Is case sensitive search feature available in firefox developer tool debugger panel? - case-sensitive

Since Firebug's script panel stopped working following that Firebug is no longer maintained/developed. I needed to switch to Firebug Developer Tools but I cannot find out how we can do a case sensitive search in debugger panel.
The built-in search box allows us to search through all the available files though. I really believe that this is an important feature and it might be somewhere there. I tried using Google to find this out with no luck.. Is this feature not yet implemented?

The debugger uses a reasonably common approach to case-sensitivity in searches: if your search string is all lower-case, then it will match anything; but if your search string has an upper-case letter, then it will be case sensitive.
That is, the search string "hello" will match "hello" and "Hello", while the search "Hello" will only match "Hello" and not "hello".
As far as I know there's currently no way to request that a lower-case search string be matched case-sensitively.


VS keeps changing my camel casing

I have posted on this before, but couldn't find a simple example. Here's one. I had some code commented out. Part if it was a comment. I used un-comment to turn the code back on for testing. And so this...
'check to see if this is a "simple" struct that has only basic types inside, not additional embedded type 5's
Turned into this...
check to see if this Is a "simple" struct that has only basic types inside, Not additional embedded type 5's
Look at the Is and Not. This isn't happening on all keywords, it appears that it's primarily Linq related terms get re-camel cased - Is, On, Where etc. And that's weird, because I don't have or use Linq in any of my projects.
This is annoying, but what is actually damaging is when this happens inside quotes. Let's say you had something like this...
'this is a "really long comment that I want to split into two lines"
Now I place my cursor in front of, say, "I" and hit return. This produces a second line with a trailing quote. Now every keyword in the entire file from that point on is re-cased, because there's an open quote confusing VS. Now my git diff is basically screwed.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what might be happening and how to turn it off?
The re-casing of keywords is a feature of "Pretty listing (reformatting) of code". This feature was less aggressive in VS versions earlier then VS2015 and did not run un-commenting a line.
To disable it go to:
Tools Menu->Options->Text Editor->Basic-> Advanced-> Editor help section
and uncheck "Pretty listing (reformatting) of code".

custom soft wrap in intellij?

it bothers me:
why can't i "soft return" in intellij (or any IDE actually)?
is there a way i don't know of to "X + return key"?
situation: i want to copy&paste long paragraphs into a translation.json.
Afterwards, i want to format them with html tags.
So why can't i have
"translation": {
this is/
the text./
maybe there is a/
LINK too?/
Second Paragraph/
This is the second paragraph./
with /being soft wrap markers
instead of
"translation": {
Hi! this is the text. maybe there is a LINK too? Second Paragraph This is the /
second paragraph.
(it makes inserting the html tags a PITA)
why can't i "soft return" in intellij (or any IDE actually)?
Most likely because it is not a highly desired feature. Secondly, from a practical standpoint, the implementation would be cumbersome because most file formats an IDE uses are ultimately plain text. As such the file does not have a concept of a soft return. For an IDE to support arbitrary soft returns, it would need to maintain a data store containing the metadata of where in each and every file you've ever edited you want soft returns.
Or alternatively, the soft returns would need to be stored in the file. But the only way to do that and not "effect" the actual code in the file is via comments. Such as how an IDE uses comments to suppress warnings, create an arbitrary folded block, or turn off auto formatting. (And of course, with your example, JSON does not have comments, further complicating things.) Using comments for soft returns would, I think, result in a lot of clutter in the file. For example, for HTML, even using a one character comment of a paragraph symbol "¶" results in a lot of clutter:
"translation": {
this is<!--¶-->
the text.<!--¶-->
maybe there is a<!--¶-->
LINK too?<!--¶-->
Second Paragraph<!--¶-->
This is the second paragraph.<!--¶-->
You could always request a new feature to add support for something like this to IDEA, but I'm fairly sure it would unlikely gain any traction (based on 13+ years of IDEA usage and very active community membership).
I agree with #Peter's comment that more detail about the workflow you have might help. Ultimately, the Paste as plain text action he mentions is likely the solution. Or you can turn off reformatting on paste in Settings > Editor > General > Smart Keys > "Reformat on paste". See the following help page for more information:

Vimperator: Follow link with number in the text

I use Vimperator, but one thing I struggle with is being able to efficiently select and navigate a link that has (or is) just a number. This happens quite a lot in various generated web pages use where the links are numerical or are dates.
Using just f to enter hints mode doesn't work, as typing a number will naturally send you to that hint.
I’m not very familiar with Vimperator, but in its fork and further development – Pentadactyl, you can use backslash to make following digits be treated as link inner text, not number. I. e. use f\21 to narrow the search to the links with text starting from / contains¹ 21.
¹ Depending on your preferences, 'hintmatching' option to be precise.

Conditional check in Selenium IDE

I want to check whether a possibly mandatory field is filled in using selenium. I would very much prefer to do this using the IDE rather than exporting to code.
To be more specific, I want to make sure that a post code field is filled in if the value of the country drop down list is 'United Kingdom'. The post code field can be left blank if the drop down list is set to anything else.
If the consensus is that I have to export and do the test in code, then I will, but I would be a lot happier if I could sort this out just through the IDE.
Unfortunately, Selenium-IDE does not offer any flow control functionality by default. However, the Flow Control plugin introduces a few new commands - while, gotoIf, label and the ...andWait variants. Using these, you should be able to check the currently selected value in the dropdown menu, and jump past a verify command if the value is not "United Kingdom".
Fair warning; it's not the easiest thing in the world to work with. For anything beyond very basic flow control, you'd probably be better off exporting to code anyway. But, it's an option for when you really want to push the IDE!

Lucene 4.1 : How search text with HunspellStemmer and get suggestions?

I want to parse text files with lucene using HunspellStemmer to check for spelling errors. I will use Hunspell dictionaries that's why I want to use HunspellStemmer.
At this point I'm not sure how I should parse the files and do the checking.
Could I use a Standard Analyser with WordFilter to index the text in a file and check Term by term if the keyword is present in HunspellDictionary.
I did that and it works, not sure it's the optimal solution, but if I want to output 3-5 suggestions by word not present, I have no idea what do to.
I could use a IndexerSearch when I use a PlainTextDictionnary, but no idea how to get that functionality with HunspellDictionary. (it doesn't implement Dictionary).
any help will be really appreciate.
examples that I want to check : hell, hello, hall, helli. I'm hoping to have suggestions for "helli" using a Hunspell.