Controls in designer are not shown on form -

I have a panel contains many controls, the designer file has its code and I can not find them on the form and I can not see them on document outline window although when trying to add a new panel with same name I get an error saying 'The name wowPanel is already in use by another component.'
What can I do to resolve this issue?

I replaced my designer file with an old version then everything goes very well.

Look for all instances in your form code where you have the name/text wowPanel
REM out these lines temporarily
REM out any subroutines if you have event subroutines for the wowpanel
Next add the new wowPanel and Name it as so "wowPanel"
Now UN-REM (un-remark) all the code statements you REMmed out earlier.
That ought to do it.


Button not displayed while running the program

I am using 2008, I added a button from design view in one of my forms.It shows in the form design view, I gave it the click code to load another form but after I run the program and look in that form, it does not show the button that I added while I run the program. what is the problem? And What are the solutions?
As you can see, I added a Back Button here
THis image is while I run the program. Back button is not displayed here.
I would suggest running something like this in order to see if the control is there. Listing if it is Visible would also be helpful.
Private Sub GetControls()
For Each GroupBoxCntrol As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf GroupBoxCntrol Is GroupBox Then
For Each cntrl As Control In GroupBoxCntrol.Controls
'do somethin here
End If
End Sub
The only way I can help you without you providing us more information like code or error info if exist (or maybe a warning), I will suggest you to copy the code from your button then delete the current button and a new one. Then paste the code back to new button.
And make sure you don't hide or change the visible property button somewhere in the code. If you are working with positioning in the code make sure you don't move your button.
Thank you for your support. The problem was that it was running the old .exe file. I deleted the old .exe file from the /bin/debug directory. And after I ran the program, it created me a new .exe file and hence my problem was solved.
Thank you again.

How to find a form from many forms in vb6 on a existing project

I am working on a old project of vb6 which has hundreds if forms. I am able to run the application and have to fix a runtime error in a form which pop up. I don't know the name of the form and only have visual reference. I tried using debug but It has continues SQL statements running in a loop. Any advice is appreciated.
Search the code for the form caption, or the labels of controls on the form, using visual studio's "find in files" or simlar function of your favourite editor.
If the caption is set in the form design, this will take you to the .frm file the form is stored in. You can open this in Notepad or another editor to get the name of the class (which is usually the same as the filename).
If the caption is set in code, you can place a breakpoint on that line. Again, this will lead you to the code which instantiates the form.

Can't change code copied from form in different database

Building a Maintenance log book in access. Had to redo a data entry form so I started over with a new form in a new database then copied some working code from the old form to the new. In doing so I changed the names of a couple of combo boxes in the new form in order to keep things consistent. Problem is, the code I copied has the old name of some of the combo boxes and I can't change those names to the new names. The new names don't present when using autofill, just the old ones. Is there a way to correct that.(Easy, I Hope)
Example: in the old form the name of a combo box was actionCB. In the new form the box is named ActionCB, but now any code I write uses the old name.
This might be happening because you have compilation errors. Try compiling the application and fixing any errors. Or possibly this could happen if you happened to be stepping through the code at the same time (but I doubt it from your description)? Also VBA is beautiful in the fact that almost always you can make code changes while stepping through the code... but I've experienced the changes not saving from time to time.
As to your second question below in the comments. You can view and select a Form or Reports controls by using the Forms Property Sheet. If you look at the combobox at the very top of the property sheet it lists all Form or Report controls. You can select these objects by simply selecting them from the combobox.
Access is not case sensitive
"Example: in the old form the name of a combo box was actionCB. In the
new form the box is named ActionCB, but now any code I write uses the
old name."
If you're code is not updating to reflect the "ActionCB" name automatically, then you're probably trying to reference it where it's not available. This isn't going to generate an error if you don't have Option Explicit statement at the top of your module.
It'll just assume you know what you're doing and assign it to a Variant data type.
Put Option Explicit at the top of all your modules, and the debug | compile untill all errors are fixed.

main.vb, main.designer.vb and missing Form Designer

I have been working with "visual" on a "windows forms" application. While manipulating controls and adding event handlers I noticed the resultant code was being generated within a file named 'main.designer.vb'. However, if I look in the solution explorer for my project there is no 'main.designer.vb' file, just 'main.vb'.
This is not a colossal problem as it runs properly. However, having closed the 'form designer' window I now cannot reopen it! 'main.vb' has no option to 'view in form designer'.
Any advice on this?
Would it be possible to copy the contents of 'main.designer.vb' in to 'main.vb' and delete 'main.designer.vb' entirely? If I did this, the next time I manipulated the form would the code be added to 'main.vb' or would a new 'main.designer.vb' be created?
I seem to have sorted out the problem.
'main.vb' was completely empty. All the code I had generated and written directly was inside 'main.designer.vb'. However, once I made a class definition within 'main.vb':
Public Class main
End Class
and then cut/pasted all my custom event handler code and subroutines from 'main.designer.vb' to THAT class - all was well. 'main.vb' now shows the correct form icon and FINALLY offers the correct 'view designer' context menu option.
I am not sure why it happened in the first place though.
Look in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. In the toolbar in this window is a button called "Show all files". Click it.
Then every file in the projects folder is actually shown in the solution explorer. Expand the treenodes for the form and you will see the designer.vb.
There are also buttons for switching between code-view and designer view. Just remember to select the form in the solution explorer for the buttons to show the correct form in the designer.


I'm developing an adding for office powerpoint application.
I'm trying to display a description of the object(Customized object) currently dropped on the powerpoint slide in design mode(Design mode of the powerpoint).
When i click on my addin the related object description will be displayed on a tabbed window as the first tabpage.
There is a button on the tab page, and when i click on it i need the description to get copied to windows clipboard.
I tried this using clipboardclass it throws the following exception,
{"Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it."}
Code for clipboard:
I searched the net for a solution and got couple of answers like,
1. Put [STAThread] in the main function
2. Thread.CurrentThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA) Immediately before your call to SetDataObject.
But I'm not sure where to put the 1st one and the 2nd option didn't work.
Can anyone help me please.
WinForms are STA by default. Are you creating another thread or using a BackgroundWorker? Run this code to determine what mode you're in:
But maybe you could also try using this command before calling the clipboard functions: