Cannot set private nic speed to 10Gbps - api

When using slcli to modify the port speed of the private nic to 10gbps, I get the following error:
slcli hardware edit --private-speed 10000 123456
SoftLayerAPIError(SoftLayer_Exception_Public): Speed cannot be null and must be 0 (Disconnect), 10, 100, or 1000.
I am able to change the port speed via the UI and by opening a ticket, so am wondering if there is an issue with the API or an account setting that must be enabled. We use bonded NICs, so we actually need to set the speed to 20000. Please advise.

I tried to reproduce the issue but I could not. I am capable to change the speed to 10000 whith no problem. I only get the error when the private nic does not have that speed available. I am not sure what is your NIC configuration but this is mine:
As you can see the "Max Speed" for my configuration is 10000 Mbps, so using the slcli comand I can change the "Speed" whithout any problem, in case that the "Max Speed" is under 10000 Mbps I got the same error as you, in order to head off that error I need to "Modify the Max Speed" to another configuration that allows more speed, but in order to make the same using the API you need to upgrade your server using the placeOrder method.
Another thing is that you cannot set any value that you want in the speed property, it depends of your NIC setup, but generally speaking the only valid values are: 0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000; As you can see you cannot set the speed to 20000.


RabbitMQ slow when opening a new connection

I have a rather busy RabbitMQ setup which at peak times becomes extremely slow accepting new connections (RabbitMQ 3.9.14)
I've tried fine tuning /etc/sysctl.conf as found on a guide on the RabbitMQ website
fs.file-max = 10000000
fs.nr_open = 10000000
net.core.somaxconn = 4096
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 64000
And also played around with the rabbitmq.conf options to see if anything would have an impact, however that is unfortunately not the case
num_acceptors.tcp = 32
channel_max = 4096
tcp_listen_options.backlog = 512
tcp_listen_options.nodelay = true
tcp_listen_options.linger.on = true
tcp_listen_options.linger.timeout = 0
tcp_listen_options.sndbuf = 196608
tcp_listen_options.recbuf = 196608
collect_statistics_interval = 60000
Due to the nature of my setup (PHP), every time messages are being published to RabbitMQ, a new connection is created, I wish I could do long-standing connections but that is beyond of what PHP is designed for
During peak activity, some connections take up to 7 seconds to open, once the connection is established however, the messages publishing performance is just fine.
I feel like I've exhausted all the logical options that I'm aware of. Is there any other tweaks that I can attempt to change in order to improve the connection performance of the node? The server load is low-ish, sitting at 15% peak. Disabling the management interface had negligible impact
Update: At first, when I've updated to RabbitMQ 3.10.5, I thought that the issue was solved, however that was not the case, it just gave us a bit more headroom.
The real cause was our high churn-rate (200/s+), during my conversation in the RabbitMQ slack channel it became apparent that a high churn rate would block the event loop and cause the spikes seen above.
The solution for us was to use a proxy to re-use connections instead of opening a new one every time we publish something:
This has effectively resolved our issue.

BG95 Can't Activate - AT+QIACT=1 returning error

I'm trying to get a BG95 to activate on hologram.
Here are my commands:
AT+QCFG="band",F,180A,180A OK
AT+QCFG="iotopmode",2 OK
AT+QCFG="nwscanseq",020301 OK
AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",0 OK
AT+QCFG="snrscan",0 OK
AT+QICSGP=1,1,"hologram","","",1 OK
At first I thought it was antenna/signal related so I ran AT+CSQ and got this:
+csq: 11,99
This tells me I have a good signal I believe.
Next I tried AT+QNWINFO and get this:
+QNWINFO: "eMTC","311480","LTE BAND 13",5230
In my mind this is saying it's connected to a network.
After trying that I tried to activate again and got this:
The weird thing is it activated just fine about a week ago with pure AT commands. I did try and use an Arduino library with it (WisLTEBG96TCPIP) which may have changed a setting in it. I've done a factory reset but the it still woln't activate.
Another strange thing is the hologram dashboard. Every once and a while it will show the SIM as connected, even though I can't activate.
I have tried with 2 different SIM cards any get the same activation error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Verizon has cut off all non ODI products. If your hardware has not been Verizon ODI 'certified' it will no longer be allow to be connected to their network, I have 5 new pet rocks thanks to them. The solution is to purchase new modems from vendors that have been through the Verizon ODI program or switch carriers.
I had the same problem before, after a lot of maling with network operator I find out that there isn't a LTE-CAT-M1 (eMTC) network in my area, I tested in another area successfully
Also before setting AT+QCFG commands try AT+CFUN = 0
and after setting AT+QCFG commands try AT+CFUN = 1 .
before sending AT+QIACT, try 'AT+CEREG?' command several times and tell me what is the return of it

