replica1), but locally we don't think so. Request came from null
at org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributedUpdateProcessor.doDefensiveChecks(DistributedUpdateProcessor.java:503)
at org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributedUpdateProcessor.setupRequest(DistributedUpdateProcessor.java:267)
at org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributedUpdateProcessor.processAdd(DistributedUpdateProcessor.java:550)
at org.apache.solr.handler.loader.JsonLoader$SingleThreadedJsonLoader.processUpdate(JsonLoader.java:126)
at org.apache.solr.handler.loader.JsonLoader$SingleThreadedJsonLoader.load(JsonLoader.java:101)
at org.apache.solr.handler.loader.JsonLoader.load(JsonLoader.java:65)
at org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler$1.load(UpdateRequestHandler.java:92)
at org.apache.solr.handler.ContentStreamHandlerBase.handleRequestBody(ContentStreamHandlerBase.java:74)
at org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest(RequestHandlerBase.java:135)
at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.execute(SolrCore.java:1916)
We run Solr 4.7 in Cluster mode (5 shards) on jetty.
Each shard run on a different host with one zookeeper server.
I checked the zookeeper log and I cannot see anything there.
The only difference is that in the /overseer_election/election folder I see this specific server repeated 3 times, while the other server are only mentioned twice.
Not even sure if this is relevant. (Can it be?)
Any clue what other check can we do?
We've experienced this error under 2 conditions.
Condition 1
On a single zookeeper host there was an orphaned Zookeeper ephemeral node in
/overseer_elect/election. The session this ephemeral node was associated with no longer existed.
The orphaned ephemeral node cannot be deleted.
Caused by: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-2355
This condition will also be accompanied by a /overseer/queue directory that is clogged-up with queue items that are forever waiting to be processed.
To resolve the issue you must restart the Zookeeper node in question with the orphaned ephemeral node.
If after the restart you see Still seeing conflicting information about the leader of shard shard1 for collection <name> after 30 seconds
You will need to restart the Solr hosts as well to resolve the problem.
Condition 2
Cause: a mis-configured systemd service unit.
Make sure you have Type=forking and have PIDFile configured correctly if you are using systemd.
systemd was not tracking the PID correctly, it thought the service was dead, but it wasn't, and at some point 2 services were started. Because the 2nd service will not be able to start (as they both can't listen on the same port) it seems to just sit there in a failed state hanging, or fails to start the process but just messes up the other solr processes somehow by possibly overwriting temporary clusterstate files locally.
Solr logs reported the same error the OP posted.
Interestingly enough, another symptom was that zookeeper listed no leader for our collection in /collections/<name>/leaders/shard1/leader normally this zk node contains contents such as:
But the node is completely missing on the cluster with duplicate solr instances attempting to start.
This error also appeared in the Solr Logs:
HttpSolrCall null:org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$SessionExpiredException: KeeperErrorCode = Session expired for /roles.json
To correct the issue, killall instances of solr (or java if you know it's safe), and restart the solr service.
We figured out!
The issue was that jetty didn't really stop so we had 2 running processes, for whatever reason this was fine for reading but not for writing.
Killing the older java process solved the issue.

Brisk TaskTracker not starting in a multi-node Brisk setup

I have a 3 node Brisk cluster (Briskv1.0_beta2). Cassandra is working fine (all three nodes see each other and data is balanced across the ring). I started the nodes with the brisk cassandra -t command. I cannot, however, run any Hive or Pig jobs. When I do, I get an exception saying that it cannot connect to the task tracker.
During the startup process, I see the following in the log:
TaskTracker.java (line 695) TaskTracker up at: localhost.localdomain/
A few lines later, however, I see this:
Retrying connect to server: localhost.localdomain/ Already tried 9 time(s).
INFO [TASK-TRACKER-INIT] RPC.java (line 321) Server at localhost.localdomain/ not available yet, Zzzzz...
Those lines are repeated non-stop as long as my cluster is running.
My cassandra.yaml file specifies the box IP (not or localhost) as the listen_address and the rpc_address is set to
Why is the client attempting to connect to a different port than the log shows the task tracker as using? Is there anywhere these addresses/ports can be specified?
I figured this out. In case anyone else has the same issues, here's what was going on:
Brisk uses the first entry in the Cassandra cluster's seed list to pick the initial jobtracker. One of my nodes had in the seed list. This worked for the Cassandra setup since all the other nodes in the cluster connected to that box to get the cluster topology but this didn't work for the job tracker selection.
looks like your jobtracker isn't running. What do you see when you run "brisktool jobtracker"?