I'm working on this tutorial:
The test / train data files are simple tab separated text files containing image filenames and correct labels like this:
...\data\CIFAR-10\test\00000.png 3
...\data\CIFAR-10\test\00001.png 8
...\data\CIFAR-10\test\00002.png 8
Assume I create a minibatch like this:
test_minibatch = reader_test.next_minibatch(10)
How can I get to the filenames for the images, which was in the first column of the test data file?
I tried with this code:
orig_features = np.asarray(test_minibatch[features_stream_info].m_data)
But, that results in printing the bytes of the images itself.
The file name is lost when loading the images through image reader.
One possible solution is to use a composite reader to load the map file in text format simultaneously. We have composite reader example in here with BrainScript:
With Python, you could do something like:
# read images
image_source = ImageDeserializer(map_file)
[ImageDeserializer.scale(width=image_width, height=image_height, channels=num_channels,
scale_mode="pad", pad_value=114, interpolations='linear')])
# read rois and labels
roi_source = CTFDeserializer(roi_file)
roi_source.map_input(rois_stream_name, dim=rois_dim, format="dense")
label_source = CTFDeserializer(label_file)
label_source.map_input(labels_stream_name, dim=label_dim, format="dense")
# define a composite reader
rc = ReaderConfig([image_source, roi_source, label_source], epoch_size=sys.maxsize)
return rc.minibatch_source()
I created a raster stack but i can't set the band names as I desired. I use this code for stacking with Python:
outvrt = ('result/raster_stack_vrt.tif')
outtif = ('result/raster_stack.tif')
tifs = glob.glob('data/*.tif')
outds = gdal.BuildVRT(outvrt, tifs, separate = True)
outds = gdal.Translate(outtif, outds)
Automatic generation of band names can sometimes be confusing. So I want to set the band names to be the same as the name of the tif file of each band when creating raster stack. Is it possible?
I want to write a CSV file after transforming my Spark data with a function. The obtained Spark dataframe after the transformation seems good, but when I want to write it into a CSV file, I have an error:
It is possible the underlying files have been updated. You can explicitly invalidate the cache in Spark by running 'REFRESH TABLE tableName' command in SQL or by recreating the Dataset/DataFrame involved.
But I really don't understand how to use the spark.catalog.refreshTable(tablename) function. I try to use it between the transformation and the file writing, but it said
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute '_get_object_id'
So I don't know how to deal with it...
#Create the function to resize the images and extract the features with mobilenetV2 model
def red_dim(width, height, nChannels, data):
#Transform image data to tensorflow compatoble format
images = []
for i in range(height.shape[0]):
x = np.ndarray(
shape=(height[i], width[i], nChannels[i]),
strides=(width[i] * nChannels[i], nChannels[i], 1))
#Resize images with the chosen size of the model
images = np.array(tf.image.resize(images, [IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE]))
#Load the model
model = load_model('models')
#Predict features for images
preds = model.predict(images).reshape(len(width), 3 * 3 * 1280)
#Return a pandas series with list of features for all images
return pd.Series(list(preds))
#Transform the function to a pandas udf function
#This allow to split the function in multiple chunks
red_dim_udf = pandas_udf(red_dim, returnType=ArrayType(DoubleType()))
#4 actions :
# apply the udf function defined just before
# cast the array of features to a string so it can be written in a csv
# select only the data that will be witten in the csv
# write the data -> where the error occurs
results=df.withColumn("dim_red", red_dim_udf(col("image.width"), col("image.height"), \
col("image.nChannels"), \
col("image.data"))) \
.withColumn("dim_red_string", lit(col("dim_red").cast("string")))
.select("image.origin", 'dim_red_string')
.repartition(5).write.csv(S3dir + '/results' + today)
Its a well-known issue where the underlying source data is getting updated while spark is processing on it.
I would suggest you to checkpoint i.e. move/copy the data to another directory before applying your transformations.
I think I can close my question, as I found the answer
If you have this type of error, it can also be because you have space in your S3 folders used to make your Dataframe, and Spark doesn't recognize the space character in the folder, so think the folder doesn't exist anymore...
But thanks #Constantine for your help !
I am writing a Data input pipeline in tensorflow that uses a bunch of tfrecord files with different Examples (types).
