How to mwl list according to AE (DCM4CHEE) - dcm4che

I have been working in setting up multiple AE titles and configured two AE called CLIENT1 and CLIENT2.
Now I have send hl7 order for these two AEs but at modality end i could fetch all the worklist irrespective of AE.
Could anyone of you please tell how to configure AEs in hl7 orm message we send and also how we fetch worklist according to AE

This problem I got resolved by MWL item coerce i.e.,c-find request by using a mwl-cfindrq.xsl on ...server/default/conf/dcm4chee-ae/ having Scheduled Station AE striclty in ORM message we send.


How can sign a transaction on an EMV contactless card?

I read here that EVM cards will sign some transaction data.
I would like to do this with my card, using my phone, and verify that the signature on the result is correct.
To start, I issued this command ("request APDU"):
One of the "Application IDs" was this:
So then I issued this command ("Select Payment application"):
and it returned this "Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL)":
I read here how to decode this, because I couldn't find the official spec anywhere:
9F6604 - the tag 9f 66 represents the terminal transaction qualifiers
9F0206 - tag 9f 02 stands for authorized amount. The PDOL list must have the amount, authorized, coded into 6h bytes added to it.
9F3704 - tag 9f 37 stands for unpredictable number, thus encode such a number in 4 bytes and add it to the list
and here how to decode this:
5F2A02 - TX currency code
I understand the next step is to run "Get Processing Options" but this is where I got stuck. I tried:
All gave back a result of 6D:00 (Instruction code not programmed or invalid).
I tried looking in "emv book 3" and "emv book 4" but neither seem to contain the relevant information.
What do I need to do next in order to make a transaction, sign, and check the result?
Your GPO commands needs to provide the PDOL values requested by the card. The requested tags are:
9F66 - 4 bytes
9F02 - 6 bytes
9F37 - 4 bytes
5F2A - 2 bytes
So the commands needs to provide these in the same order, with expected lengths.
Assuming you want to send the following sample values:
9F66: 11223344
9F02: 112233445566
9F37: 11223344
5F2A: 1122
Your GPO command will look like this:
Where the PDOL data is 11223344112233445566112233441122.
Hope this helps
If PDOL found in response of select application, here you need to pass the value of PDOL tags in GPO command,
can find a very good article Here. hope it helps.

Can a telegram bot block a specific user?

I have a telegram bot that for any received message runs a program in the server and sends its result back. But there is a problem! If a user sends too many messages to my bot(spamming), it will make server so busy!
Is there any way to block the people whom send more than 5 messages in a second and don't receive their messages anymore? (using telegram api!!)
Firstly I have to say that Telegram Bot API does not have such a capability itself, Therefore you will need to implement it on your own and all you need to do is:
Count the number of the messages that a user sends within a second which won't be so easy without having a database. But if you have a database with a table called Black_List and save all the messages with their sent-time in another table, you'll be able to count the number of messages sent via one specific ChatID in a pre-defined time period(In your case; 1 second) and check if the count is bigger than 5 or not, if the answer was YES you can insert that ChatID to the Black_List table.
Every time the bot receives a message it must run a database query to see that the sender's chatID exists in the Black_List table or not. If it exists it should continue its own job and ignore the message(Or even it can send an alert to the user saying: "You're blocked." which I think can be time consuming).
Note that as I know the current telegram bot API doesn't have the feature to stop receiving messages but as I mentioned above you can ignore the messages from spammers.
In order to save time, You should avoid making a database connection
every time the bot receives an update(message), instead you can load
the ChatIDs that exist in the Black_List to a DataSet and update the
DataSet right after the insertion of a new spammer ChatID to the
Black_List table. This way the number of the queries will reduce
I have achieved it by this mean:
# Using the ttlcache to set a time-limited dict. you can adjust the ttl.
ttl_cache = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=128, ttl=60)
def check_user_msg_frequency(message):
msg_cnt = ttl_cache[]
if msg_cnt > 3:
now =
until = now + timedelta(seconds=60*10)
bot.restrict_chat_member(,, until_date=until)
def set_user_msg_frequency(message):
if not ttl_cache.get(
ttl_cache[] = 1
ttl_cache[] += 1
With these to functions above, you can record how many messages sent by any user in the period. If a user's messages sent more than expected, he would be restricted.
Then, every handler you called should call these two functions:
#bot.message_handler(commands=['start', 'help'])
def handle_start_help(message):
I'm using pyTelegramBotAPI this module to handle.
I know I'm late to the party, but here is another simple solution that doesn't use a Db:
Create a ConversationState class to attach to each telegram Id when they start to chat with the bot
Then add a LastMessage DateTime variable to the ConversationState class
Now every time you receive a message check if enought time has passed from the LasteMessage DateTime, if not enought time has passed answer with a warning message.
You can also implement a timer that deletes the conversation state class if you are worried about performance.