Modem config match

I have two similar modems, when I insert the SIM in the first modem it connects automatically to the network. But if I insert the same SIM in the second modem, it doesn't connect to the network.
I launched the command: AT&V to read the profile of each modem. I compared the settings and they are all the same except for the following:
+CGDCONT: (1,"IP","cmnet","",0,0)
+CGDCONT: (1,"IP","internet","",0,0)
+CIND: 0,3,1,0,0,0,1,0
+CIND: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+COPS: 1,0,""
+COPS: 0,2,""
Q1: Could one of these settings cause the problem?
Q2: Is there a way to save/restore a modem config?
NB. The first setting of each pair is of the working modem.
Looks like the APN of the second modem is different from the first one. The APN of second modem is "internet", while the first one is "cmnet". This can cause the problem (first one is attached while the second one did not: +CGATT 1 vs 0), if the network does not support "internet" APN.
You can set same APN for the second modem as the first one to have a try. i.e.
AT+CGDCONT =1,"IP","cmnet"
But, APN difference is only one of the possible reasons. For analyzing the actual reason of attach failure, logs are needed.

SoftLayer API How to get uplink port speed value from SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest and SoftLayer_Hardware

For the provisioned SoftLayer virtual Server, and Bare metal servers.
Which attribute/method from SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest and SoftLayer_Hardware
can return the uplink port speed value of the device?
You can try getting the items in the billing item of the device and look for port speed value.
These RestFul will return the items$HardwareID/getObject?objectMask=mask[billingItem[children[item]]]
Method GET$VSIID/getObject?objectMask=mask[billingItem[children[item]]]
Method GET
Note: Replace $HardwareID and $VSIID with the ID of the hardware or VSI you wish to see the items
To get items from a Virtual Guest/Hardware already provisioned, you can use the following GET requests:
* Virtual Guest:
* Hardware:

Is it possible to set dynamic download delay in scrapy?

I know that a constant delay can be set in
however, if I set the delay to 2s it is not efficient enough. If I set the DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 0.
The crawler is able to crawl about 10 pages. after that, the target page will return something like " you are requesting too frequently ".
What I want to do is the keep the download_delay to 0. once the "requesting too frequently" msg is found in the html. it change the delay to 2s. After a while it switch back to zero.
is there any module can do this? or any other better idea to handle such case?
I found that is a extension call AutoThrottle
but is it able to customize some logic like this??
if (requesting too frequently) is found
increase the DOWNLOAD_DELAY
If right after you get anti-spider page, then in 2 seconds you can get data page, then what you are asking probably requires writing a downloader middleware
that checks for anti-spider page, reset all scheduled requests to a renew-queue, start a looping call when spider is idle to get request from the renew-queue, (the looping interval is your hack for a new download delay), and try to decide when the download delay is not necessary again (requires some tests), then stop the looping and reschedule all the requests in renew-queue to scrapy scheduler. You will need to use redis queue in case of distributed crawl.
With download delay set to 0, in my experience throughput can go easily above 1000 items/min. If anti-spider page pops up after 10 responses, then it is not worth the effort.
Instead maybe you can try to find out how fast does your target server allow, may be 1.5s, 1s, 0.7s, 0.5s etc. Then maybe redesign your product takes into consideration the throughput your crawler can achieve.
You can use Auto Throttle extension now. It is turned off by default. You can add these parameters in your project's file to enable it.
# The initial download delay
# The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies
# The average number of requests Scrapy should be sending in parallel to
# each remote server
# Enable showing throttling stats for every response received:
Yes, You can use the time module to set the dynamic delay.
import time
for i in range(10):
*** Operations 1****
time.sleep( i )
*** Operations 2****
Now you can see the delay between Operations 1 and Operations 2.
the variable 'i' is in the form of seconds.