I am using code like:
filenames = ["/var/data/file1.tfrecord", "/var/data/file2.tfrecord"]
dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filenames)
dataset = dataset.map(_parse_function)
However I want my parse_function to be different for file1.tfrecord than for file2.tfrecord. How do I achieve this. Is there someway of knowin in parse_example which file a particular example came from?
You can use a Dataset.flat_map() transformation to include the filename with each record as follows:
filenames = ["/var/data/file1.tfrecord", "/var/data/file2.tfrecord"]
filenames = tf.data.from_tensor_slices(filenames)
# `Dataset.flat_map()` creates a nested dataset from each element in `filenames`.
# For each file in filename, zip together the filename (repeated infinitely) with
# the records read from that file.
dataset = filenames.flat_map(
lambda fn: tf.data.Dataset.zip((tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors(fn).repeat(None),
# The _parse_function can now be modified to take both the filename and the record.
dataset = dataset.map(lambda fn, record: _parse_function(fn, record))
Tensorflow seems to lack a reader for ".npy" files.
How can I read my data files into the new tensorflow.data.Dataset pipline?
My data doesn't fit in memory.
Each object is saved in a separate ".npy" file. each file contains 2 different ndarrays as features and a scalar as their label.
It is actually possible to read directly NPY files with TensorFlow instead of TFRecords. The key pieces are tf.data.FixedLengthRecordDataset and tf.io.decode_raw, along with a look at the documentation of the NPY format. For simplicity, let's suppose that a float32 NPY file containing an array with shape (N, K) is given, and you know the number of features K beforehand, as well as the fact that it is a float32 array. An NPY file is just a binary file with a small header and followed by the raw array data (object arrays are different, but we're considering numbers now). In short, you can find the size of this header with a function like this:
def npy_header_offset(npy_path):
with open(str(npy_path), 'rb') as f:
if f.read(6) != b'\x93NUMPY':
raise ValueError('Invalid NPY file.')
version_major, version_minor = f.read(2)
if version_major == 1:
header_len_size = 2
elif version_major == 2:
header_len_size = 4
raise ValueError('Unknown NPY file version {}.{}.'.format(version_major, version_minor))
header_len = sum(b << (8 * i) for i, b in enumerate(f.read(header_len_size)))
header = f.read(header_len)
if not header.endswith(b'\n'):
raise ValueError('Invalid NPY file.')
return f.tell()
With this you can create a dataset like this:
import tensorflow as tf
npy_file = 'my_file.npy'
num_features = ...
dtype = tf.float32
header_offset = npy_header_offset(npy_file)
dataset = tf.data.FixedLengthRecordDataset([npy_file], num_features * dtype.size, header_bytes=header_offset)
Each element of this dataset contains a long string of bytes representing a single example. You can now decode it to obtain an actual array:
dataset = dataset.map(lambda s: tf.io.decode_raw(s, dtype))
The elements will have indeterminate shape, though, because TensorFlow does not keep track of the length of the strings. You can just enforce the shape since you know the number of features:
dataset = dataset.map(lambda s: tf.reshape(tf.io.decode_raw(s, dtype), (num_features,)))
Similarly, you can choose to perform this step after batching, or combine it in whatever way you feel like.
The limitation is that you had to know the number of features in advance. It is possible to extract it from the NumPy header, though, just a bit of a pain, and in any case very hardly from within TensorFlow, so the file names would need to be known in advance. Another limitation is that, as it is, the solution requires you to either use only one file per dataset or files that have the same header size, although if you know that all the arrays have the same size that should actually be the case.
Admittedly, if one considers this kind of approach it may just be better to have a pure binary file without headers, and either hard code the number of features or read them from a different source...
You can do it with tf.py_func, see the example here.
The parse function would simply decode the filename from bytes to string and call np.load.
Update: something like this:
def read_npy_file(item):
data = np.load(item.decode())
return data.astype(np.float32)
file_list = ['/foo/bar.npy', '/foo/baz.npy']
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(file_list)
dataset = dataset.map(
lambda item: tuple(tf.py_func(read_npy_file, [item], [tf.float32,])))
Does your data fit into memory? If so, you can follow the instructions from the Consuming NumPy Arrays section of the docs:
Consuming NumPy arrays
If all of your input data fit in memory, the simplest way to create a Dataset from them is to convert them to tf.Tensor objects and use Dataset.from_tensor_slices().
# Load the training data into two NumPy arrays, for example using `np.load()`.
with np.load("/var/data/training_data.npy") as data:
features = data["features"]
labels = data["labels"]
# Assume that each row of `features` corresponds to the same row as `labels`.
assert features.shape[0] == labels.shape[0]
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((features, labels))
In the case that the file doesn't fit into memory, it seems like the only recommended approach is to first convert the npy data into a TFRecord format, and then use the TFRecord data set format, which can be streamed without fully loading into memory.
Here is a post with some instructions.
FWIW, it seems crazy to me that TFRecord cannot be instantiated with a directory name or file name(s) of npy files directly, but it appears to be a limitation of plain Tensorflow.
If you can split the single large npy file into smaller files that each roughly represent one batch for training, then you could write a custom data generator in Keras that would yield only the data needed for the current batch.
In general, if your dataset cannot fit in memory, storing it as one single large npy file makes it very hard to work with, and preferably you should reformat the data first, either as TFRecord or as multiple npy files, and then use other methods.
Problem setup
I had a folder with images that were being fed into an InceptionV3 model for extraction of features. This seemed to be a huge bottleneck for the entire process. As a workaround, I extracted features from each image and then stored them on disk in a .npy format.
Now I had two folders, one for the images and one for the corresponding .npy files. There was an evident problem with the loading of .npy files in the tf.data.Dataset pipeline.
I came across TensorFlow's official tutorial on show attend and tell which had a great workaround for the problem this thread (and I) were having.
Load numpy files
First off we need to create a mapping function that accepts the .npy file name and returns the numpy array.
# Load the numpy files
def map_func(feature_path):
feature = np.load(feature_path)
return feature
Use the tf.numpy_function
With the tf.numpy_function we can wrap any python function and use it as a TensorFlow op. The function must accept numpy object (which is exactly what we want).
We create a tf.data.Dataset with the list of all the .npy filenames.
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(feature_paths)
We then use the map function of the tf.data.Dataset API to do the rest of our task.
# Use map to load the numpy files in parallel
dataset = dataset.map(lambda item: tf.numpy_function(
map_func, [item], tf.float16),
I have read the CNN Tutorial on the TensorFlow and I am trying to use the same model for my project.
The problem is now in data reading. I have around 25000 images for training and around 5000 for testing and validation each. The files are in png format and I can read them and convert them into the numpy.ndarray.
The CNN example in the tutorials use a queue to fetch the records from the file list provided. I tried to create my own such binary file by reshaping my images into 1-D array and attaching a label value in the front of it. So my data looks like this
The single row of the above array is of length 22501 size where the first element is the label.
I dumped the file to using pickle and the tried to read from the file using the
tf.FixedLengthRecordReader to read from the file as demonstrated in example
I am doing the same things as given in the cifar10_input.py to read the binary file and putting them into the record object.
Now when I read from the files the labels and the image values are different. I can understand the reason for this to be that pickle dumps the extra information of braces and brackets also in the binary file and they change the fixed length record size.
The above example uses the filenames and pass it to a queue to fetch the files and then the queue to read a single record from the file.
I want to know if I can pass the numpy array as defined above instead of the filenames to some reader and it can fetch records one by one from that array instead of the files.
Probably the easiest way to make your data work with the CNN example code is to make a modified version of read_cifar10() and use it instead:
Write out a binary file containing the contents of your numpy array.
import numpy as np
images_and_labels_array = np.array([[...], ...], # [[1,12,34,24,53,...,102],
# [12,112,43,24,52,...,98],
# ...]
This file is similar to the format used in CIFAR10 datafiles. You might want to generate multiple files in order to get read parallelism. Note that ndarray.tofile() writes binary data in row-major order with no other metadata; pickling the array will add Python-specific metadata that TensorFlow's parsing routines do not understand.