Load Runner Session ID Changes Indefinitely

Good day
I'm trying to perform load testing with LoadRunner 11. Here's an issue:
I've got automatically generated script after actions recording
Need to catch Session ID. I do it with web_reg_save_param() in the next way:
"LB=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=",
"RB=; Path=/app/;",
web_add_cookie("S_ID; DOMAIN={host}");
I catch ID from the response (Tree View):
Compare it with Replay Log and see:
"S_ID = 75C78912AE78D26BDBDE73EBD9ADB510".
Compare 2 IDs above with the next request ID and see 3rd ID (Tree View):
Why do I have 3 different IDs?
Let me know if I have to provide extra information.
You should Use(Search=All) below Code. Provided your Right and left boundary is correct:
"LB=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=",
"RB=; Path=/app/;",
web_add_cookie("{S_ID}; DOMAIN={host}");
For Details refer HP Mannual for web_reg_save_param function.
I do not see what the conflict or controversy is here. Yes, items related to state or session will definitely change from user to user, one recording session to the next. They may even change from one request to the next. You may need to record several times to identify the change and use pattern for when you need to collect and when you need to reuse the collected data from a response in a subsequent request.
Take a listen to this podcast. It should help

Addressing ECUs directly using ELM 327 dongle and ISO 9141

I have a VW Golf 4, which is quite old and talks KWP 2000 (ISO 9141) on its CAN bus. I use a dongle powered by ELM 327, connected to the OBD-2 port of the car.
I am trying to send messages individually to each ECU. I tried to change the header of the messages:
AT SH 48 XX F1 (I hoped XX would be the ECU ID; 48 is the flag for "use physical addressing"). Any command I issue (e.g. tried 3E for "tester present") returns NO DATA (I disabled automatic timeouts and set the timeout to maximum value).
Is there a way to send messages directly to the ECU? I am not interested in the set of data provided via OBD-2, neither do I want to re-flash the ECUs. At the moment I just try to find out which ECUs are available on the bus.
VW works on Transport Protocol TP 2.0, hence you need to initialize with 0x200 header.
See above link for more info.

How to sync for the emails which are received after a particular email.

I am working on an application which download Yahoo account emails in the order of down to top using Yahoo Mail API's.
Application sync logic works like below
Lets say Inbox consists of 1000 emails.
1) Initially fetching 100 emails message ID's by using "ListMessages" with parameters startMid = 0 and numMid=100.
2) Processing chunk emails .
3) Now requesting for the next chunk emails by giving the startMid = 100 and numMid=100.
The above logic works fine if user is not deleting any emails during syncing.
Is there any way to retrieve next chunk emails based on the message ID (string unique value) rather than message number.
What is the logic for syncing the emails from the last processed message?
PS:I can not rely on message number (since message number is not meant for unique identifier of a message).
I was looking for the same thing and found "How to get only emails which are arrived from the Client last sync." ( where some guy reply "This feature is not available right now but we do plan to support this in future." date: 3 Nov 2011 11:24 AM
I think you can query mailTables (with YQL) or ListMessage (Api) and get the complete list of messages id (without any info) eg: SELECT * FROM ymail.messages WHERE numInfo="0"
And then "count" the position of the last message you got and then, get mail from that number. Eg: SELECT * FROM ymail.messages WHERE startMid="3" and numMid="100"
What do you think?
Greetings from Argentina
PS: sorry about my horrible english