Button not displayed while running the program - vb.net

I am using vb.net 2008, I added a button from design view in one of my forms.It shows in the form design view, I gave it the click code to load another form but after I run the program and look in that form, it does not show the button that I added while I run the program. what is the problem? And What are the solutions?
As you can see, I added a Back Button here
THis image is while I run the program. Back button is not displayed here.

I would suggest running something like this in order to see if the control is there. Listing if it is Visible would also be helpful.
Private Sub GetControls()
For Each GroupBoxCntrol As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf GroupBoxCntrol Is GroupBox Then
For Each cntrl As Control In GroupBoxCntrol.Controls
'do somethin here
End If
End Sub

The only way I can help you without you providing us more information like code or error info if exist (or maybe a warning), I will suggest you to copy the code from your button then delete the current button and a new one. Then paste the code back to new button.
And make sure you don't hide or change the visible property button somewhere in the code. If you are working with positioning in the code make sure you don't move your button.

Thank you for your support. The problem was that it was running the old .exe file. I deleted the old .exe file from the /bin/debug directory. And after I ran the program, it created me a new .exe file and hence my problem was solved.
Thank you again.


How to fix event handler not opening in code window after renaming my form?

I am running into an issue after I rename my existing form in Visual Studio 2022. After I rename my form and try to double click a button control in the design window to open it up in the code editor, it doesn't create the event handler.
I tried double clicking the control before renaming the form and it worked just fine. But after I renamed the form, it didn't. I renamed the form in the solutions explorer window, so I am not sure if that is the reason why it's happening?
I haven't had an issue like this before, so if anyone has an idea on why this is happening and how to fix it, it would be greatly appreciated!
You should try checking Form name property if it is correct try Re-build or restart solution.
If u rename then design form , make sure same name reflect in code page also also, if not then rename their also.
I figured out what was going on! I was using WinForms App instead of the Windows Form App (.NET Framework). Switching to the other application let me rename my form with ease.

can i make a window form(common controls) using code in vb.net?

instead of dragging and dropping a common control in vb.net, is there a way to hard code it?
or is there a way for me to be able to view the codes where a dragged and dropped object has
been created? thank you so much!
The auto-generated code is intentionally hidden in the VB.NET IDE. But you can easily reveal it. Click the "Show All Files" toolbar button in the Solution Explorer window. You'll now see the Form nodes in your project displayed with a triangle. Click on it to reveal the Designer.vb file. And double-click that to see the code.
Observe the changes in the InitializeComponent() method as you use the designer to add/remove/edit controls. It isn't perfect code, the machine generated it, but it gives you a major leg-up on what kind of code you need to write to "hard-code".

main.vb, main.designer.vb and missing Form Designer

I have been working with "visual basic.net" on a "windows forms" application. While manipulating controls and adding event handlers I noticed the resultant code was being generated within a file named 'main.designer.vb'. However, if I look in the solution explorer for my project there is no 'main.designer.vb' file, just 'main.vb'.
This is not a colossal problem as it runs properly. However, having closed the 'form designer' window I now cannot reopen it! 'main.vb' has no option to 'view in form designer'.
Any advice on this?
Would it be possible to copy the contents of 'main.designer.vb' in to 'main.vb' and delete 'main.designer.vb' entirely? If I did this, the next time I manipulated the form would the code be added to 'main.vb' or would a new 'main.designer.vb' be created?
I seem to have sorted out the problem.
'main.vb' was completely empty. All the code I had generated and written directly was inside 'main.designer.vb'. However, once I made a class definition within 'main.vb':
Public Class main
End Class
and then cut/pasted all my custom event handler code and subroutines from 'main.designer.vb' to THAT class - all was well. 'main.vb' now shows the correct form icon and FINALLY offers the correct 'view designer' context menu option.
I am not sure why it happened in the first place though.
Look in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. In the toolbar in this window is a button called "Show all files". Click it.
Then every file in the projects folder is actually shown in the solution explorer. Expand the treenodes for the form and you will see the designer.vb.
There are also buttons for switching between code-view and designer view. Just remember to select the form in the solution explorer for the buttons to show the correct form in the designer.

Controls in designer are not shown on form

I have a panel contains many controls, the designer file has its code and I can not find them on the form and I can not see them on document outline window although when trying to add a new panel with same name I get an error saying 'The name wowPanel is already in use by another component.'
What can I do to resolve this issue?
I replaced my designer file with an old version then everything goes very well.
Look for all instances in your form code where you have the name/text wowPanel
REM out these lines temporarily
REM out any subroutines if you have event subroutines for the wowpanel
Next add the new wowPanel and Name it as so "wowPanel"
Now UN-REM (un-remark) all the code statements you REMmed out earlier.
That ought to do it.

Hide command button on word doc

I have a .doc with a command button (cmdStart) which opens a form.
After populating the form I click a button to close the form and populate the .doc.
I want to hide the initial cmdStart on the .doc as well when the form closes,
Ive tries document.shapes(1).visible=false and cmdStart.visible=false but none seems to work.
Any ideas?
(ps I cant just opne the form from the autonew, I need the cmdStart visible to begin with)
You have several options to deal with that. However, you won't be able to hide your command button but you will be able to remove it.
Removing a command button can be done by the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
(Note that usually you would be able to hide text in Word by setting the font hidden, e.g. by calling Selection.Font.Hidden. However, this does not affect controls.)
If you deleted the button and you need it later on again you will have to re-create it. In that case it might be a good idea to mark the position of the button with a bookmark.
Another option would be to use a MACRO button field. Such a field can be inserted from the Insert Field dialog and can be used to launch a macro.
If you really wanted to "hide" the button, you could set the Height and Width to 0.75 and it's virtually gone. Then resize back to "show". I've also seen people put them inside tags and hide the tag. Hope this helps