How to install MuleSoft in RHEL 7? - mule

Can anyone please summarize, how to install mulesoft runtime on RHEL step by step process ?
Suppose I have download tar file and extracted them , for running I have used under bin ./mule . Is this enough or I need to configure any additional datas etc ? How to archive this ?

Below is the step for Mule 3.5.2, this can be used for other mule version too -
Steps -
Login to RHEL server.
Copy mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1.tar.gz (downloaded from Mulesoft support portal) to /data/mule folder.
(In case of production setup, this file can be copied from Mule staging server from /home/ directory)
Go to /data/mule directory
Unzip mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1.tar.gz using the following command
gunzip mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1.tar.gz
Extract mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1.tar using the following command
tar -xvf mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1.tar
Move mule-enterprise-3.5.2 folder from mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1 to the current directory ( /data/mule ) using the command
mv mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1/mule-enterprise-3.5.2/ /data/mule
Delete the folder mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1, as the remaining contents (MMC and other scripts) are not needed
rm -rf mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1
Delete mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1.tar file
rm mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1.tar
Create a soft link /data/mule/mule-enterprise to point to /data/mule/mule-enterprise-3.5.2 using the following command.
ln -s mule-enterprise-3.5.2 mule-enterprise
Go to /home/ directory and change MULE_HOME environment variable in /home/.bash_profile, from /data/mule/mule-enterprise-3.5.0 to /data/mule/mule-enterprise
Execute the following command (from /home/ directory)for having the latest value for MULE_HOME in the current context
source .bash_profile
Go to $MULE_HOME ( /data/mule/mule-enterprise ) and delete .mule folder
rm –rf .mule
Installing Enterprise Licence
Steps -
Copy the license file mule-ee-license.lic to $MULE_HOME/bin directory
Go to $MULE_HOME/bin and run the following command to install license
mule -installLicense mule-ee-license.lic
Mule removes the trial license and replaces it with the enterprise edition license. In the $MULE_HOME/conf directory, Mule saves a new file called muleLicenseKey.lic
To verify that Mule successfully installed your Enterprise license, run the following command
mule –verifyLicense
If the licence installation is successful, the following text is displayed in the output.
Valid license key --> Evaluation = false, Expiration Date = Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT 2014, Contact Name = Sanjeet Pandey, Contact Email Address =, Contact Telephone = 07831792088, Contact Company = PERSONAL, Contact Country = UK, Entitlements = clustering,datamapper

please follow this link for step by step guide:


rabbitMQ Configuration file missing

I am using Rabbitmq 3.7.2 and Erlang 20.2 , and bydefualt RMQ config file missing
in following path C:\Users\vxadmin\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\config
based on references following step i took -
1 Created environment variable
RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE C:\Users\vxadmin\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\config
2 Open command prompt as Admin
and run rabbitmq-service.bat remove
but its throw the error
"C:\Users\vxadmin\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\config"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
anyone Please guide me what else i have to setup to get config file for RMQ .
There is no need to set that environment variable. Assuming that the vxadmin user installed RabbitMQ, if you'd like to create a config file do the following:
Unset the RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE environment variable
Open the "RabbitMQ Command Prompt (sbin dir)" start menu item
Run the following commands:
.\rabbitmq-service.bat stop
.\rabbitmq-service.bat remove
Create the following file C:\Users\vxadmin\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq.conf containing the configuration you'd like. NOTE: this file is in the "ini-style" format. Please use the correct format - it is well-documented here
Run the following commands in the previous shell:
.\rabbitmq-service.bat install
.\rabbitmq-service.bat start
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

Cannot install Kaltura oflaDemo on CentOS7

I'm currently setting up a Kaltura streaming server on CentOS 7 with mariaDB. When I come to the point the installation manual requires me to install oflaDemo via browser, I only get an empty list. No connection errors occour. The debug output states:
Trying to connect
Net status: NetConnection.Connect.Success
Got the application list
Got the application list
Got the application list
So, in theory there shouldn't be a problem.
Firewall is down for testing/devel
SELinux is off (permissive)
The only error that ocoured during the installation process was packet mysql-server is not installed. But the manual states that I should use mariaDB on CentOS 7.
I tried to clone and link the ofla Demo folder to /usr/lib/red5/webapps/ with no success.
Ok, I solved it.
What I did:
I cloned the repo with the red5 examples: and navigated into the subfolder oflaDemo (with pom.xml).
Then I had to install maven with
yum install -y maven
and do a maven build
mvn clean install
After that, I was able to grab the file target/red5-example-oflaDemo-2.0.war. I extracted this file into a folder oflaDemo in /var/lib/red5/webapps and restarted the server. Finally, I did mkdir /usr/lib/red5/webapps/oflaDemo/streams to create a folder for the streams.
After that, I was able to navigate to the demo via

run Pentaho transformation from Pan fails

I get an "not recognised as an internal or external command " error message when I run the following command:
C:\pdi-ce>Pan.bat /file=c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr usa_201210.txt
pentaho 4.4.0 community edition is installed in :
transformation and files are saved in :
Any hint to run the transformation from Pan since I am able to run it from Spoon.
Generally Pentaho kettle creates another wrapper folder "data-integration" in installation directory. Check whether Pan.bat exists in the directory. If not cd to the directory which has it.
Pan.bat -file="c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr" > usa_201210.txt
Assuming usa_201210.txt is the log file.
I would recommend starting pan.bat in a different shell and make it wait until it completes as below.
start /wait cmd "c:\pdi-ce\Pan.bat -file=c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr > usa_201210.txt"
cd /C:/pdi-ce/
Pan.bat /file:"c:\pdi_labs\matches.ktr" /usa_201210.txt