Write a modified version of read_cifar10() that handles your record format.
def read_my_data(filename_queue):
class ImageRecord(object):
result = ImageRecord()
# Dimensions of the images in the dataset.
label_bytes = 1
# Set the following constants as appropriate.
result.height = IMAGE_HEIGHT
result.width = IMAGE_WIDTH
result.depth = IMAGE_DEPTH
image_bytes = result.height * result.width * result.depth
# Every record consists of a label followed by the image, with a
# fixed number of bytes for each.
record_bytes = label_bytes + image_bytes
assert record_bytes == 22501 # Based on your question.
# Read a record, getting filenames from the filename_queue. No
# header or footer in the binary, so we leave header_bytes
# and footer_bytes at their default of 0.
reader = tf.FixedLengthRecordReader(record_bytes=record_bytes)
result.key, value = reader.read(filename_queue)
# Convert from a string to a vector of uint8 that is record_bytes long.
record_bytes = tf.decode_raw(value, tf.uint8)
# The first bytes represent the label, which we convert from uint8->int32.
result.label = tf.cast(
tf.slice(record_bytes, [0], [label_bytes]), tf.int32)
# The remaining bytes after the label represent the image, which we reshape
# from [depth * height * width] to [depth, height, width].
depth_major = tf.reshape(tf.slice(record_bytes, [label_bytes], [image_bytes]),
[result.depth, result.height, result.width])
# Convert from [depth, height, width] to [height, width, depth].
result.uint8image = tf.transpose(depth_major, [1, 2, 0])
return result
Modify distorted_inputs() to use your new dataset:
def distorted_inputs(data_dir, batch_size):
filenames = ["/tmp/images.bin"] # Or a list of filenames if you
# generated multiple files in step 1.
for f in filenames:
if not gfile.Exists(f):
raise ValueError('Failed to find file: ' + f)
# Create a queue that produces the filenames to read.
filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(filenames)
# Read examples from files in the filename queue.
read_input = read_my_data(filename_queue)
reshaped_image = tf.cast(read_input.uint8image, tf.float32)
# [...] (Maybe modify other parameters in here depending on your problem.)
This is intended to be a minimal set of steps, given your starting point. It may be more efficient to do the PNG decoding using TensorFlow ops, but that would be a larger change.
In your question, you specifically asked:
I want to know if I can pass the numpy array as defined above instead of the filenames to some reader and it can fetch records one by one from that array instead of the files.
You can feed the numpy array to a queue directly, but it will be a more invasive change to the cifar10_input.py code than my other answer suggests.
As before, let's assume you have the following array from your question:
import numpy as np
images_and_labels_array = np.array([[...], ...], # [[1,12,34,24,53,...,102],
# [12,112,43,24,52,...,98],
# ...]
You can then define a queue that contains the entire data as follows:
q = tf.FIFOQueue([tf.uint8, tf.uint8], shapes=[[], [22500]])
enqueue_op = q.enqueue_many([image_and_labels_array[:, 0], image_and_labels_array[:, 1:]])
...then call sess.run(enqueue_op) to populate the queue.
Another—more efficient—approach would be to feed records to the queue, which you could do from a parallel thread (see this answer for more details on how this would work):
# [With q as defined above.]
label_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[])
image_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[22500])
enqueue_single_from_feed_op = q.enqueue([label_input, image_input])
# Then, to enqueue a single example `i` from the array.
feed_dict={label_input: image_and_labels_array[i, 0],
image_input: image_and_labels_array[i, 1:]})
Alternatively, to enqueue a batch at a time, which will be more efficient:
label_batch_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[None])
image_batch_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[None, 22500])
enqueue_batch_from_feed_op = q.enqueue([label_batch_input, image_batch_input])
# Then, to enqueue a batch examples `i` through `j-1` from the array.
feed_dict={label_input: image_and_labels_array[i:j, 0],
image_input: image_and_labels_array[i:j, 1:]})
I want to know if I can pass the numpy array as defined above instead
of the filenames to some reader and it can fetch records one by one
from that array instead of the files.
tf.py_func, that wraps a python function and uses it as a TensorFlow operator, might help. Here's an example.
However, since you've mentioned that your images are stored in png files, I think the simplest solution would be to replace this:
reader = tf.FixedLengthRecordReader(record_bytes=record_bytes)
result.key, value = reader.read(filename_queue)
with this:
result.key, value = tf.WholeFileReader().read(filename_queue))
value = tf.image.decode_jpeg(value)