Increasing and wide spreading cost function with Stochastic Gradient Descent - tensorflow

I am using Tensorflow in an online learning environment.
As cost function is implemented:
cost = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.sub(Y, output))))
Optimization is done like:
train_op = tf.train
And I run Stochastic Gradient Descent like:
m, i =[merged, train_op], feed_dict={X: input_batch,Y:label_batch})
Whereby input_batch and label_batch contain only one vector each.
So how can I interpret a cost function like:
Is this a good progress for a stochastic approach?
Why the gap gets bigger?
I train the network 50'000 times with the same 50 training examples.
So each example is used for training 10'000 times every 51th step.
I tried already to change the learning rate by factor 10 in both ways.
This question is related to my other question from: Does Stochastic Gradient Descent even work with TensorFlow?
Thanks for any hints.


Does SGD in Tensorflow make a move with each data point?

I assumed the "stochastic" in Stochastic Gradient Descent came from the random selection of samples within each batch. But the articles I have read on the topic seem to indicate that SGD makes a small move (weight change) with every data point. How does Tensorflow implement it?
Yes, SGD is indeed randomly sampled, but the point here is a little different.
SGD itself doesn't do the sampling. You do the sampling by batching and hopefully shuffling between each epoch.
GD means you generate gradients for each weight after forward propping the entire dataset (batchsize = cardinality, and steps per epoch = 1). If your batch size is less than the cardinality of the dataset, then you are the one doing sampling, and you are running SGD not GD.
The implementation is pretty simple, and something like
Forward prop a batch / step.
Find the gradients.
Update weights with those gradients
Back to step 1

How do I calculate subgradients in TensorFlow?

Does the automatic differentiation procedure in TensorFlow compute subgradient whenever needed? If there are many subgradients then which one will be chosen as output?
I am trying to implement the paper in the link which uses recursive neural networks to perform efficient language parsing. The objective function uses hinge loss function to pick the optimal output vectors, which makes the function not differentiable. I used TensorFlow (v1.12) in eager mode to program the model and used the automatic differentiation to compute the gradients. After every batch, I could see the gradient values changing and the accuracy is slightly improved. After a while, it decreases and this process continues. The model does not converge at all for all the hyper-parameter configurations.
Mini batch size : 256, 512, 1024; Regularization parameters - 0.1, 0.01, 0.001; Learning rate - 0.1, 0.01, 0.001; Optimization function - gradient descent, adagrad, adam;
In the paper, they have described how to find subgradient for the optimum function in a very abstract manner, which I have not understood yet. I was of the opinion at the beginning that automatic gradient computation calculates the subgradient. But at this moment, I am starting to doubt so because that seems to be the only variable missing.
Unfortunately, Tensorflow does not computes subgradients, only gradients.
As explained here How does tensorflow handle non differentiable nodes during gradient calculation? .
To summarize, when computing a partial derivative, if there is a problem of differentiability, Tensorflow simply puts this derivative to be zero.
As for you having trouble training your model, there are no general rules saying how to tune the hyperparameters, thus, I would suggest to do a grid search on the learning rates (on a few epochs) to find a good initial learning rate which provide good results for one of the optimization algorithms. Usually, ADAM or SGD with momentum provide satisfying results when choosing a right initial learning rate.

In tensorflow estimator class, what does it mean to train one step?

Specifically, within one step, how does it training the model? What is the quitting condition for the gradient descent and back propagation?
Docs here:
mnist_classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=cnn_model_fn)
train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
x={"x": X_train},
I understand that training one step means that we feed the neural network model with batch_size many data points once. My questions is, within this one step, how many times does it perform gradient descent? Does it do back propagation and gradient descent just once or does it keep performing gradient descent until the model weights reach a optimal for this batch of data?
In addition to #David Parks answer, using batches for performing gradient descent is referred to as stochastic gradient descent. Instead of updating the weights after each training sample, you average over the sum of gradients of the batch and use this new gradient to update your weights.
For example, if you have 1000 trainings samples and use batches of 200, you calculate the average gradient for 200 samples, and update your weights with it. That means that you only perform 5 updates overall instead of updating your weights 1000 times. On sufficiently big data sets, you will experience a much faster training process.
Michael Nielsen has a really nice way to explain this concept in his book.
1 step = 1 gradient update. And each gradient update step requires one forward pass and one backward pass.
The stopping condition is generally left up to you and is arguably more art than science. Commonly you will plot (tensorboard is handy here) your cost, training accuracy, and periodically your validation set accuracy. The low point on validation accuracy is generally a good point to stop. Depending on your dataset validation accuracy may drop and at some point increase again, or it may simply flatten out, at which point the stopping condition often correlates with the developer's degree of impatience.
Here's a nice article on stopping conditions, a google search will turn up plenty more.
Another common approach to stopping is to drop the learning rate every time you compute that no change has occurred to validation accuracy for some "reasonable" number of steps. When you've effectively hit 0 learning rate, you call it quits.
The input function emits batches (when num_epochs=None, num_batches is infinite):
num_batches = num_epochs * (num_samples / batch_size)
One step is processing 1 batch, if steps > num_batches, the training will stop after num_batches.

Does Stochastic Gradient Descent even work with TensorFlow?