Pentaho 5.4.0 Community Edition Remote Execution

am using Pentaho community edition 5.4.0 ,I explain My requirement very Simply,
1) I have my jobs and transformation in my local windows machine and i like to execute those in my client machine ,So that i installed same Pentaho community version 5.4.0 on his machine. For Remote Execution i heard about Carte.bat service,I searched the installation procedure and configuration settings for remote execution,but i didn't get a clear idea about that,Please help me a clear step by step procedure for how to run remotely in my client machine .
2) Is there possible for Schedule those jobs and transformation in Pentaho Community edition 5..4.0 ? Is it possible please explain the same.
Thanks and Regards
Install jenkins
At least read what variables are available in Jenkins. It is pretty handy to know them.
Download PDI KETTLE from unzip in any suitable directory.
Configure executables and PDI variables as in here
How to configure Database connection for production environment in Pentaho data integration Kettle transformation
Start jenkins and login into admin panel. Create an new job,
in paragraph Build add Execute shell inside input text area add lines:
cd $WORKSPACE -file=main.kjb
There are a lot of jenkins plugins.
You can add post-build actions:
notice by email
archive publish result
.... so on
Worth to use Jenkins if it is used for some other functionalities, means it is already exists in infrastructure, otherwise carte will be enought.
Variable configured in .bashrc and .bash_profile (User should be same as used for Jenkins)
export KETTLE_HOME=/opt/R1/data-integration
export KETTLE_JNDI_ROOT=$KETTLE_HOME/simple-jndi
To force evaluate .bashrc on ssh login add to .bash_profile
if [ -f .bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
source .bashrc
After restart Jenkins (not from admin panel)

Using Sonarqube with Xcode

I am following this article to integrate SonarQube with Xcode and analyse Objective-C code. Though the setup is functional and getting no error/warnings after running the shell script, no violations are shown in the Dashboard. All i get to see is basic metrics like no. of lines of code, no. of files, etc.
Is there anyone who has tried this and guide me further.
In addition to the article you have specified above, I have few additions to that. You can follow the steps below,
SonarQube Objective-C plugin (Licensed)
OCLint (violations) and gcovr (code coverage)
MySql and JDK
Installation Steps:
Download and install MySql dmg. And then start the MySQL server from the System Preferences or via the command line or if restarted it has to be command line.
To start - sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start
To restart - sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server restart
To stop - sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop
Download and install latest JDK version.
Go to the terminal and enter the following commands to install the
prerequisites. (Homebrew is the package
management system for Mac Operating System. to install homebrew, enter the command -
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL")
Sonar - brew install sonar
Sonar-runner - brew install sonar-runner
XCTool - brew install xctool
OCLint - brew install oclint or
brew install for version 0.8.1(updated))
gcovr - brew install gcovr
- Set environment path of the Sonar:
export SONAR_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/sonar-runner/2.4/libexec
export SONAR=$SONAR_HOME/bin
finally the command echo $SONAR_HOME should return the path - /usr/local/Cellar/sonar-runner/2.4/libexec
- Set up MySql DB:
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin
mysql -u root;
CREATE DATABASE sonar_firstdb;
CREATE USER 'sonar'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sonar';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sonar_firstdb.* TO 'sonar'#'localhost';
- Set Sonar configuration settings:
vi /usr/local/Cellar/sonar/5.1.2/libexec/conf/
You can comment out most options except credentials and mysql and make sure that you enter the correct database name.
vi /usr/local/Cellar/sonar-runner/2.4/libexec/conf/
You can comment out most options except credentials and mysql and make sure that you enter the correct database name.
Start sonar using the command -
sonar start
The command will launch sonar so navigate to http://localhost:9000 in your browser of choice. Login (admin/admin) and have a look around.
Now you have to install the Objective-C or Swift plugin.
Move to Settings -> System -> Update Center -> Available Plugins (install the required plugin).
You have to restart the sonar to complete the installation once the pligin is added, And add license key once the plugin is installed.
through terminal go to the root directory of a project you want sonar to inspect, and create a project specific properties file with the following command:
Add the following project specific properties and edit the bolded sections as per your project.
// Required configuration
// Project description
sonar.projectDescription=**Sample description**
// Path to source directories
sonar.sources=**~/path to your project**
// Path to test directories (comment if no test)
// Xcode project configuration (.xcodeproj or .xcworkspace)
// -> If you have a project: configure only sonar.objectivec.project
// -> If you have a workspace: configure sonar.objectivec.workspace and sonar.objectivec.project
// and use the later to specify which project(s) to include in the analysis (comma separated list)
// sonar.objectivec.workspace=myApplication.xcworkspace
// Scheme to build your application
// Scheme to build and run your tests (comment following line of you don't have any tests)
// Optional configuration
// Encoding of the source code
// JUnit report generated by is stored in sonar-reports/TEST-report.xml
// Change it only if you generate the file on your own
// Change it only if you generate the file on your own
// The XML files have to be prefixed by TEST- otherwise they are not processed
// sonar.junit.reportsPath=sonar-reports/
// Cobertura report generated by is stored in sonar-reports/coverage.xml
// Change it only if you generate the file on your own
// sonar.objectivec.coverage.reportPattern=sonar-reports/coverage*.xml
// OCLint report generated by is stored in sonar-reports/oclint.xml
// Change it only if you generate the file on your own
// Paths to exclude from coverage report (tests, 3rd party libraries etc.)
// sonar.objectivec.excludedPathsFromCoverage=pattern1,pattern2
// Project SCM settings
// sonar.scm.enabled=true
// sonar.scm.url=scm:git:https://...
Save the file and you can reuse the same for other projects.
In the project root directory run the command - sonar-runner
You should try it with an older version of SonarQube (< 4.0 usually works).