BigQuery loads manually but not through the Java SDK - google-bigquery

I have a Dataflow pipeline, running locally. The objective is to read a JSON file using TEXTIO, make sessions and load it into BigQuery. Given the structure I have to create a temp directory in GCS and then load it into BigQuery using that. Previously I had a data schema error that prevented me to load the data, see here. That issue is resolved.
So now when I run the pipeline locally it ends with dumping a temporary JSON newline delimited file into GCS. The SDK then gives me the following:
Starting BigQuery load job beam_job_xxxx_00001-1: try 1/3
INFO [main] ( - BigQuery load job failed: beam_job_xxxx_00001-1
Exception in thread "main"$PipelineExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create the load job beam_job_xxxx_00001, reached max retries: 3
at pedesys.Dataflow.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create the load job beam_job_xxxx_00001, reached max retries: 3
The errors are not very descriptive and the data is still not loaded in BigQuery. What is puzzling is that if I go to the BigQuery UI and load the same temporary file from GCS that was dumped by the SDK's Dataflow pipeline manually, in the same table, it works beautifully.
The relevant code parts are as follows:
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options)
session_windowed_items.apply(ParDo.of(new FormatAsTableRowFn()))

The SDK is swallowing the error/exception and not reporting it to users. It's most likely a schema problem. To get the actual error that is happening you need to fetch the job details by either:
CLI - bq show -j job beam_job_<xxxx>_00001-1
Browser/Web: use "try it" at the bottom of the page here.
#jkff has raised an issue here to improve the error reporting.


Load from GCS to GBQ causes an internal BigQuery error

My application creates thousands of "load jobs" daily to load data from Google Cloud Storage URIs to BigQuery and only a few cases causing the error:
"Finished with errors. Detail: An internal error occurred and the request could not be completed. This is usually caused by a transient issue. Retrying the job with back-off as described in the BigQuery SLA should solve the problem: If the error continues to occur please contact support at Error: 7916072"
The application is written on Python and uses libraries:
Load job is done by calling
load_job = self._client.load_table_from_uri(
this method has a default param:
retry: retries.Retry = DEFAULT_RETRY,
so the job should automatically retry on such errors.
Id of specific job that finished with error:
"load_job_id": "6005ab89-9edf-4767-aaf1-6383af5e04b6"
"load_job_location": "US"
after getting the error the application recreates the job, but it doesn't help.
Subsequent failed job ids:
As mentioned in the error message, Wait according to the back-off requirements described in the BigQuery Service Level Agreement, then try the operation again.
If the error continues to occur, if you have a support plan please create a new GCP support case. Otherwise, you can open a new issue on the issue tracker describing your issue. You can also try to reduce the frequency of this error by using Reservations.
For more information about the error messages you can refer to this document.

Structured Streaming in Databricks Azure throwing exception - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error reading delta file dbfs:/raw_zone/

We are using Structured Streaming in Databricks environment, Every time while we run this program - kAFKA - Structured Streaming (DBR6.6, Spark 2.4.5) - Writing to CosmosDB, we are getting the same exception as below just before we do the final joins to save the data to Cosmos DB. We haven't modified any spark specific settings and leveraging the default spark /DBR configurations.
Caused by: org.apache.spark.SparkException:
Job aborted due to stage failure:
Task 174 in stage 9353.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure:
Lost task 174.3 in stage 9353.0 (TID 60863,, executor 1):
Error reading delta file dbfs:/raw_zone/uffRetail_jointbl_dev_cp1/state/8/174/left-keyToNumValues/ of HDFSStateStoreProvider[id = (op=8,part=174),dir = dbfs:/raw_zone/uffRetail_jointbl_dev_cp1/state/8/174/left-keyToNumValues]:
dbfs:/raw_zone/uffRetail_jointbl_dev_cp1/state/8/174/left-keyToNumValues/ does not exist
Caused by:

LeaseAlreadyPresent Error in Azure Data Factory V2

I am getting the following error in a pipeline that has Copy activity with Rest API as source and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 as Sink.
"message": "Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=AdlsGen2OperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=ADLS Gen2 operation failed for: Operation returned an invalid status code 'Conflict'. Account: '{Storage Account Name}'. FileSystem: '{Container Name}'. Path: 'foodics_v2/Burgerizzr/transactional/_567a2g7a/2018-02-09/raw/inventory-transactions.json'. ErrorCode: 'LeaseAlreadyPresent'. Message: 'There is already a lease present.'. RequestId: 'd27f1a3d-d01f-0003-28fb-400303000000'..,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,''Type=Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Data.Models.ErrorSchemaException,Message=Operation returned an invalid status code 'Conflict',Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'",
The pipeline runs in a for loop with Batch size = 5. When I make it sequential, the error goes away, but I need to run it in parallel.
This is known issue with adf limitation variable thread parallel running.
You probably trying to rename filename using variable.
Your option is to run another child looping after each variable execution.
i.e. variable -> Execute Pipeline
enter image description here
remove those variable, hard coded those variable expression in azure activity.
enter image description here
Hope this helps

How to receive root cause for Pipeline Dataflow job failure

I am running my pipeline in Dataflow. I want to collect all error messages from Dataflow job using its id. I am using Apache-beam 2.3.0 and Java 8.
DataflowPipelineJob dataflowPipelineJob = ((DataflowPipelineJob) entry.getValue());
String jobId = dataflowPipelineJob.getJobId();
DataflowClient client = DataflowClient.create(options);
Job job = client.getJob(jobId);
Is there any way to receive only error message from pipeline?
Programmatic support for reading Dataflow log messages is not very mature, but there are a couple options:
Since you already have the DataflowPipelineJob instance, you could use the waitUntilFinish() overload which accepts a JobMessagesHandler parameter to filter and capture error messages. You can see how DataflowPipelineJob uses this in its own waitUntilFinish() implementation.
Alternatively, you can query job logs using the Dataflow REST API: The API takes in a minimumImportance parameter which would allow you to query just for errors.
Note that in both cases, there may be error messages which are not fatal and don't directly cause job failure.

File: 0: Unexpected from Google BigQuery load job

I've a compressed json file (900MB, newline delimited) and load into a new table via bq command and get the load failure:
bq load --project_id=XXX --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON --ignore_unknown_values mtdataset.mytable gs://xxx/data.gz schema.json
Waiting on bqjob_r3ec270ec14181ca7_000001461d860737_1 ... (1049s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job 'XXX:bqjob_r3ec270ec14181ca7_000001461d860737_1': Too many errors encountered. Limit is: 0.
Failure details:
- File: 0: Unexpected. Please try again.
Why the error?
I tried again with the --max_bad_records, still not useful error message
bq load --project_id=XXX --source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON --ignore_unknown_values --max_bad_records 2 XXX.test23 gs://XXX/20140521/file1.gz schema.json
Waiting on bqjob_r518616022f1db99d_000001461f023f58_1 ... (319s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job 'XXX:bqjob_r518616022f1db99d_000001461f023f58_1': Unexpected. Please try again.
And also cannot find any useful message in the console.
To BigQuery team, can you have a look using the job ID?
As far I know there are two error sections on a job. There is one error result, and that's what you see now. And there is a second, which should be a stream of errors. This second is important as you could have errors in it, but the actual job might succeed.
Also you can set the --max_bad_records=3 on the BQ tool. Check here for more params
You probably have an error that is for each line, so you should try a sample set from this big file first.
Also there is an open feature request to improve the error message, you can star (vote) this ticket
This answer will be picked up by the BQ team, so for them I am sharing that: We need an endpoint where we can query based on a jobid, the state, or the stream of errors. It would help a lot to get a full list of errors, it would help debugging the BQ jobs. This could be easy to implement.
I looked up this job in the BigQuery logs, and unfortunately, there isn't any more information than "failed to read" somewhere after about 930 MB have been read.
I've filed a bug that we're dropping important error information in one code path and submitted a fix. However, this fix won't be live until next week, and all that will do is give us more diagnostic information.
Since this is repeatable, it isn't likely a transient error reading from GCS. That means one of two problems: we have trouble decoding the .gz file, or there is something wrong with that particular GCS object.
For the first issue, you could try decompressing the file and re-uploading it as uncompressed. While it may sound like a pain to send gigabytes of data over the network, the good news is that the import will be faster since it can be done in parallel (we can't import a compressed file in parallel since it can only be read sequentially).
For the second issue (which is somewhat less likely) you could try downloading the file yourself to make sure you don't get errors, or try re-uploading the same file and seeing if that works.