I designed a MLP, fully connected, with 2 hidden and one output layer.
I get a nice learning curve if I use batch or mini-batch gradient descent.
But a straight line while performing Stochastic Gradient Descent (violet)
What did I get wrong?
In my understanding, I do stochastic gradient descent with Tensorflow, if I provide just one train/learn example each train step, like:
X = tf.placeholder("float", [None, amountInput],name="Input")
Y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, amountOutput],name="TeachingInput")
m, i =[merged, train_op], feed_dict={X:[input],Y:[label]})
Whereby input is a 10-component vector and label is a 20-component vector.
For testings I run 1000 iterations, each iterations contains one of 50 prepared train/learn example.
I expected an overfittet nn. But as you see, it doesn't learn :(
Because the nn will perform in an online-learning environment, a mini-batch oder batch gradient descent isn't an option.
thanks for any hints.
The batch size influences the effective learning rate.
If you think to the update formula of a single parameter, you'll see that it's updated averaging the various values computed for this parameter, for every element in the input batch.
This means that if you're working with a batch size with size n, your "real" learning rate per single parameter is about learning_rate/n.
Thus, if the model you've trained with batches of size n have trained without issues, this is because the learning rate was ok for that batch size.
If you use pure stochastic gradient descent, you have to lower the learning rate (usually by a factor of some power of 10).
So, for example, if your learning rate was 1e-4 with a batch size of 128, try with a learning rate of 1e-4 / 128.0 as see if the network learn (it should).

the learning rate change for the momentum optimizer

When running an existing Tensorflow implementation, I found that the learning rate keeps the same between different epochs. The original implementations uses tf.train.MomentumOptimizer, and has decay rate setup.
My understanding for the momentum optimizer is that learning rate should decrease along with the epochs. Why the learning rate keeps the same for my training process. Is that possible that the learning rate will also depend on the performance, e.g., if the performance does not change quickly, then the learning rate will keep the same. I think I am not very clear about the underlying mechanism of momentum optimizer, and feel confused that the learning rate keeps the same along with the epoch even though I guess it should keep decreasing based on the given decay rate.
The optimizer is defined as follows
learning_rate = 0.2
decay_rate = 0.95
self.learning_rate_node = tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate=learning_rate,
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate_node).minimize(,
It is a little bit hard to tell without looking at the code if my answer will be helpful to you or not.
However if you need some insights on how the momentum optimizer works and how the learning rate should decay.
First the Vanilla GradientDescentMinimizer's update which is the most basic:
W^(n+1)=W^(n)-alpha*(gradient of cost wrt W)(W^n)
You are just following the opposite of the gradient.
The GradientDescentMinimizer with learning rate decay:
W^(n+1)=W^(n)-alpha(n)*(gradient of the cost wrt W)(W^n)
The only thing that changed is the learning rate alpha , which is now dependent of the step in Tensorflow the most used is the exponential decay where after N step the learning rate is divided by some constant i.e. 10.
This change often happens later in the training so you might need to let a few epochs pass by before seeing it decay.
The Momentumoptimizer:
you have to keep an additional variable: the update you have done just before i.e you have to store at each time step:
Then the corrected update by momentum is:
update^(n+1)=mupdate^(n)-alpha(gradient of cost wrt W)(W^n)
So what you are doing is doing simple gradient descent but correcting it by remembering the immediate past (There are smarter and more complicated ways of doing it like Nesterov's momentum)
MomentumOptimizer with learning rate decay:
update^(n+1)=mupdate^(n)-alpha(n)(gradient of cost wrt W)(W^n)
alpha is now dependent of n too.
So at one point it will starts slowing down as in gradient descent with learning rate decay but the decrease will be affected by the momentum.
For a complete review of those methods and more you have the excellent website which explains far better than me and Alec Radford's famous visualization which is better than a thousand words.
The learning rate should not depend on the performance unless it is specified in the decay !
It would help to see the code in question !
EDIT1:: Here is a working example that I think answer both questions you asked:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Pure SGD
#Batch Gradient Descent
y=tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
#We define global_step as a variable initialized at 0
#We want to decrease the learning rate after having seen all the data 5 times
#Since the mechanism of the decay depends on the number of iterations and not epochs we have to connect the number of epochs to the number of iterations
#So if we have batch_size=1 we have to iterate exactly 1000 times to do one epoch so 5*1000=5000 iterations before decaying if the batch_size was 1000 1 iterations=1epoch and thus we decrease it after 5 iterations
#So now we have an object that depends on global_step and that will be divided by 10 every decay_steps iterations i.e. when global_step=N*decay_steps with N a non zero integer
#We now create a train_step to which we pass the learning rate created each time this function is called global_step will be incremented by 1 we are gonna check that it is the case BE CAREFUL WE HAVE TO GIVE IT GLOBAL_STEP AS AN ARGUMENT
for i in range(16000):
#We will do 1600 iterations so as there is a decay every 5000 iterations we will see 3 decays (5000,10000,15000)
COSTS.append([, feed_dict={x:xdata,y:ydata})])
#I see the train_step as implicitely executing,1)),feed_dict={x:xdata[start_data:start_data+BATCH_SIZE],y:ydata[start_data:start_data+BATCH_SIZE]})
plt.title("Evolution of learning rate" )
plt.title("Evolution of cost" )
#notice two things first global_step is actually being incremented and learning rate is actually being decayed
(You can writeMomentumOptimize() instead of GradientDescentOptimizer() obviously...)
Here are the two plots I get:
To sum it up in my mind when you call train_step tensorflow runs tf.add(global_step,1)